I was a priest in the city-state era

Chapter 290 Reasons for helping Nafel

While Loy taught the three Athenian soldiers how to manage the city through words and deeds in Atrebis, the southern Egyptian princess Nefer was also promoting her plan.

Not long after, Nafir's envoy came to Atrebis City and asked Roy to go to Sun City immediately.

Now Roy no longer trusts Andromeda, so Roy did not leave Andromeda in Atrebis City, but took Andromeda to Sun City.


Roy brought Andromeda to the palace and entered the hall where the throne was. He saw Nafir sitting on the throne like a female pharaoh, and several generals were reporting various information to her.

Seeing Roy and Andromeda, Nafir asked several generals to leave the hall, then looked at Andromeda curiously and asked.

"Who is this Hyksos woman?"

"She is Andromeda, an Egyptian princess like you."

After learning Andromeda's identity, Nafir immediately said in a cold voice with a displeased look on his face.

"I am the only princess in Egypt! By comparing this woman to me, are you acknowledging the Hyksos' rule over Egypt?"

“The Hyksos once dominated Egypt and that’s history you can’t change.”

"Hmph! You brought this woman with you. Could it be that she is your woman?"

Roy shook his head and said.

"I once regarded her as my woman and gave her the city of Seis to manage. But Andromeda betrayed my trust and left the city of Seis without permission for her seriously injured father. Now I regard her as my my slave."

"very good!"

Nafir said with a satisfied smile on his face.

"The hateful Hyksos should become our slaves. From now on, we will humiliate the Hyksos princess together."

Seeing the eager expression on Nafir's face and staring at Andromeda with a cat-and-mouse look, Roy changed the subject and said.

"Nafel, you sent someone to find me. What's the important thing?"

"I have received news from the city of Thebes that brother Ahemoth refused to recognize me as the female pharaoh and inherited the pharaoh throne with the support of my supporters."

Roy was not surprised when he heard what Nafir said.

After the death of Kamos, Yahmose was the first heir to the Pharaoh throne. Of course, he had no reason to give up the Pharaoh throne that should belong to him.

Nafir sighed and continued.

"After my brother Ahemoth succeeded to the throne of Pharaoh, he sent a messenger to persuade me to marry him and become his queen. He was willing to rule Egypt with me as husband and wife and brother and sister."

"Then how did you reply to him?"

"Of course I reject him!"

Nafir said without hesitation.

"Brother Kamos asked me to be with you before he died, just because he didn't want me to become a victim of family intermarriage. I don't want to marry brother Yahmose myself."

"Then are you ready to compete with Ahemoth for the Pharaoh throne?"

"I am ready for a war with Ahmose! After my soldiers destroyed the priests and nobles in the City of the Sun and Merimda City, they collected enough food for the army to consume for half a month. Next, I will lead the army there The city of Thebes, plus the food that can be collected along the way, we must capture the city of Thebes within a month and make Ahemoth our prisoner. "

"Then you called me here because you want me to charge into battle for you?"

"Isn't this what you should do?"

Nafir asked rhetorically.

"If you don't contribute to my becoming a female pharaoh, then what qualifications do you have to become my male pharaoh?"

"I have already said that I am not interested in becoming your male pharaoh!"

Seeing that Nafir obviously didn't believe what he said, Roy didn't bother to explain.


Roy and Andromeda moved into the palace arranged by Nafir.

After Roy lay down on the big bed, Andromeda cautiously came to Roy and asked.

"Lo—Your Majesty, are you really going to join the Southern Egyptians against us Hyksos because of your resentment towards me?"

"Don't think so wildly."

Roy explained expressionlessly.

"I have no interest in getting involved in the war between the Hyksos and the Southern Egyptians."

"Then what is your relationship with Nafir? Aren't you going to be the husband of Nafir and inherit the Pharaoh's throne left by Kamose? You have become the Pharaoh of the Southern Egyptians, then you must be our Xiksou The Sri Lankans’ greatest enemy.”

"If I really become the Pharaoh of the Southern Egyptians, I may indeed be the enemy of the Hyksos. But you should be able to see that Nafir wants to become the queen herself, not my queen. "

Roy said with a complicated expression.

"Don't say that Nafir doesn't want to give up the power of the Pharaoh to me. Even if she wants to give all the power to me, I will not accept it. Because I became the Lord of Egypt in a peaceful way, I will not be able to eliminate it according to my plan. All the priests, nobles and male gods, fighting to the death between you Hyksos and the Southern Egyptians is the best situation for me. "

"Since you don't want to inherit the Pharaoh's throne as Nafir's husband, why do you want to help Nafir seize the Pharaoh's throne?"

Roy thought for a moment and said.

"Maybe - it's because I don't want to see the tragedy of family intermarriage happen to Nafir. Maybe it's because Camos gave Nafir to me, so I want to take care of her as my woman. More likely , I want to use the names of the gods Nefer and Amun to eliminate some of the local male gods in Egypt."

the next day.

Nafir left two generals and thousands of soldiers to manage the cities of Sun City and Merimda, and led 90,000 troops south to the city of Thebes.

Roy took Andromeda with him and Nafir sat in a huge carriage.

Before the army arrived in Memphis, Roy suggested to Nafir.

"Nafel, when we get to the city of Memphis, we will destroy the priests and nobles there, seize their food, and drive Ptah, the patron saint of the city of Memphis, off his throne!"

After hearing Roy's suggestion, Nafir frowned and said.

"We can destroy the priests and nobles of the City of the Sun, the City of Atrebis, and the City of Merimda, and drive their patron saints off their thrones because they surrendered to the Hyksos and are traitors to us Egyptians. Meng The city of Fes is already a city-state ruled by us, and we have no reasonable reason to deal with them. "

"No - we have sufficient reasons to eliminate the priests and nobles of Memphis and their patron saint Ptah."

Roy said confidently.

"Ptah, the patron saint of Memphis, is not only the god of fire and craftsmen, but is also regarded as the creator god by his priests. The goddess Sekhmet, the patron saint of Itawui, became Ptah's wife in mythology , the nine gods headed by Atum and the eight gods headed by Amun became the descendants of Ptah in mythology. It was just that the priests of Ptah made up myths to blaspheme other gods. The myths they made up blasphemed the god Amun. , as the daughter of the sun god Amun, you have sufficient reason to punish the priests and nobles of Memphis and drive Ptah off the throne. "

Seeing that Nafir was a little moved, Roy continued.

"Nafel, how much food can we collect from the city of Memphis? As long as we eliminate the priests and nobles in the city of Memphis, their food will be used to feed your army."

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