I was a priest in the city-state era

Chapter 48: Chione is my trophy

Although Erechtheus is the heir to the leader of the Athenian tribe, his identity is only the heir to the leader.

As long as Pandion is alive, it is not Erechtheus' turn to make decisions on the affairs of the Athenian tribe.

So Roy ignored Erechtheus and spoke directly to Pandion.

"Leader Pandion! If our goal is not to annex the Eleusis tribe, we can certainly seize the property and women of the Eleusis tribe at will. But our goal is to annex the Eleusis tribe and transform the Eleusis people into the population of the Athenian tribe. If we take away the wives and daughters of the Eleusis people, even if they dare not resist, they will be full of resentment towards us. When the Athenian tribe fights against powerful enemies in the future, will the Eleusis people work together with us to fight side by side? I am afraid that the Eleusis people will not only not help us, but may also help our enemies."

After listening to Roy's words, Pandion said with a thoughtful expression.

"Priest Loi, if we don't take away the wives and daughters of the Eleusinians, will the Eleusinians obey our rule like the Athenians?"

"Of course!"

Loi said without hesitation.

"The interests of ordinary Eleusinians are different from those of the leaders of the Eleusinian tribe. The leaders of the Eleusinian tribe will fight to the death against the leader of Pandion because if they accept the rule of the leader of Pandion, the leader of the Eleusinian tribe will lose the identity, status, wealth and women that the leader has. But for ordinary Eleusinians, whether the person who rules them is the leader of the Eleusinian tribe or the leader of Pandion, they can accept it. What ordinary Eleusinians really care about is whether the leader of Pandion can protect their interests and make their lives better than before. As long as the leader of Pandion protects the Eleusinians like he protects the Athenians, the Eleusinians will be as loyal to the leader of Pandion as the Athenians."

"What you said makes sense."

Pandion nodded and ordered Erechtheus behind him.

"Eretchtheus, go and convey my order now, prohibiting the Athenian soldiers from taking away the property and wives of the Eleusinians. In the future, the Eleusinians will also be our subjects, so we must protect the Eleusinians like we protect the Athenians."

Seeing that his father was persuaded by Roy, Erechtheus frowned and said.

"Father, how should we reward the soldiers?"

"I just want to protect ordinary Eleusinians. The chieftains and small chieftains of the Eleusinian tribe are not the ones I want to protect. Because I want to reward the soldiers with their property and women as spoils of war."

After Erechtheus left with the order, Pandion looked at Roy with a smile and said.

"Priest Roy! Will you protect the Eleusinians because half of them will be managed by you?"

Roy nodded with a guilty conscience.

Because Roy didn't know whether he was protecting the Eleusinians now for Chione, the goddess of winter and ice and snow, or for himself to better manage the Eleusinians.

A moment later.

Erechtheus returned to Pandion with two small leaders, Pallas, the captain of the personal guard, and Chione.

Seeing the white-haired beautiful girl Chione, Pandion took the initiative to speak to her.

"Are you Chione, the daughter of Celeus? I heard that the Eleusinians regarded you as the goddess of winter and ice and snow. I didn't expect that you really have the beauty of a goddess. You are not with your sisters, where did you go?"

Chione looked at Pandion, the leader who conquered the Eleusinian tribe, with angry eyes, and said with gritted teeth.

"After my father was suppressed by you in the battle, I saw that my people wanted to escape from the tribe, so I wanted to help them and prevent them from becoming prisoners. As a result, not only did I fail to help my people, but I also lost to the priest of Loi and became a prisoner."

The captain of the personal guard Pallas lowered his head in shame and said.

"Chief! Princess Khione attacked me at the east gate to help the Eleusinians escape, but I lost to her. Fortunately, Priest Roy defeated Princess Khione, and we were able to stop the Eleusinians from escaping from the east gate. I failed to complete the chief's task, please punish me."

"Khione's strength is even stronger than your captain [Ten Enemies]?"

Pandion looked at Khione with a surprised expression.

"Khione, it seems that you are the most valuable treasure among the spoils we got."

Then, Pandion looked at Roy and said.

"Priest Roy! Apart from me, you are the one who has made the greatest contribution in this war. Now I give you the right to choose the spoils first, and you can get anything from the Eleusinian tribe as a reward."

Hearing Pandion let him choose the spoils first, Roy wanted to refuse, because Roy didn't want anything in particular.

But when he saw Khione's beautiful figure, Roy couldn't help but feel moved.

Before Roy spoke, Erechtheus spoke first.

"Father! I like Khione, please give Khione to me as a reward."

After saying that, Erechtheus looked at Pandion with expectation.

Because in Erechtheus's view, he was Pandion's son and heir, and Pandion would definitely meet his request.

Pandion's eyes shifted from Roy to Erechtheus, and he said in a cold voice with an expressionless face.

"I can't give you Khione."

"But I really like Khione."

"It's just because you really like Chione that I can't give her to you."

Pandion explained patiently.

"Erecteus, you are the successor to the leader of the Athenian tribe. Chione is no longer the princess of the Eleusis tribe, so she is not worthy to be with you. As my son, you will be with the leader of the big tribe in the future. In order to make your future wife have a harmonious relationship with you, not only Chione, but also any woman who can influence you cannot stay with you. "


Seeing that Erechtheus still wanted to argue, Roy took the initiative to speak.

"Chief Pandion! If you really want me to be the first to pick the spoils, I hope you will give me Chione."

Hearing Roy's words, Erechtheus turned angrily and glared at Roy.

"Roy! Chione is the woman I like. Do you really want to compete with me for Chione?"

Roy ignored Erechtheus and looked at Pandion firmly.

Pandion said, breaking the silence.

"It seems that unlike Erechtheus, you are not obsessed with Chione's beauty and figure."

Roy nodded and said.

"I want to use Chione to manage the Eleusisians and bring out her value as the princess of Eleusis."

Pandion said with a satisfied smile.

"Since I said that you should give priority to choosing the spoils, of course I will not refuse your request. So from now on, Chione will belong to you, and you can use Chione as you want. Even if you kill Chione, No one else will blame you.”

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