I was a priest in the city-state era

Chapter 489 Princess Nefertiti of Isuwa

Just like there are three political regimes in the territory of the Hurit people: the Kingdom of Isuva, the Kingdom of Hurit and the Kingdom of Neri, there are also three major ethnic groups living in the territory of the Hurit people.

The Kingdom of Isuva was established by the Isuva people who worshiped the earth goddess Shoska. The Kingdom of Neri was established by the Hurrit people who worshiped Kumarbi. The Kingdom of Hurrit was established by the Hurrit people and the Amorites. .

Although the Amorites of the Hurit Kingdom were originally a group conquered by the Hurits, the Amorites in turn used the advanced civilization of the Mesopotamia to assimilate the backward civilization of the Hurits, and also made Mardu, the patron saint of the Amorites, Ke [Zeus Haddad], became the patron saint of the Kingdom of Hurrit as the storm god Teshub.

Kumani City.

When Roy came to this city-state with an army of five thousand, it was already the end of March.

As one of the two major city-states of the Kingdom of Isuwa, Kumani City has a population of about 30,000. The Isuwa people outside the city-state live together in tribes and villages.

In the history of mankind, the more advanced civilization develops, the more serious the exploitation and oppression of the lower class by the ruling class becomes.

The Yisuwa people live in poverty, mainly due to backward production methods.

This kind of nomadic tribal group is what Roy dislikes the most.

In the advanced civilizations of Egypt and Sumer, even without the oppression of foreign conquerors, the local royal families and nobles would enslave and exploit the lower class civilians.

Roy wanted to conquer these areas. As long as he implemented the policies of the Athenian Empire, he could gain the support of the lower class civilians.

Because although Roy was a foreign conqueror, Roy's policies were better for the lower class civilians than the local royal family and nobles.

As long as the lower-class civilians have a sound mind, they will know that between the rulers of their own race who enslave them and Roy who treats them well, they should support Roy.

Although nomadic peoples and farming peoples with tribal systems are backward in civilization, their rulers do not exploit the lower-class civilians seriously.

Therefore, it is difficult for Roy to use the policies of the Athenian Empire to gain the support of the lower class civilians.

This is why Roy did not list the three kingdoms of the Hurrit as a target for conquest.

When Roy's army entered Kumani City, the defenders of Kumani City did not stop them.

Under the curious onlookers of the residents of Kumani City, Roy went directly to the Shoska Temple in Kumani City.

Temple of Shauskar.

Before entering the temple, Roy saw a goddess who was very similar to Aphrodite and Istanus enshrined on the throne deep in the temple.

Roy walked into the temple, and a priestess wearing white cotton robes and gold and silver jewelry greeted Roy with two temple maids.

The priestess walked up to Roy. Roy looked at the girl with black hair, dark eyes, fair skin and delicate face and asked.

"Are you Nefertiti, the princess of the Kingdom of Isuva?"

"I am the only priestess who serves the goddess Shauska in Kumani City."

The priestess looked at Roy with a sweet smile and said.

"So I am Nefertiti."

"I am Loy, Emperor of the Athenian Empire."

Roy asked tentatively.

"Did your father get your consent for arranging your marriage with me? If you don't want to, I won't force you to marry me."

Nefertiti shook her head and said.

"After hearing about your deeds of conquering the Mesopotamia and the Hittite Kingdom, I have always longed to marry a great hero like you. I married you voluntarily, and the city of Cumani is my dowry."

Roy said with his eyes widened in surprise.

"Kumani City and the surrounding tens of thousands of square kilometers of territory are your dowry?"

Nefertiti nodded and said.

"That's right! In order for me to gain your attention, my father will give you the area managed by Kumani City as a dowry."

"Your father is really——"

Roy said with a smile that his father-in-law, whom he had never met before, was so generous.

"No wonder the defenders of Cumani City did not prevent my army from entering the city, then I will accept you and Cumani City without mercy. You first come back to Athens with me to learn the policies of the Athenian Empire, and in the future I will let you Return to the city of Kumani and become the queen who rules the eastern part of Asia Minor."

the next day.

Roy took Nefertiti out of Kumani City and headed to the Kizuvatna area.

Cilicia plain in Kizuvatna region.

Adana City.

When Roy arrived here with Nefertiti and an army of five thousand, it was already April.

The Cilicians in Adana City were on high alert against Roy. Before Roy's army arrived in Adana City, Adana City sent an envoy to inquire about Roy's purpose.

Roy did not receive the envoy from Adana City and directly took over Adana City with his army.

The governor's palace in Adana.

Before being conquered by the Hittite Kingdom, it was originally a royal palace.

After the Hittite Kingdom conquered the city of Adana, this palace became the governor's palace of the governor of Adana appointed by the Hittite Kingdom.

After the Kizuvatna area broke away from the rule of the Hittite Kingdom, a rebel leader who claimed to be a descendant of the king of Adana occupied the governor's palace and appointed himself governor of Adana.

When Roy brought Nefertiti to the Governor's Palace, Governor Adana brought a group of rebel leaders to greet Roy and took Roy to the original palace hall.

Palace hall.

Roy took Nefertiti and sat on the throne that used to belong to King Adana. Governor Adana took the initiative to ask Roy.

"Your Majesty the Emperor! You once promised to allow us Cilicians to govern themselves. Now what is your purpose in coming to Adana City?"

"I did promise you that in exchange for allowing you autonomy, the Kizuvatna region will continue to remain in the Hittite Kingdom under my rule."

Roy explained expressionlessly.

"But I allow you autonomy by letting the Cilicians govern the Kizuvatna region. Now that I am here, it is not to change the status quo of the Cilicians governing the Kizuvatna region, but to The Athenian Empire's policies are being implemented in the Kizuvatna area. If you are willing to cooperate, I will arrange for you to become a businessman with no worries about food and clothing. If you are unwilling to cooperate, I will expel you all."

After hearing Roy's words, Governor Adana immediately said dissatisfied.

"We are the heroes who drove out the Hittites, how could you treat us like this? I could have established myself as king, but I chose to believe in you and become a governor who submitted to you. Not only did you not let me become a hereditary governor, you also asked me to Become a civilian businessman?”

Others also protested disapprovingly.

"If you can't accept it, I can start a war with you."

Roy glanced at everyone with cold eyes and said.

"As long as you agree, I will withdraw from Adana City with my soldiers, and then conquer Adana City with war. At that time, you will become my prisoners. I don't need to discuss with you. I can directly demote everyone in your family to Lifelong slavery as punishment.”

Roy's words immediately silenced Governor Adana and others.

Because these people knew very well that they were able to launch an uprising and drive away the Hittite governor because the Hittite governor only had about a thousand soldiers.

If they go to war with Roy, they have no chance of winning. The fate waiting for them is to be demoted as a slave by Roy together with their family.

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