I was a priest in the city-state era

Chapter 295: No Human Sekhmet

The royal palace in Itawui City.

After Roy and Nafir returned to their respective palaces, they saw the goddess Sekhmet following him to the palace. Roy first confirmed that Andromeda was lying on the big bed in the bedroom and fell asleep, and then came to the palace alone. Outside courtyard.

The goddess Sekhmet came to Roy in the form of a human girl and spoke proactively.

"Human! As a man from Nafel, when are you going to help me convince Nafel and let her regard me as the protector of the country?"

"Goddess Sekhmet, do you really want to become the protector of the country again?"

"As important as the throne of the King of Athens is to you, the throne of the Protector of the Nation is just as important to me. If you lose the throne of the King of Athens, will you do your best to regain your throne?"

After hearing Sekhmet's inquiry, Roy thought about it seriously.

If someone replaced Roy as the king of Athens now, Roy would definitely return to the city of Athens and regain his own throne instead of accepting the status quo of losing his throne.

Since Roy was unwilling to give up the throne of the King of Athens, Sekhmet certainly had no reason to give up the throne of the Protector.

If someone says he is willing to give up the throne, he must not be a king.

Roy is unwilling to give up the throne because Roy really has the throne.

If there is a god who is willing to give up the throne of the Protector of the Nation, he must not be the Protector of the Nation.

Sekhmet was unwilling to give up the throne of the Protector of the Nation because she had really been the Protector of the Nation for three hundred years.

"Goddess Sekhmet, even if you are a god, you cannot ask me for selfless devotion. After all, I am not a priest serving you. I can help you convince Nafir, but you also have to answer my questions."

Roy looked at Sekhmet with a serious expression and said.

"I want to know your deepest secret. Are you a born god, or a goddess deified by humans?"

"As long as I tell you the answer, will you help me convince Nafir?"

Roy nodded, and Sekhmet approached Roy with a smile, and spoke into Roy's ear.

"I can only tell you that there was no human named Sekhmet in past history."

Hearing Sekhmet's answer, Roy's eyes immediately widened.

Since there was no human named Sekhmet in past history, Sekhmet was not a goddess deified by humans.

It is indeed impossible for a god deified by humans to become the king of gods——

the next day.

After the governor and priests and nobles of Itawui City promised to supply food for Nafir's army, Nafir continued southward with an army of 85,000.

The reason why Nafir did not stay longer in Itavi City is because if Nafir wastes one day, Ahmose's strength in Thebes will be strengthened, and Nafir's hope of defeating Ahmose will be reduced. It will be reduced by one point.

Only by leading the army south as soon as possible can Nafir defeat Ahmose with an absolute advantage.

While the army was on its way, Roy, who was riding in the same carriage as Nafir, began to fulfill his promise.

"Nafir, have you ever thought about taking advantage of the civil war between you and Ahmose to move the capital to Itawui City and make the goddess Sekhmet the new protector of the country? If you miss this opportunity, wait until the civil war After that, if you try to move the capital or change the protector, you will encounter unimaginable resistance, and you may even lose your life."

Yesterday Sekhmet had told Nafir about history.

Four hundred years ago, the ancestor of Nafir, the first pharaoh of the Twelfth Dynasty, took advantage of the opportunity of the alternation between the new and old dynasties to move the capital from Thebes to Itaweh and let Seychelles Hemet replaced the god Amun as the protector of the country.

If there is no suitable opportunity, it is indeed difficult to move the capital and replace the new protector god.

Nafir frowned and said.

"Roy, do you think I should move the capital like my ancestors did and let the goddess Sekhmet replace the protector Amon?"

"Four hundred years ago, your ancestors clearly established the Twelfth Dynasty in Thebes, but they moved the capital to Itawui and worshiped the goddess Sekhmet as the protector of the country. Although I don't know you There is no reason for your ancestors, but historical facts have proven that your ancestors had a stable rule of three hundred years under the protection of the protector god Sekhmet. If there had not been the invasion of the Hyksos, Itawui would have been here now. The city is still the capital of your pharaoh family, and the goddess Sekhmet is still the protector of your pharaoh family. "

"But... our Pharaoh family's rule in the city of Thebes is also very stable! God Amun has become the protector of the country. Under the protection of God Amun, we have been defeating the Hyksos and are about to destroy the Hyksos. The people were completely driven out of Egypt.”

"Your grandfather, father and your brother Kamos all died on the battlefield. Is this the victory that God Amun brought to you as the protector of the country?"

Thinking of the death of his grandfather, father and brother Camos, Nafir's face immediately turned ugly.

"God Amun failed to protect my grandfather, father and brother Kamos, and the priests and nobles of the Temple of Amon are becoming more and more powerful. I am really dissatisfied with them."

If Nafir were an ordinary princess, it would be difficult for her to have the courage to fight against the authority of Amon, the protector of the country, and the powerful Amon Temple.

But Nafir is no ordinary princess.

As a princess of the pharaoh family, she not only inherited a strong character from her mother, but she was also born to be the queen of Egypt.

As soon as Nefer was born, it was destined that she would either marry Camos and become the queen, or marry Ahmose and become the queen.

Even if she marries another man, she can still use her inheritance rights to join forces with her husband to seize the throne and become the queen.

Although Nafir had enough courage and guts, she obviously lacked reasons to convince herself.

Roy continued to bewitch.

"Nafir! Your grandfather Tao I, father Tao II, and brother Kamose did not write Amon's name into their names according to tradition. They changed their names to Taumun I, Taumun II, and Kamose, proving that they have all realized the huge threat that the Temple of Amon poses to the Pharaoh family. Thebes was not the capital of your Pharaoh family, and Amon was not the patron saint of your Pharaoh family. If Kamose were still alive, after fulfilling the last wish of his ancestors to expel the Hyksos, he would definitely move the capital to the ancestral capital Itawy and worship the goddess Sekhmet as the guardian of the country."

Under Roy's persuasion, Nafir said with hesitation.

"Should I really use this civil war to move the capital and let the goddess Sekhmet become the guardian of the country?"

"If you are unwilling to follow my advice, then I can only abandon you and leave immediately with Andromeda. If you follow my advice, I promise to help you defeat Ahmose. Nafir! Including the forces of the Temple of Amun, they will definitely oppose you marrying a foreigner and ask you to marry Ahmose according to tradition. Only if the Temple of Sekhmet asks you for something will it try its best to meet your request."

Seeing that Nafir was more shaken, Roy continued.

"Think about the terrible consequences of family marriage. This behavior cursed by the gods will only make you give birth to children cursed by the gods. Even if it is to give birth to healthy descendants, you should resist the traditional old forces."

"In order to give birth to healthy descendants-"

Nafir's face finally showed a firm expression.

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