I was a priest in the city-state era

Chapter 501 Thracians and the Three Barbarian Tribes

Athenian military camp.

"Loy—your majesty!"

Erechtheus came to Loy, first called Loy by his first name, and then added the honorific.

After Erechtheus got off the horse, Roy took the initiative to hug him and said.

"Dear brother, we haven't seen each other for a long time."

Faced with Roy's unprecedented intimacy, Erechtheus asked stiffly.

"Is our relationship so good?"

"We are a real family."

After separating from Erechtheus, Roy said with a smile.

"Erectus! If I die suddenly, do you want to become the next emperor of the Athenian Empire?"

"Why would you say such a thing?"

Erechtheus said with confusion.

"You are a demigod hero. It wouldn't be surprising if you could live to be ninety years old in the future."

"Erectus! Just answer my question directly! If I die suddenly, do you want to become the next emperor of the Athenian Empire?"

Erechtheus shook his head and said.

"Your Athenian Empire is too huge. I have neither the ability nor the ambition to manage the Athenian Empire."

It was obvious that Erechtheus was not lying.

After all, the Athenian Empire was really huge.

Even Loy, who founded the Athenian Empire, used his wives to rule various regions of the Athenian Empire.

"Dear Erechtheus! In this war to conquer the Balkan Peninsula, I plan to leave it to you to command the Athenian soldiers. Depending on your merits, I can make you the governor of Britain or the governor of Japan."

Hearing Roy's words, Erechtheus looked at Roy with eyes wide open in disbelief and asked.

"Do you really want to give me the command of 20,000 cavalry and 30,000 infantry?"

Roy nodded immediately and said.

"You are the brother of Procne and Philomela, and you are the only one who can gain such trust from me. As long as you live up to my trust, I will make you the Cancer star god among the twelve constellations of the zodiac in the future."

Erechtheus said a little embarrassed.

"I don't deserve your trust! Now I do things for you for Procne and Philomela. As long as you can take good care of my sister, I will be satisfied."

After making plans with Erechtheus to conquer the Balkans, Loy rode alone to Hippolyta's Amazon tribe.

The Thracians were nomadic people and their tribes frequently moved around.

Hippolyta's tribe is now located in the Byzantine region in the eastern Balkans.

It is close to the Bosporus Strait, controls the gateway to the Black Sea, and is the transportation hub of Europe and Asia. Its strategic position is very important.


When Roy came here, he saw that there were city walls built with cement from the Athenian Empire. Hippolyta seemed to want to build a Byzantine city here.

Next to Hippolyta's royal tent, there is also a palace being built with cement.

When Roy walked towards the king's tent, Hippolyta, who was returning from patrolling the territory, happened to see Roy and immediately rushed to Roy on her white horse.

"You finally came--"

After Hippolyta's white horse stopped in front of Roy, Hippolyta looked at Roy with a complicated expression and asked.

"Where are your troops? I can summon my Thracian knights at any time."

"My army is still in the west of the Macedonian plain. Erechtheus will arrive tomorrow with 20,000 cavalry."

Roy suggested to Hippolyta.

"Hippolyta! You can summon the Thracian knights under your command by paying military salaries, and ask them not to bring weapons when they gather."


Hippolyta accepted Roy's proposal and asked the twelve female knights who followed her to convey the order.

Although it is already summer, the sea breeze from the Black Sea can still bring cool temperatures to the Thracian plains.

After Roy and Hippolyta entered the king's tent, Hippolyta took Roy to sit on her throne like a diligent wife serving her husband, and ordered her maids to prepare water and food for Roy.

Roy naturally enjoyed Hippolyta's service and asked her.

"Hippolyta, are you really ready to wake up? Now you are not only betraying your own tribe, but also betraying all Thracians."

Hippolyta said nonchalantly.

"So what? Our Thracian tribes have been killing each other all the time, and I won't have any guilty thoughts about other tribes who betrayed the Thracians."

In the history of another world, the Thracians were once described in this way - the Thracians are the most powerful nation in the world. If the Thracians had a leader, or if they could work together, I believe they would be invincible and would far surpass all other peoples in the world. However, since it is difficult for them to unite, they will never be able to achieve their goal of being number one in the world. So that's their weakness. The Thracians of the different parts of the country have their own names, but the customs and customs of all the tribes are exactly the same, with the exception of the Getae, the Trausi, and those who live above the Crestons.

This is the description of the Thracians at that time by the historian Herodotus, who was born in 480 BC.

By the 1st century AD, the Thracian region south of the Danube could send 15,000 cavalry and 200,000 infantry to the battlefield.

Unfortunately, the Thracians were always divided and liked to kill each other. They fought endlessly in the Thracian region, and often fought with their own people when they were mercenaries in foreign countries.

In foreign countries, they were famous as mercenaries. They could be seen from the deserts of North Africa to the mountains of Armenia. Whether it was their violent and bloodthirsty savagery, their undoubted strong fighting power, or their famous love of turning sides in battle and betraying others, they were all the reasons for their fame.

The most powerful Thracian warrior in history was Spartacus, a slave gladiator who launched an uprising in the era of the three giants.

Thinking of Spartacus, Roy said with a confident smile.

"Dear Hippolyta, I believe you can help me tame the unruly Thracian knights and unite them under the banner of the Athenian Empire. When the Athenian Empire conquers Eastern Europe, Central Europe, Western Europe, and Northern Europe, the Thracian knights will become the main force of the Athenian Empire against the nomadic Slavs, Germans, Celts, Gauls, and Iberians."

"Are the Slavs you are talking about our distant relatives in the north?"

Hippolyta said puzzledly.

"Among the branches of our Aryans, the Slavs are weak, so we Thracians occupy the northern plains of the Balkan Peninsula with fertile land and warm climate. The Slavs can only live in the Dnieper River Basin where the winter lasts for half a year. The Slavs are not our Thracians' opponents at all. As long as the Thracian knights gallop to the Dnieper River, the Slavs will crawl at our feet."

After listening to Hippolyta's words, Roy couldn't help laughing.

"It seems that in this era, the three barbarian tribes are just minor characters that are not even supporting roles. Then when I conquer you Thracians, I will conquer the Slavs as well, and make the thunder god Perron [Zeus] and the sun god Beloberg, who are worshipped by the Slavs, disappear together."

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