I was a priest in the city-state era

Chapter 29: Captain Pallas the Spearwielder

In a blink of an eye, the time has arrived on the third day.

Roy was cooperating with each other while training the boys to fight in the Temple Square. Pandion suddenly came to the Temple Square with dozens of bodyguards.

Roy walked up to Pandion and saw Pandion's eyes observing the fifty teenagers in training. Roy took the initiative to speak.

"Chief Pandion! What do you think of the training of my companions?"

"Although as warriors, they are not as good as my personal guards. But on the battlefield, their role should be stronger than those ordinary people recruited temporarily."

After giving his evaluation, Pandion looked at Roy and said.

"Priest Roy, I have prepared ten cargo ships. You can take the fleet to Crete tomorrow!"

Then, Pandion looked at a tall guard soldier beside him.

"This is my guard captain Pallas. He will lead fifty guardsmen to set out with you to ensure your safety on this long sea voyage.

The name Pallas means spear-wielding one.

In this era, Pallas was a common name among warriors.

Hearing the name of Guard Captain Pallas, Roy frowned and looked at him and said.

"Palas...I think I've heard of this name."

Hearing Roy's murmur, Pandion said with a smile.

"Even among our Athenian tribe, there are several Pallas with the same name. There are many warriors with the name Pallas. It is not surprising that you have heard of the name Pallas."


Roy shook his head and said.

"I always feel that... Palas is the name of a very great goddess. After Palas became the name of a great goddess, humans rarely use the name Palas anymore."

After speaking, Roy turned his head unconsciously and looked at the statue of Metis in the center of the temple square.

Pandion followed Roy's gaze and glanced at the statue of Metis, then said to Roy.

"Priest Roy! Next, I am going to arrange other things. I will leave it to you, the guard captain Pallas and his fifty guards soldiers. You can order them like me, if they do not obey order, and you can punish them as you please.”

Guard Captain Pallas immediately said to Roy.

"Master Priest! According to the leader's order, even if you order us to die, we will carry out your order."

"Captain Pallas! If I really give you ridiculous orders to die, you should refuse to carry out my orders."

After responding to Pallas, Roy looked at Pandion and said.

"Chief Pandion, I am ready to go to Crete. I will set off early tomorrow morning. Because this journey will take at least seven days to go back and forth, so I hope you can prepare our food and water for seven days."

"no problem!"

Pandion nodded and said.

"Your trade is of great significance. As long as you succeed, our Athenian tribe can continuously arrange cargo ships to go to Crete to buy food."

After Pandion left with a dozen personal guards, Roy immediately said to Pallas.

"Captain Pallas! For the next period of time, we will be fighting side by side. In order to let everyone get familiar with each other, you and your soldiers will stay here and accept my training with these teenagers!"

Like a robot executing orders, Pallas led the fifty personal guards directly to the opposite side of the fifty teenagers and began training.

Different from the fifty young men holding wooden spears in both hands and stabbing them, the guards all held wooden spears in their right hands and held up a wooden shield in their left hand.

After starting training, the guardsmen wielded wooden spears with their right hands and raised wooden shields with their left hands to resist the enemy's attacks.

Looking at the fifty teenagers and guards trained in two different ways, Roy couldn't help but laugh.

"I really want to see whether the soldiers I trained are stronger on the battlefield, or whether these shield soldiers are stronger on the battlefield."

It's evening.

Procne and Philomela brought dinner to everyone.

Originally, Roy wanted to eat black bread with everyone and cultivate a feeling of sharing joys and sorrows, but a maid came over and told Roy that Procne and Philomela were waiting for Roy in the stone house.

Although it is very important to develop a relationship with your companions through thick and thin, Procne and Philomela are obviously even more important.

Roy walked into the stone room lit with candles and saw Procne and Philomela standing together happily. Procne was holding a set of paper armor in both hands, and Philomela was holding a piece of armor in her right hand. Spear with bronze blade.

"Princess Procne! Princess Philomela! What are you—"

Before Roy could finish his words, Procne blushed and handed the paper armor in his hand to Roy.

"Priest Roy! This is the paper armor I gave you. I hope it can protect you and return safely."

Philomela also handed over the bronze war spear and said.

"Sister made paper armor for you with her own hands. This is the weapon I gave you. You must come back alive."

Roy stretched out his hands and took the paper armor and bronze spear from Procne and Philomela, smiling with emotion in his heart.

"Even if it's for you two, I will definitely come back alive."

After saying that, there was an eerie silence in the stone house.

After all, there is an emotional red line between Roy and them that cannot be crossed.

If this red line is crossed, the cheap father-in-law and cheap uncle will definitely find a way to kill Roy.

Therefore, Roy must restrain his emotions before he has the strength to protect himself.

Procne broke the silence and said.

"Priest Roy! In order not to worry my mother, Philomela and I should go back. Even if we mess up this distant sea trade... you must come back alive."

After saying that, Procne took Philomela's hand and left.

When Roy was the only one left in the stone house, he looked at the paper armor and bronze spear in his hand and said with a serious expression.

"It seems that I have to continue to rack my brains to ensure that I can come back alive."

The next morning.

When it was dawn, fifty teenagers and fifty guards came to the temple square to gather.

Roy walked out of the stone house, and the captain of the guard Pallas came to Roy and said.

"Priest! The leader is waiting for us at the port. Please take us now."

Roy nodded and said.

"Captain Pallas! Before we set off, I will arrange for Aries and the others to bring the lanterns and candles I prepared in advance."

After saying that, Roy walked up to the fifty teenagers and ordered several teenagers, including Aries, to bring the ten lanterns and 150 candles they had prepared.

Aries came to Roy with a lantern and couldn't help whispering.

"Priest! There is a candle lit in this lantern. Isn't it a waste to light a candle during the day?"

"This candle is our fire."

Roy said with a serious expression.

"Aries, you must hold this lantern firmly. You must not let the candle inside go out."

After saying that, Roy and Pallas took fifty teenagers and fifty guards to the port of Piraeus.

After Roy and the others left, Procne and Philomela came to the temple square to watch Roy's figure go away.

Until the figures of Roy and the others disappeared at the end of their sight, Procne turned around and prayed to the statue of Metis.

"Great Goddess Metis! If you really love Priest Loi, you must help him survive."

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