I was a priest in the city-state era

Chapter 4 The Athenian Tribes on the Acropolis

When Roy followed Pandion and others to the hill where the Athenian tribe lived, they saw that the hill, which was about 150 meters above sea level, had only one passage on the west, and that the other sides were inaccessible. Then he saw that the top of the hill was relatively flat. , with an area of ​​about 30,000 square meters, Roy finally confirmed his guess.

The hill where the Athenian tribe lived was the location of the Acropolis that Roy knew.

"Have I come to ancient Athens in another world?"

Walking on the mountain road leading to the Acropolis of Athens, Roy quickly observed the surrounding situation and saw a small tribe with a population of about a thousand people on the south and north sides of the Acropolis.

The houses of these two small tribes are made of wood, mud, and weeds, and can barely protect them from wind and rain.

Because there is no winter in Athens, Athenians living in such simple houses do not have to worry about being frozen to death by the severe cold in winter.

Pandion observed Roy's reaction and took the initiative to introduce him to Roy.

"Priest Roy! There are three thousand people in our Athenian tribe, and they all live on this Acropolis Hill. The two small tribes under the Acropolis Hill are vassals of our Athenian tribe. Counting these two vassal tribes, our Athenian tribe has approximately Population of five thousand.”

Population of 5,000——

In Roy's view, this population is really not that large.

But Pandion and his companions looked proud, as if the Athenian tribe, with a population of five thousand, was the most populous tribe in the area.

"Am I coming to the Stone Age, so the weapons used by these Athenians are all made of wood? If this was the Stone Age, a tribe with a population of 5,000 would be really large."

Roy, Pandion and others climbed up the Acropolis Hill from the west mountain road and saw that three thousand people lived in a space of 30,000 square meters, making the Acropolis dirty and messy, and the air was filled with an unpleasant stench.

"It stinks..."

Looking at the chaotic houses in front of him and the chaotic pedestrians on the street, Roy covered his mouth and nose with his sleeves and said.

"Chief Pandion! Three thousand people live in such a small space. It's a shame that you can endure such a dirty and smelly environment."

Hearing Roy criticize their home, Pandion's companions immediately glared at Roy.

Pandion explained with a wry smile.

"Priest Loy! We, the Athenian tribe, all live on the Acropolis Hill because the Acropolis Hill is a fortress that is easy to defend and difficult to attack. Only by living here can we ensure safety. For the safety of everyone, we will continue to endure this kind of environment, but I always wanted to make a change.”

Roy nodded and said.

"I can understand your choice! But in my opinion, as long as a three- to five-meter-high cement wall fortress can be built under the Acropolis Mountain, there is no need for everyone to live crowded in the Acropolis Mountain. The Acropolis Mountain can be transformed into a real military fortress."


As the leader, Pandion is also well-informed. He has heard of wooden walls and stone walls, but this is the first time he has heard of cement walls.

Wouldn't a city wall built of mud collapse when flooded?

The houses on the Acropolis Hill are also built with wood, soil, and weeds. Some houses are simply triangular wooden sheds.

Roy followed Pandion and others through the dirty streets towards Pandion's house on the easternmost side of the Acropolis Hill. He saw that few of the adult residents of the Athenian tribe were over forty years old, and there were more than three children in each family.

In this Athenian tribe that is suspected to be in the Stone Age, making humans is probably the only entertainment in the evening, so more than half of the population in the tribe are children.

When Roy and others walked to the middle of the Acropolis Mountain, Roy's eyes saw a woman in her thirties fanning an unconscious child with a piece of cloth in a wooden shed.

The unconscious child was about ten years old. His cheeks were unnaturally red and he was obviously in a fever state.

Seeing this scene, Roy immediately rushed into the wooden shed and shouted dissatisfied at the child's mother.

"Do you want to kill your child? Now your child has a fever. The correct way to cool him down is not to let him blow cold air, but to make his body sweat."

After Roy's words, the woman looked at Roy, a foreigner, with vigilant eyes, but did not listen to Roy's words.

Just then, the feverish child made a weak sound of pain.

Seeing that the child's mother still did not take the correct action, Roy immediately snatched the cloth from the woman's hand and wrapped the child's body with the cloth.

After wrapping the child's body, Roy saw a small strip of cloth next to the woman. Roy took the small strip of cloth and wrapped it around the child's forehead.

At this time, Pandion had arrived behind Roy.

Seeing the feverish child being wrapped up by Roy until only his little face was exposed, Pandion asked curiously.

"Can you really save this child by doing this? Many children in our Athenian tribe died of fever. After getting fever, usually only the strong children can survive."


A mere fever can be considered a disease, and it has claimed the lives of many children.

Roy said while tying the strip of cloth wrapped around the child's forehead.

"As long as the child's constitution is normal, my method will definitely cool down his body's fever. Mother! Don't let your child see the wind from now on. When he is so hot that he sweats, his body will recover. In the child's You need to keep him drinking hot water to rehydrate him until his body returns to normal.”

After listening to Roy's instructions, the child's mother looked at Pandion with questioning eyes.

Pandion nodded and said.

"Just do what Priest Roy said!"

Hearing Pandion's words, the child's mother immediately brought more cloth to cover the feverish child, and ordered the older son to boil water for his younger brother.

After Roy and Pandion returned to the street, Pandion asked excitedly.

"Priest Roy, do you know the magical medical skills to cure diseases and save lives?"

"Of course I don't know medical skills."

Roy shook his head and said.

"I just got sick more often and have experience in dealing with colds and fevers."

As soon as Roy finished speaking, Pandion stopped and pointed to a row of stone houses in front of him.

"Priest Roy, we have arrived at my home."

Roy looked at the row of stone houses in front of him, and his face showed a shocked expression.

The Athenian tribe is suspected to be in the Stone Age. Building a row of stone houses in the Acropolis of Athens is by no means a simple matter, and it requires a lot of manpower and material resources.

This row of simple stone houses in front of him is probably equivalent to a luxurious villa in another world.

Just as Roy was looking at Pandion's stone house, a beautiful woman in her early thirties, accompanied by a young man and two beautiful girls, walked out of the stone house to greet Pandion, the host.

"Dear, welcome home!"

The beautiful woman who looked like Pandion's wife, wearing white cotton clothes that were different from linen clothes, and a pearl necklace, looked beautiful and noble.

After greeting her husband Pandion, Pandion's wife looked at Roy and said.

"Is this stranger our guest? Because we didn't know that there would be a guest coming, it seems that we would be a little rude to entertain the guest."

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