I was a priest in the city-state era

Chapter 297 You are treating me like a fool

Thebes, Egypt.

Pharaoh's palace.

Young Ahemoth was sitting on the pharaoh's throne made of gold, waiting anxiously.

Ahmose was only eighteen years old. As the son of the moon god [Ahmose] born to Tao II, the younger brother of Kamos, and his concubine's wife, Ahmose had never thought of marrying Kamos. He fought for the throne of Pharaoh.

Unexpectedly, Kamos seemed to be cursed and died on the battlefield like his grandfather Tao I and father Tao II.

In addition, Kamoz had neither a son nor a nephew, so the Pharaoh throne fell from the sky to Yahmose.

Although Ahmose was not a pure-blood prince, he was Kamose's only brother and the only male heir to the pharaoh family.

Originally, Ahemoth thought that he would successfully inherit the throne of Pharaoh, and then, like his brother Camos, inherit the last wishes of his ancestors and continue to lead the Southern Egyptians to expel the Hyksos.

Unexpectedly, Nafir, whose nominal inheritance rights were higher than his own, not only did not want to have a family intermarriage with him to give birth to a pure-blood descendant, but also wanted to compete with him for the Pharaoh throne.

To make matters worse, the army left behind by Camos actually supported Nafir.

Even if Ahmose was supported by traditional forces including the Temple of Amun, it would be impossible to summon a large army to confront Nafir in a short period of time.

Therefore, in order to keep his Pharaoh throne, Yahmose had to take the initiative to send envoys to negotiate peace with Nafir.

"Your Majesty Ahmose!"

Accompanied by a familiar call, Ahemoth's messenger hurried into the hall where the throne was.

Seeing his messenger, Ahmose asked excitedly.

"My friend, you must have brought me good news."

The messenger said with a helpless smile.

"Your Majesty Ahmose, Princess Nafir's attitude is very tough, and coupled with the temptation of others, she has no intention of giving up competing with you for the Pharaoh's throne."

"Nafel is indeed bewitched."

Ahmose said with a frown.

"I know her character very well! After Brother Camos died in the battle, even if Nafir had some thoughts about the throne, she did not have the firm will to fight for the throne with me. She must have been supported by other people - by Only because of other people’s temptation did she do the crazy thing of fighting for the throne with me.”

The messenger nodded and said.

"The one who supported and bewitched Princess Nefira was the King of Athens, Loy, who defeated and killed His Majesty Camos on the battlefield. If King Loy of Athens did not support Princess Nafir, what was left by His Majesty Camos The generals will not be willing to surrender to a little girl. After all, it is unprecedented for an unmarried princess to become a female pharaoh."

Just like in the history of the Far East, there are many cases of queen mothers regents. There was even a ridiculous queen mother who directly proclaimed herself emperor and changed the country's name.

In the history of ancient Egypt, there were also many Egyptian princesses who ruled Egypt as female pharaohs [queen mothers] after the death of their husbands.

But in the true sense of the word, a princess inheriting the throne - like Nafir, inheriting the throne as an unmarried princess, has never happened in Egypt's thousands of years of history.

Normally, male generals would not obey Nafir's orders at all.

Those generals were willing to obey Nafir, not only because Nafir had higher inheritance rights than Ahmose, but also because Nafir had the support of Loy, a powerful demigod hero.

The generals refuse to support Nafir, who will likely have Loy kill the generals who oppose her.

Although the generals also believe that tradition is important, they are not stupid enough to fight against Nefer for Ahmose.

After all, Nafir is a pure-blooded princess of the Pharaoh family. The children born to Nafir will have the same bloodline and inheritance rights as Ahmose.

As long as it does not affect the interests of the generals, it is not difficult for them to accept Nafir becoming a female pharaoh.

"Your Majesty Ahmose! I observed Princess Nafir's military camp and found that her soldiers were very tired from traveling long distances. If we want to use war to solve the problem, we must take the initiative to attack Princess Nafir's army tomorrow. If Your Majesty does not want to use To solve the problem through war, your best choice is to divide Central Egypt and Southern Egypt with Princess Nafir. After three to five days, Princess Nafir's army will regain its fighting strength, and your Majesty will lose the opportunity to choose."

"You let me and Nafir separate..."

Because Ahmose received the pharaoh throne that did not originally belong to him, dividing the kingdom from Nafir was the bottom line that Ahmose could accept.

But this is also Ahmose's last option.

After all, who would want to be the pharaoh of only southern Egypt when he could be the pharaoh of central and southern Egypt.

"Since Nafir is willing to divide the country with me, it means that she also wants to avoid war. I will negotiate with her in person tomorrow."

the next day.

Ahemoth himself drove a chariot and led three hundred soldiers to the outside of Nafir's military camp, demanding negotiations with Nafir.

After receiving the news, Nafir left the military camp under the protection of Roy and came to Ahmose.

"Brother Ahmose!"

When he came to a stop in front of Ahmose's chariot, Nafir smiled at Ahmose on the chariot and said.

"You are my only brother now, and I am really happy to see you in good health."

"You came to Thebes with a large army to fight for the throne. I thought you wanted to kill me and make yourself the sole heir."

Ahmose first expressed his dissatisfaction, and then said in a softening attitude.

"Nefer, for the benefit of our Kingdom of Egypt, can't you give up fighting for the throne?"

Nefer shook his head without hesitation.

"I don't want to be a victim of intermarriage! If I don't seize the throne, I will be forced to marry Brother Ahmose."

"If you don't want to marry me, you can leave with King Roy of Athens."

Ahmose said helplessly.

"Do you think I want to marry you? I was forced to ask you to marry me because of the pressure from those traditional forces, and your inheritance right is higher than mine. As long as you take the initiative to leave Egypt, you will not be a threat to my throne, and those traditional forces have no reason to blame me. Both of us brothers and sisters can avoid the tragedy of intermarriage. When I sit firmly on the throne, I, as your brother, will definitely give you an extremely generous dowry."

"Do you think I'm a fool?"

Nefer rolled his eyes and said.

"I am the pure-blooded princess of the supreme Pharaoh royal family in Egypt. I went to Athens alone with Roy. I was just a beautiful doll in his palace. If my child does not get Roy's favor, my child will not have the opportunity to become a great king. But I stayed in Egypt and became a female Pharaoh. Even if neither me nor my child gets Roy's favor, I can leave my throne to my child. So even for my child, I can't give up fighting for the throne."

"You greedy girl, you are thinking about your future children before you get married--"

Looking at the firm expression on Nafir's little face, Ahmose said with a wry smile.

"In order to avoid fratricide between brothers and sisters, I am willing to divide the country with you. The sixteen city-states in the south will be ruled by me, and the seven city-states in the north will be ruled by you."

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