I was a priest in the city-state era

Chapter 280 The third pharaoh died on the battlefield

At noon, the sun was high in the sky.

The Hyksos and the South Egyptians were engaged in a fierce battle on the plain south of the Sun City. Set [Zeus], ​​the patron god of the Hyksos, and Amon, the patron god of the South Egyptians, were also engaged in a battle of gods.

Although the war between gods would not directly harm humans, it could change the celestial phenomena and affect humans.

As Set [Zeus] fully unleashed the power of the storm god, strong winds from all directions swept across the battlefield, even blowing some soldiers to the ground.

Amon's unleashing the power of the sun god made the already hot noon like a furnace. The scorching heat made the soldiers on both sides of the war sweat profusely, and they wanted to rush into the Nile River to cool down their bodies.

As a bystander of this war, Roy was stationed on the bank of the Nile with his 3,000 Egyptian soldiers, so the changes in the celestial phenomena caused by the power of Set [Zeus] and Amon did not affect Roy's soldiers.

Looking at the war between the gods and the changes in the situation on the human battlefield, Roy said with some disappointment.

"The South Egyptians are really not good at war! They have 50,000 more soldiers than the Hyksos, but they still can't gain the upper hand."

At this time, in the center of the battlefield, the South Egyptian Pharaoh Kamose was besieged by Cepheus, Perseus, Minos and Ramses II.

Kamose fell into this siege because his 100,000 troops not only failed to suppress the 50,000 troops of the Hyksos, but were suppressed by the 50,000 troops of the Hyksos in turn.

Kamose had to use his own strength to block the four heroes of Cepheus, Perseus, Minos and Ramses II.

Looking at Kamose who was not at a disadvantage despite the siege of four people, Cepheus sighed while stabbing Kamose's body with a bronze spear.

"Kamus, you really look like a young and brave lion."

Kamus immediately responded with a smile.

"Cepheus, if I am a young and brave lion, you are an old lion with a group of cubs besieging me. Unfortunately, the advantage in numbers cannot change the gap in strength between you and me."

"Kamus, look at your soldiers!"

Perseus suddenly said to Kamose.

"Your soldiers are not as brave as you. If you, the Pharaoh, hadn't led the charge, we would have been able to defeat your soldiers even if you had 100,000 more soldiers than us."

"We Egyptians are an agricultural nation. We are not as barbaric and warlike as you nomadic peoples. This is because the priests and nobles who have ruled Egypt for thousands of years need all Egyptians to be weak and vulnerable. If all Egyptians were brave and warlike, and as barbaric as you nomadic peoples, how could the priests and nobles rule the Egyptians and enjoy the food and wealth provided by the Egyptian civilians?"

Kahmose said with a smile.

"More than a hundred years ago, you Hyksos were able to conquer more than two million people in our Egyptian region with tens of thousands of people. It was not because you Hyksos were really powerful, but because you promised not to touch the fundamental interests of the priests and nobles of each city-state. If you wanted to eliminate all the priests and nobles like Roy, you Hyksos would have no chance to dominate Egypt. But you did not eliminate the priests and nobles, which also allowed you to rule the Egyptian city-states in name only. If the more than two million people in the Egyptian region were really controlled by you - even if only more than one million people in northern Egypt were controlled by you, we southern Egyptians would not be able to fight against you, because you Hyksos have more advanced and powerful military technology."

"What you said is really nonsense! At the beginning, we Hyksos only had tens of thousands of people. If we did not compromise with your priests and nobles, could we really conquer more than two million Egyptians with thousands of warriors?"

Chephus said angrily and began to attack Kamos more fiercely.

No one noticed that Cephus's brother Phineus was driving a chariot to approach Kamos and Cephus and others who were fighting.

Because the person who really drove the chariot was Phineus's driver, Phineus on the chariot was drawing his bow and aiming his arrow at Kamos.

The battle between Set [Zeus] and Amon entered a new stage at this time.

Because the power of the storm god could never cause any harm to Amon, Set [Zeus], ​​who turned into a tornado, suddenly flew away from Amon, and then rushed straight into the sky and turned into thunder.

"Amon! Although I replaced the identity of Set, the native storm god of Egypt, after I came to Egypt, my strongest power is not the storm."

The golden thunder incarnated by Set said in a thunderous voice while growing larger in the sky.

"Thunder is my most original godhood and the strongest power I have. Now in order to decide the winner between us, you will accept my strongest attack!"

As soon as the voice fell, Set turned into a thousand-meter-long golden thunder dragon and fell from the sky to Amon.

Under the horrified gaze of the gods, Amon also burst out the power of the sun with all his strength, and turned into a small sun on the ground that shone with infinite divine light.


Accompanied by a loud noise that seemed to be able to shatter the space, the golden thunder dragon incarnated by Set collided with the small sun incarnated by Amon.

At the same time, Cepheus also held the awareness of dying together and stabbed Kamos' heart with his bronze spear.

With a sound of puff!

After Kamos saw Cepheus's intention, he pierced Cepheus' body with his spear first, and Cepheus's spear blade only left a shallow wound on his heart.

Seeing Cepheus's unwilling eyes widened, Kamos sneered and said.

"You traded a potentially fatal injury for my minor injury. You must be very unwilling now! You will be even more unwilling next time, because without you, an old demigod hero, to stop me, I can defeat your 50,000-strong Hyksos army alone."

After Kamose finished speaking, he kicked Cepheus backwards.

Just as Cepheus's spear blade left Kamose's wound, an arrow came with a shocking sound of breaking through the air, deeply piercing the wound in Kamose's heart.

This unexpected attack made Kamose's eyes widen in disbelief, and he looked down at the arrow that pierced his heart.

"If I hadn't been stabbed by Cepheus, this arrow would not have hurt me at all--"

Although it was difficult to accept his own death, Kamose knew that he had been fatally injured.

Even a demigod hero would die if his heart was injured.

Seeing that the seriously injured Cepheus was protected by Perseus, Minos, Phineus, and Ramses II, Kamose immediately cheered up and said.

"I must kill them! Only by making them my burial objects can we, the South Egyptians, completely defeat the Hyksos."

Although entering the last moments of his life, Kamose was not thinking about revenge for himself or killing the people who attacked him, but killing the biggest obstacle for the South Egyptians to defeat the Hyksos.

After Kamose approached Cepheus and others like a wounded beast, Perseus and others immediately took the seriously injured Cepheus and fled in a chariot.

Just as Kamose was about to chase them, Roy saw the changes on the battlefield and rushed into the center of the battlefield alone, waving his spear to block Kamose.

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