I was a priest in the city-state era

Chapter 38 The trade fleet returns successfully

After the fifty teenagers left with Roy's order, Roy came to the guard captain Pallas and said.

"Captain Pallas! Although you did not participate in the battle to eliminate the pirate village, I killed the pirate leader with your help, so I plan to give you a share of the spoils. I want the pirate leader's wife to become your maid, Are you willing to accept it?"

"The woman holding the child?"

Thinking of the young and beautiful face of the pirate leader's wife, the guard captain Pallas couldn't help but get entangled.

As a powerful warrior with captain-level [Ten Enemies] strength, Guard Captain Pallas naturally has no worries about not having a woman.

If it were any other woman, Guard Captain Pallas would definitely not be willing to accept a woman with children.

But the pirate leader's wife is indeed a rare beauty.

Normally, it would be difficult for Guard Captain Pallas to have such a beauty, let alone let such a beauty become his maid.

Seeing the expression of Guard Captain Pallas, Roy teased with a joking smile.

"If you don't want to help that woman raise her son, sell that child to someone else as a slave. I'm asking you to accept that woman as a maid, not as a wife."

After hearing Roy's words, Guard Captain Pallas said with a relaxed smile.

"It would be too cruel to kill such a young child. Then I will accept that woman and sell her son to others as a slave."

"Captain Pallas, you are indeed a young and kind man."

While praising Captain Pallas, Roy couldn't help but think of the Trojan War.

After the destruction of the city of Troy, Andromache, the wife of the Trojan prince Hector, not only lost her husband, but her son was also thrown from the tower to his death.

Although Roy has no wise idea to eradicate the problem, in order to prevent the children left behind by the pirates from becoming the seeds of revenge, all these children will become slaves in the future and receive slave education and be trained to be loyal dogs to their masters.

While Roy and others were recuperating on Milos Island.

Under the same night.


Pandion carried a lantern and came to the temple square with several personal guards.

"Just stay here!"

After letting the bodyguards stop at the periphery of the Temple Square, Pandion walked to the center of the Temple Square alone and stopped in front of the statue of the goddess Metis.

Looking up at the statue of the goddess Metis, Pandion called out devoutly.

"Great goddess Metis, I have something important to ask you."

If someone else calls the goddess Metis, they will definitely not get a response from the goddess.

But Pandion is the leader of the Athenian tribe. To Metis, Pandion is more important than Loy.

Because Pandion was able to enshrine Metis as the patron saint of the Athenian tribe as the leader, he could also overthrow Metis' patron saint seat.

As the Metis statue bloomed with a blue divine light invisible to human eyes, the Metis statue suddenly turned into the goddess Metis herself.

The goddess Metis maintained a huge figure of about ten meters tall, looking down at Pandion and said.

"My beloved, what answer do you want to seek from the wise goddess?"

"Great goddess! I want to know if I will be punished by you for killing Priest Roy."

Metis shook his head without hesitation and said.

"I will not interfere with the fighting among the Athenian tribes for kingship and divine power, because the Mother of the World has established rules to limit the gods."

Metis' answer was obviously what Pandion expected, so Pandion did not show any surprise.

Seeing Pandion's hesitant expression, Metis continued.

"It seems that you can't decide whether you should kill Roy or continue to tolerate Roy's existence."

Pandion nodded and said.

"Because I know that the new things Roy invented can improve the strength of the Athenian tribe in the shortest time. If Roy is killed now, the Athenian tribe will probably lose hope of rising. The most important thing is that I am worried that without Roy Without help, the Athenian tribes could not resist the invasion of the Mycenaeans or other foreign enemies."

Metis smiled jokingly.

"So how do you want me to help you with this?"

After Metis saw what he was thinking, Pandion raised his head and met the goddess' eyes and said.

"Great goddess Metis! In order to weaken the divine power held by Roy, please allow me to deify my family and make my child your adopted son."


Metis said while keeping a smile.

"Although it is a bit unpleasant, I can tolerate your child becoming my nominal adopted son. But I am a pure virgin. If you want to tarnish my reputation, I will give you the cruelest punishment."

After saying these words full of warning, the divine light blooming from Metis disappeared, and her body turned into a statue of a god again.

Pandion achieved his goal and said with a relaxed smile on his face.

"How dare I blaspheme the great goddess, claim that I am the husband of the goddess, and claim that my child is the goddess's son. I am satisfied if I can deify my child into the adopted son of the goddess and gain the power to suppress Roy. This is the only way to weaken the threat of Loy and allow Loy to continue to use his wisdom to strengthen the Athenian tribe."

At this time, Roy did not know that Pandion took great pains to weaken his threat and deified his child into the adopted son of the goddess Metis.


Roy's fleet rested here for the night.

Early the next morning, Roy's fleet set sail and continued to return to Athens.

After Roy's fleet left, the pirates who escaped last night returned to the pirate village and cried in despair as they watched the pirate village burned to ruins by the fire.

Without houses, food and tools, the surviving pirates could not survive on Milos Island at all.

Now if they want to survive, they may have to go to the east of Milos Island and become workers digging obsidian.

Although the days ahead will be like slaves, it is better than staying here and waiting to die.

After leaving Milos Island, Roy's fleet drifted on the sea for a day and finally entered the Athenian waters the next morning.

In the afternoon, Roy's fleet encountered several fishing boats of the Athenian tribe in the Athenian waters.

After both parties confirmed each other's identities, Roy excitedly ordered the fishermen.

"Fishers! Your boats are faster than our cargo ships. Hurry back to the Athenian tribe and tell Pandion and all the Athenians the good news that we have brought back food."

Hearing Roy's order, the fishermen immediately turned around and rushed to the port of Piraeus.

When the sunset began to fall in the sky.

When Roy's fleet entered the port of Piraeus, he saw thousands of people around the port witnessing the return of Roy and others.

Pandion and Erechtheus stood at the dock with dozens of guards, all with unconcealable excitement on their faces.

As soon as Roy's flagship docked at the dock, Roy jumped onto the shore and walked to Pandion and said.

"Captain Pandion! Not only did I return safely with the fleet, but I also exchanged olive oil for five times the food - our distant sea trade was successful."

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