I was a priest in the city-state era

Chapter 34: Encountering pirates and refusing to surrender

Seeing Roy and Aries coming out of Eteo's stone house, Caron, the guide, immediately stepped forward and smiled.

"Dear foreigners! Your deal with Lord Eteo must have been successful!"

Roy said with a faint smile.

"After all, our product is olive oil."

In this day and age, olive oil is called liquid gold.

The main reason why olive oil can become liquid gold is that it is rare and valuable.

Olives, a plant with special environmental requirements, are currently only widely grown along the eastern Mediterranean coast. The only areas that can produce high-quality olive oil are the Attica Peninsula and the Peloponnese Peninsula.

After hearing Roy's words, the guide Caron rubbed his hands excitedly and said.

"Since your deal with Lord Eteo is successful, then pay me as agreed!"


After Roy agreed to the request of the guide Caron, he took Aries and the guide Caron back to the artificial dock of the port.

After Cuarón, the guide, left holding two cans of olive oil, Guards Captain Pallas looked at his back and said.

"Master Priest! He just spent a little time leading the way and then took away two jars of olive oil from us. Didn't we suffer too much?"

"Captain Pallas! Thanks to Kalon, I know that in the city of Knossos, ten pounds of olive oil can be exchanged for fifty pounds of grain. Relying on this important information, we did not suffer a loss when trading with Eteo , so hiring Caron is worth it.”

After explaining the matter to Guard Captain Pallas, Roy continued.

"Now I will take half the manpower to move our olive oil to the warehouse in Eteo and carry our grain back. Next, you have to continue to guard the ship."

After speaking, Roy directed fifty teenagers, including Aries, to move the olive oil out of the cabin.

After a while.

Roy took fifty teenagers with him to move the olive oil to Eteo's warehouse.

Eteo seemed to suddenly take this trade seriously and personally waited for Roy in the warehouse.

Seeing Roy arriving, Eteo ordered the valet to open the warehouse, then walked up to Roy and said.

"Stranger! I forgot to say something important to you. You know my name, but I don't know your name or your identity."

"I am Roy, the priest of the Athenian tribe!"

After Roy explained his identity, Eteo nodded and said,

"As I expected, you are the priest of the god who leads the tribe. With your status, you can meet the great King Minos, and I can introduce him to you."

Eteo apparently mistakenly believed that Loy was the leader of the Athenian tribes in his capacity as a priest.

After listening to Eteo's words, Roy shook his head without hesitation.

After all, King Minos was the ruler of the city of Knossos with a population of tens of thousands. Compared with the city of Knossos, the Athenian tribe was only a small tribe with a population of several thousand.

Even if Roy presented himself as the leader of the Athenian tribe, he would inevitably be required to submit to King Minos and become a vassal of King Minos.

"Lord Etheo! You misunderstood. Although I am a priest of the Athenian tribe, I am not the leader of the Athenian tribe, so I am not qualified to meet King Minos now."

"You are not the leader of the Athenian tribe, then you are the son of the leader of the Athenian tribe?"

"I'm not the leader's son either."

"Is the leader of the Athenian tribe crazy and letting an outsider become the priest of the tribe?"

Eteo said with surprise.

"In our Knossos, King Minos is a male priest who serves the goddess, and the queen is a female priest who serves the goddess. Apart from King Minos and the queen, only princes and princesses can become priests."

This is a world where gods really exist, and it is in an era where kingship is divinely authorized and divine power is greater than royal power.

It is indeed incomprehensible for the ruler of a tribe or city-state to allow an outsider to become a priest of a god and hold divine power.

Looking at Eteo's reaction, Roy said with a smile.

"Lord Eteo, you should just state your purpose directly! As long as your request is reasonable enough, I will try my best to meet your request."

Eteo hesitated and said.

"Priest Roy! After all, the amount of paper you sold me is limited. I hope you can sell me the method of making paper. As long as you teach me how to make paper, I can give you two gold belts and two gold necklaces. Take it back to please your wife at home.”

Hearing Eteo's request, Roy shook his head without hesitation.

"Lord Eteo! The papermaking workshop of our Athenian tribe belongs to the leader Pandion, so I cannot tell you the papermaking technology."

Roy's words were deliberately misleading Eteo, making him think that it was Pandion who mastered the art of papermaking.

Eteo said with a disappointed expression.

"Then when you go back, discuss it with the leader for me. I am willing to buy papermaking technology at a high price."

As a businessman, Eteo has obviously seen the business opportunities in paper, a new product.

As long as he masters the technology of papermaking, he can make huge wealth by selling paper.

"I will definitely discuss this with the leader."

After agreeing to Eteo's request, Roy took fifty teenagers and carried 4,650 kilograms of grain back to the port.

After loading the grain into the hold of the cargo ship, Roy immediately ordered everyone to set sail.

As soon as the ten cargo ships sailed out of the port of Knossos, the sailors rowed the oars with all their strength, eager to go home.

Unfortunately, because each cargo ship carried more than four hundred kilograms of grain, the speed of the cargo ship could never be increased to the limit.

Roy did not notice that after the fleet left the port of Knossos, an unloaded speedboat also left the port and headed for the same sea area as Roy's fleet.

The next day came in a blink of an eye.

As soon as Roy's fleet entered the Myrtowon Sea from the Sea of ​​Crete, a fleet of ten small boats appeared in the sea ahead and headed directly for Roy's fleet.


Standing on the deck of the flagship, Roy saw that those small boats were neither fishing boats nor cargo ships, and immediately judged that the other party was a pirate who wanted to attack him.

After a brief panic in his heart, Roy immediately shouted to everyone.

"Pirates are rushing towards us, everyone prepare to fight."

Hearing Roy's words, everyone put down their oars and ran into the cabin.

A moment later, the captain of the guard Pallas and his fifty guards came out with wooden spears and wooden shields.

Fifty young men were wearing paper armor, standing on the deck with wooden spears in both hands, ready for battle.

Seeing that everyone was ready for battle, Roy returned to the cabin, put on the paper armor that Procne had made for him, and walked out with the bronze spear given to him by Philomela.

The ten small boats of the pirates soon arrived at the location of Roy's fleet. Seeing that the sailors on the cargo ship were ready for battle, the tall and fierce pirate leader raised a double-sided battle axe and shouted.

"Don't resist foolishly. As long as you surrender, we can only take away half of your cargo."

There were only a hundred pirates on the ten pirate ships.

Obviously, these pirates also knew that it was not easy to defeat the same number of sailors, so the pirate leader wanted to win without fighting.

Roy looked at the pirate leader expressionlessly and said.

"If you want to take our food, you must first turn us into corpses."

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