I was a priest in the city-state era

Chapter 270: Pallas, the Spear-Wielding Goddess of War

"Your eyes——"

Feeling Metis's gaze, Knight frowned and said unhappily.

"Don't you want to defeat me, but also take away my power?"

Metis pointed her spear at Knight and said.

"Your wings and shield are what I want, let me take away your power and become the goddess of war and wisdom!"

"What an arrogant guy!"

Knight raised his spear in one hand and his shield in the other, posing in a fighting posture.

"I am Pallas [Spear Swinger]! I am the goddess of war who wields a spear and holds a shield on the battlefield, the goddess of war named Knight, and the goddess who brings victory. Athena! Although you have the ambition to devour me, the end that awaits you will only be defeat."

"Pallas! You are the real arrogant guy, and fate has destined me to be the undefeated goddess who holds victory. I have seen you defeated by me, and your alias has been taken away by me——Pallas Athena is in the future born today!"

After speaking, Metis took the initiative to wave his spear and attack Knight.

With a clang, a loud bang!

Knight blocked Metis's attack with a golden shield, and then swung his spear to counterattack.

The two goddesses fought for a while, and Metis not only failed to suppress Knight, but Knight took away the initiative in the battle.

Knight teased Metis while attacking Metis.

"Athena, it seems that you are not lying. You are indeed a goddess of wisdom who is not good at fighting. You have not experienced defeat in the past, just because you have not met a powerful god of war like me."

"You guy-"

Facing Knight's humiliation, Metis's cheeks were flushed with anger.

"Palas, don't be too proud too early, the outcome of your defeat by me will not change."

Although the two goddesses fought with huge bodies of a thousand meters in height, their battle of gods did not affect the war of mankind.

Roy never thought that while he suppressed Sekhan on the battlefield, his own goddess Athena could not beat Pallas, the guardian goddess of Sais City.

As part of Knight's divine power was injected into Sekharn's body, Sekharn's strength and speed gradually increased, making it difficult for Roy to suppress Sekharn.

Seeing the change in the battlefield situation, Metis showed a smile of conspiracy on her face, and said to Roy in an anxious tone.

"Roy! What are you waiting for? If you don't want us to lose together, quickly worship me as the Queen of the Gods of the Kingdom of Athens."

As the patron saint of Athens, Metis can only draw the power of the patron saint from the Attica Peninsula.

Roy worshipped Metis as the patron saint and queen of the gods of the Kingdom of Athens, and Metis could draw the power of the patron saint from the Attica Peninsula, Thebes, Corinth, Eubia, Crete, Pharos and Buto in Egypt.

Because after Metis became the Queen of the Gods of the Kingdom of Athens, the other patron saints of the Kingdom of Athens would be reduced to subordinate gods of Metis, and Metis could use the power of these subordinate gods.

Hearing Metis asking him to make her the queen of the gods of the Kingdom of Athens, Roy showed an embarrassment on his face.

Because Roy knew without thinking that Roy's decision to make other goddesses subordinate to Metis would definitely lead to collective dissatisfaction from other goddesses.

But now Roy didn't want to lose this war, so Roy could only shout at Metis in the end.

"Great Metis! In the name of King Roy of Athens, I will make you the guardian god of the Kingdom of Athens. From now on, you are the queen with the highest status among the gods of the Kingdom of Athens."

"Very good - you really didn't let me down!"

After praising Roy with a smile, Metis immediately reversed the situation of being suppressed by Knight, and suddenly launched a violent counterattack with stronger divine power and faster divine speed.

Seeing this scene, Roy couldn't help but suspect that Metis's inability to beat Knight just now might be a deliberate false illusion, the purpose of which was to seize this opportunity to make him make her the guardian god of the Kingdom of Athens.

But this is just a conspiracy theory after all. Roy has no evidence to prove that Metis is deliberately pretending.

Perhaps it is true that Metis cannot beat Knight, and it is also true that she wants to use this opportunity to become the Queen of the Gods of the Kingdom of Athens.

Although Knight is worshipped as the creator of gods and humans by the city of Sais, the strength of gods is not determined by the myths made up by humans, but by the territory and population ruled in reality.

The area and population of Sais are certainly not comparable to the entire Kingdom of Athens.

So after Metis became the Queen of the Gods of the Kingdom of Athens, there was a huge level gap between her and Knight's divine power.

Under the fierce attack of Metis, Knight could only retreat step by step.

The reversal of the war situation between the gods also affected the battle between Roy and Sekhane.

Knight was suppressed by Metis, causing Sekhane to lose Knight's divine power blessing.

On the contrary, Roy began to get the divine power blessing of Metis.

The power of Metis, the queen of the gods of the Kingdom of Athens, poured into Roy's body like a violent flood, making Roy's attack involuntarily violent.

Clang clang clang clang clang --

Clang clang clang clang clang --

The battlefield was reverberating with the sound of Roy and Metis's spears piercing Sekhane and Knight's shields.

When Sekharan and Knight's resistance became weaker and weaker, Metis's fatal blow bypassed Knight's golden shield and pierced Knight's right shoulder.

With a snap!

At the same time, Roy's spear blade split Sekharan's bronze shield and then pierced his heart mercilessly.

Seeing this scene, Roy said with wide eyes in shock.

"What's going on? I still want to use Sekharan to make Sais surrender, why is my body out of control--"

Looking up and seeing the battle between the two goddesses, Metis's spear blade pierced Knight's shoulder, Roy said with doubt.

"Is it because Metis's divine power is too violent that my body is out of control?"

As Sekharan, the pharaoh of Sais, was killed by Roy, the battlefield situation that was originally difficult to determine the winner immediately turned into a one-sided situation where Sais soldiers turned around and fled.

Knight glanced at Sekharan's body, and then wings appeared behind him, and his body turned into a golden streamer and flew towards Sais.

After watching Knight leave, Metis picked up Knight's lost golden shield and said.

"From now on, I am the shield-bearing war goddess Athena."

Then, Metis looked down at Roy and said.

"Let's continue this war! You haven't conquered the city of Sais, and I haven't taken Knight's wings."

Thinking of the goddess named Pallas Athena in another world, Roy couldn't help asking.

"You don't really want to eat the goddess Knight and make her disappear from this world?"

"This is not what you should care about."

Metis said in the majestic tone of the queen of the gods.

"What you have to do is to start a war, help me seize more territory and population, and make me the strongest goddess in the world."

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