I was a priest in the city-state era

Chapter 292 Ptah Becomes Hephaestus

Memphis, Itavi, Medum, Crocodile, Heracleopolis——

These are five of the thirteen city-states in Northern Egypt south of the City of the Sun.

They originally belonged to the Egyptian Kingdom ruled by the Hyksos. Kamose led an army to defeat the Hyksos who ruled these five city-states, making them part of the Southern Kingdom of Egypt.

Because the city of Memphis is now owned by the Kingdom of Southern Egypt, Nafir came to the city with 90,000 troops. The governor, priests and nobles of the city of Memphis were not only unprepared, but also took the initiative to come to the city. Welcoming Nafir outside, he expressed his willingness to support Nafir in inheriting the throne and becoming the female pharaoh.

After Nafir let his army take over the city of Memphis, he directly ordered the arrest of the governor and priests and nobles of the city of Memphis, and sent all the rulers of the city of Memphis and their families to the City of the Sun to serve as Camo He built the pyramids.

If Nafir only dealt with the priests and nobles, Ptah, the patron saint of Memphis City, could still watch all this happen.

After all, as a god, Ptah values ​​different interests from humans.

As long as Nafir did not shake his throne as the patron saint of Memphis, Ptah would not care at all about those priests and nobles who used their own names to gain status and wealth.

It was not until Nafir ordered a general to lead soldiers to arrest the temple priests of the Ptah Temple and knock down the Ptah statue enshrined in the temple that Ptah realized his crisis.

"Human, how dare you do this to me?"

When the carriage that Roy, Nafir, and Andromeda rode entered the city of Memphis, with a thunderous roar, Ptah appeared above the city of Memphis with a height of one thousand meters.

It is a pity that ordinary humans can neither see the appearance nor hear the voice of the gods, even Nafir, who was deified as the daughter of the Sun God, is no exception.

Sitting in the carriage, Nafir could only hear the thunder and thunder in the clear sky, and an ominous premonition emerged in his heart.

Roy looked at the angry Puta in the carriage, without worrying about Nafir's safety.

Nafir is the daughter of Amon, the protector of the Kingdom of Southern Egypt. She has the protection of Amon, the king of gods in the Kingdom of Southern Egypt. Ptah, who has long since declined, naturally cannot hurt Nafir who is protected by Amon.

Ptah was obviously afraid of Amon, so although he stared at Nafir's carriage with angry and hostile eyes, he did not attack Nafir immediately.

It wasn't until Nafir's generals and soldiers actually pushed down the statue of Ptah that Ptah could no longer bear it and swung his huge fist at the carriage in which Nafir was riding.

Just when Ptah's fist was about to hit the carriage, the god Amun came to Ptah with infinite divine light and blocked Ptah's fist with his body.


Seeing Amon appear to stop him, Puta roared and accused.

"Great god Amun, look at the good deeds of your daughter of the god. She not only destroyed my priests, but also ordered my idols to be torn down. If you are willing to convey the oracle to Nafeel, let her repair my body. Tower God, respect my status as the patron saint of Memphis City, and I will forgive her young and reckless behavior for your sake."

"Are you threatening me?"

After listening to Puta's request, Amon said coldly.

"Ptah! In the myth fabricated by your priests, I have been reduced to your son. Although I am too lazy to argue with you, my daughter of the god wants to destroy you for me, and I have no reason to stop her. Now I order You leave my territory and become a wandering god somewhere else.”

"You actually want to drive me away——"

Puta said in disbelief.

"I am an ancient god-king who has been the king of the gods since the Third Dynasty. You just have to deal with Atum, who is also the sun god with you. Now you have to deal with me too. Aren't you afraid of the Egyptian gods? Is everyone in danger?”

"My daughter of God will not deal with other gods. Even if she does, I will use the oracle to stop her."

Amon urged impatiently.

"Puta! Just like a sub-adult male lion leaving a pride, leave my territory immediately. If you don't leave, I will hurt you mercilessly."

"Okay - I'm leaving!"

Puta gritted his teeth and sneered.

"But don't be complacent for too long, I believe you will soon end up like me."

After saying that, Ptah turned into a red flame and flew towards the city of Avaris in the north.

After watching Ptah leave, Amon's body turned into golden light and flew towards the south.

As the only human being who witnessed the confrontation between Ptah and Amon, seeing Ptah flying to the north, Roy immediately guessed that Ptah's goal was to seek refuge with Seth [Zeus] in the northern city of Avaris.

While Nafir's army was annihilating the priests and nobles inside and outside the city of Memphis and plundering their food for use as military rations, Ptah soon arrived at the city of Avaris and entered the sky above the city of Avaris, belonging to Seth [Zeus]. ] of the pantheon of gods.

The pantheon of Seth [Zeus].

Now only the cat goddess Bastet, the sun god Ra and the Almighty God are left, standing in the pantheon as subordinate gods of Set [Zeus].

Seeing Ptah entering the temples, Seth [Zeus], ​​who was sitting on the throne of the God King, said with a smile.

"Dear Ptah, welcome to my pantheon."

Ptah lowered his head and walked to the center of the hall and said to Seth [Zeus].

"Great God King Zeus, I was pushed down by Amon's daughter Nefer to knock down the statue of the god. I was also expelled by Amon and forced to leave the territory where I have lived for thousands of years. Now I hope to be taken in by you. "

"Ptah, you don't want to become a wandering god and disappear into the long river of history!"

Seth [Zeus] said with a smile.

"I can take you in and make you my subordinate god, but you must truly become my son. I will take you to conquer Greece together, and let us, father and son, become great gods worshiped by the Greeks."

Becoming the son of Seth [Zeus]——

Facing this humiliating request, Puta gritted his teeth and said.

"Can you guarantee that I enjoy the same treatment as now?"


Zeus said without hesitation.

"You used to be the Egyptian god of fire and craftsmanship. You became my son, and you are still the god of fire and craftsmanship. In the myths fabricated by your priests, Sekhmet, the lion goddess of war and revenge, is Your wife, my priests, will also make up myths to make Aphrodite, the goddess of war and revenge known to the Greeks, as your wife. But you can no longer use the name Ptah, which belongs to the Egyptian god. To use the Greek name Hephaestus [to set fire to fire].”

Hearing Zeus's words, Pta's eyes lit up with an excited expression on his face.

After the Phoenicians who worshiped Aphrodite came to northern Egypt with the Hyksos as conquerors, Aphrodite got mixed up with Sekhmet, the queen of the gods who had recently declined. There acquired the divinity of the Sun Goddess and the Furies.

Eumenides, the goddess of vengeance, is another name for Aphrodite.

Zeus's willingness to let his priests make up myths and let Aphrodite become Ptah's wife in the myth is enough to prove his respect for Ptah.

"Great Father God, I would like to be your son Hephaestus."

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