I was a priest in the city-state era

Chapter 41: The Wilderness is a Dangerous Era

Procne and Philomela came to the temple square with six maids, and saw Roy and fifty teenagers waving bronze spears and conducting combat training.

Seeing Procne and Philomela, Roy stopped training, carried the bronze spear on his shoulder and walked over to say.

"Princess Procne! Princess Philomela! You really have to bring a group of maids with you all the time."

Procne explained with a smile.

"Priest Roy! If we don't bring maids to show our status, someone might do something to offend us."

Procne and Philomela not only have beauty and figures close to goddesses, but also noble and elegant temperaments.

If they don't know their identities as the leaders and noble ladies, there will indeed be men who will lose their minds and do crazy things to offend them.

"Priest Roy!"

Philomela looked at the fifty teenagers in training and said.

"You just finished your long sea voyage yesterday, why don't you let them rest for a few days? Aren't you afraid that they will complain about you if you train them like this?"

"I train them for their own good, so that they have a greater chance of coming back alive from the battlefield."

Seeing that Procne also had a curious expression on her face, Roy explained to Procne and Philomela.

"Princess Procne! Princess Philomela! In three days, Chief Pandion will launch a war against the Eleusinian tribe. I will take these companions who follow me to participate in this war and obtain spoils from the Eleusinian tribe as our wealth. The Eleusinian tribe is a large tribe with a population of 3,000. Their tribal warriors are definitely stronger than ordinary pirates, so I must intensify the training of my companions."

"The Eleusinian tribe..."

Procne said with a worried expression.

"The Eleusis tribe is not a weak tribe. It is too risky to go to war with the Eleusis tribe."

"Sister! Our great father is the hero of the Athens tribe [Enemy of 100 people], and brother Erechtheus also has the potential to grow into a hero [Enemy of 100 people], so victory will definitely belong to the Athens tribe. We don't need to worry about this war at all."

Philomela said confidently, looking at Roy and said.

"Priest Roy, are you a captain [Enemy of 10 people] or a hero [Enemy of 100 people]?"


Thinking of his brief fight with the pirate leader, Roy said with a guilty conscience.

"I should have the strength of a captain [Enemy of 10 people]."

"If you have the strength of a captain [Enemy of 10 people], then you still have a great chance of surviving the battlefield."

Hearing what Philomela said, Roy said with a smile.

"It is because I know that my strength is not strong enough that I will do combat training with my companions. In order to ensure that I and they can survive the battlefield, I will take them away from the Acropolis and do long-distance running training around the Acropolis to enhance their physical fitness. In my opinion, only soldiers who are faster and more endurance than others can survive on the battlefield."

After a pause, Roy said to Procne and Philomela.

"Princess Procne! Princess Philomela! Do you want to follow me out of the Acropolis and watch our long-distance running training outside?"

Procne and Philomela shook their heads at the same time.

"Priest Roy! Unless we are with my father and brother Erechtheus, we must not leave the Acropolis."

"It is very dangerous outside. If we are attacked by men outside, our happiness for life will be ruined."

Of course, Roy knows how dangerous the world outside the tribe and city-state is in this era.

Not to mention ordinary women, even the chief's daughter or the princess of the city-state may be attacked in the wild.

According to legend, Orethia, the daughter of Erechtheus, the king of Athens, was abducted by an unknown man when she was traveling in the wild with her maid.

In order to prevent Orethia's incident from becoming a shame for the royal family, the royal family of Athens fabricated the myth that Orethia was taken away by the gods, claiming that Orethia became the wife of the gods.

According to legend, Antiope, the daughter of Nicktheus, the king of Thebes, was also attacked in the wild and gave birth to a pair of twin sons for an unknown man.

Nicktheus regarded Antiope as a shame and committed suicide in anger. Antiope, who survived, was abused by her uncle and aunt.

As for marriage -

Which major tribal leader or city-state king would let Antiope, who had a child before marriage, become their legal wife?

So Antiope remained unmarried for life.

Later, Antiope's two sons seized the throne of Thebes, and her story was beautified in the myth.

In the myth, a god attacked Antiope in the wild and made Antiope give birth to the future king of Thebes.

The mother of the legendary Athenian King Theseus was also a princess who never married.

Because she was attacked by the drunken Athenian King Aegeus, she gave birth to a son before getting married.

Those tribal leaders or city-state kings who have no shortage of women will certainly not be willing to marry an unmarried princess with a child as their wife.

Of course, a princess who has given birth to a child can also become the king's wife.

A wife who betrays her husband can also be forgiven by her husband.

For example, the legendary Mycenaean King Agamemnon married a remarried princess who had given birth to a child.

However, Agamemnon married a remarried princess because he killed the princess' husband. If he did not marry the princess, the princess's two brothers would kill Agamemnon to avenge the princess' husband and children.

The legendary Spartan king Menelaos forgave his wife Helen who betrayed her husband.

Because Helen was the queen of Sparta, and Menelaos was just a son-in-law.

If Menelaos did not forgive Helen, he would lose the throne of the Spartan king.

So during the Trojan War, Menelaos always claimed that it was the Trojan prince Paris who abducted Helen, and never admitted that Helen abandoned him.

Because Menelaos admitted that his marriage with Helen was over, he was not qualified to occupy the throne of the Spartan king.

In short, a princess who lost her virginity before marriage could not marry a king of equal status, but she could still marry a husband of lower status than herself.

"Princess Procne! Princess Philomela! Although it is indeed dangerous outside, my companions and I will protect you and will not let you get hurt."

Philomela said with a puffy face after hearing Roy's words.

"Priest Roy! We are just worried about being hurt by you! If you attack us and turn us into your women, even if our father despises you, for the sake of our reputation and happiness, we can only pinch our noses and let you become our husband."

"Uh-do you think I am a man who will attack you?"

Seeing that not only Philomela, but even Procne did not deny it, Roy pretended to be exaggerated and said.

"I am so sad! Since you can't trust me, I will take the initiative to keep my distance from you."

After saying that, Roy turned and left, and came to the fifty teenagers and said.

"Dear companions, now everyone follow me outside for long-distance running training."

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