I was a priest in the city-state era

Chapter 284: Transaction with Nafel

King Cepheus, the backbone of Egypt, was seriously injured. Perseus, Minos, Ramses II, Phineus and others had to leave the Sun City with their army.

The Egyptians in the Sun City would naturally not fight to the death to maintain the rule of the Hyksos.

So Roy led the army of the South Egyptians to the outside of the Sun City. The Egyptians in the Sun City took the initiative to open the city gates and surrender, allowing Roy and the army of the South Egyptians to occupy the Sun City, the first of the thirteen city-states in Northern Egypt, without bloodshed.

Nafir brought the body of Kamose into the Sun City, and immediately summoned all the priests of the Sun City, ordering them to mummify the body of Kamose and prepare to build Kamose's pyramid outside the Sun City.

When Roy came to the outside of the Sun City and arranged his 3,000 Egyptian soldiers, Kamose's generals also found Nafir, trying to persuade Nafir to change his mind with various reasons.

"Princess Nefer! King Roy of Athens is the enemy who killed Pharaoh Kamose. How can you marry him!"

After hearing the reason given by the generals, Nefer led the generals to Kamose's body and pointed at the arrow wound on Kamose's body and said.

"Look carefully, the person who really killed Kamose's brother was the Hyksos who attacked Kamose's brother with this arrow. Kamose's brother was already in a state of death after being shot by the arrow, so he dueled with Roy, hoping that his life would be ended by a powerful demigod hero, rather than being humiliated by an arrow. Roy was not the murderer who killed Kamose's brother, he fulfilled Kamose's brother's last wish."

Kamus dueled with Roy after being shot by the arrow, which was something the generals knew.

Seeing that this reason was not working, the generals immediately changed the reason.

"Princess Nefer! Although we Egyptians do not deprive princesses of their inheritance rights, there have been precedents of princesses becoming female pharaohs in the past, but such precedents are rare. And according to tradition, you should marry your brother, Prince Ahmose, and then ascend the throne together."

"Prince Ahmose is the son of the moon god, and Princess Nefer is the daughter of the sun god. Only Prince Ahmose is worthy of being your husband."

"Let the King of Athens who is hostile to the priests and nobles marry you, will he respect our tradition and inherit the identity of the son of the sun god of Pharaoh Kamose?"

Nefer said with a frown.

"We Egyptians do not have the tradition that princesses cannot marry outside the country, so you have no reason to ask me to marry brother Ahmose. As for whether Roy will become the son of the sun god of Amon-after all, he is a foreigner, and I need to spend some time to convince him to accept our tradition."

Hearing Nefer say this, the generals could only say.

"We are not opposed to the princess inheriting the throne. As long as King Roy of Athens can respect our traditions, we will not require the princess to marry Prince Ahmose."

The generals really don't care whether it is Ahmose or Nafel who inherits the throne.

After all, this is an internal matter of the Pharaoh family. No matter which side they support, the throne will not fall on them.

So what the generals really care about is which side can guarantee their interests.

If Prince Ahmose can guarantee their interests, they will support Prince Ahmose.

If Princess Nafel can guarantee their interests, they don't mind supporting Princess Nafel.

Roy returned to the palace of the Sun City and found Nafel guarding Kamose's body. He saw that Nafel looked worried.

Noticing Roy's gaze, Nafel took the initiative to speak to Roy.

"You're back just in time. I have something important to tell you. The generals have communicated with me. They don't object to my succession to the throne, but you must respect the traditions of our Egyptians. First of all, you can't use the practices of Buto and Sais to harm the priests and nobles of more than 20 city-states ruled by our southern Egyptians. Then you have to inherit my brother's identity as the son of God and become the son of the sun god Amon. Because I was deified as the daughter of the sun god, you must have the identity of the son of the sun god to be worthy of being my husband."

"I have to be the son of Amon before I can marry you?"

After listening to Nafir's words, Roy rolled his eyes.

If he just wanted Amon to be his cheap father-in-law, Roy wouldn't mind.

Because Nafir is indeed the daughter of the sun god Amon.

Letting himself be the son of Amon is something Roy absolutely cannot accept.

Letting himself give up the practice of eliminating the priests and nobles is even more impossible for Roy to accept.

If the priests and nobles are not all eliminated, then is Egypt Roy's Egypt or the priests and nobles' Egypt?

In the history of another world, the 18th Dynasty of Egypt left a bloody lesson.

Even the Pharaoh who was hostile to the priests and nobles ended up dying and his country was destroyed.

Roy didn't want to leave these priests and nobles to harm his descendants and let them repeat the mistakes of the pharaohs of the 18th Dynasty.

"Nafil, it's impossible for me to be Amon's son, and it's even more impossible for me to give up eliminating the priests and nobles."

"But if you don't accept their demands, they will abandon me and run to support brother Ahmose!"

Nafil said dissatisfiedly.

"Do you think I am the only heir to the throne of Pharaoh? Or do you think my right of succession is higher than brother Ahmose? If we want to get the support of the generals, we must meet their requirements."

"Nafil, you are the one who wants to inherit the throne of Pharaoh, so I will not compromise for the throne of Pharaoh."

Nafiel walked to Roy angrily, leaned against his arms and said.

"Don't you want me, don't you want the throne I inherited?"

"I don't want to compromise for you, for the throne of Pharaoh."

Looking at Roy with a firm expression, Nafiel reached out and grabbed Roy's collar and whispered.

"Now brother Ahmose is thousands of miles away. This is my only chance to control the army left by brother Kamose to inherit the throne. If I miss this opportunity, I will be forced to accept family marriage and marry brother Ahmose. Even if you don't want to compromise, you must pretend to compromise in order to help me ascend the throne."

"Then let's make a deal!"

Roy said with a smirk.

"Nafiel! I plan to use you and the South Egyptians to eliminate the priests and nobles of the Sun City, Atribis City, and Merimda City, which belong to the Hyksos. As long as you agree, you can lie to the generals and say that I accept their demands."

Nafiel hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded.

"Yes! The Sun City, Atribis City, and Merimda City were once subordinate to the Hyksos. Atum, the patron god of the Sun City, even claimed in his myth that Amun was his child. We have enough reasons to strike down these traitors among the Egyptians and make it impossible for the generals to say anything against them. In order to reduce the generals' suspicion of you, I will send two generals to eliminate the priests, nobles, and patron gods of the Sun City and Merimda City, and you will go and eliminate the priests, nobles, and patron gods of Atribis City."

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