I was a priest in the city-state era

Chapter 259 Spices are as valuable as gold

Of course Roy knew that Alashia treated him as a distinguished guest because he had the value he wanted to use.

Roy is willing to be Alashia's guest because Alashia has the value that Roy wants to use.

After the two drank a glass of wine, Roy took the initiative to speak to Alashia.

"King of Phoenicia! You are not only the king of the Phoenicians, but also the highest priest of the goddess Aphrodite. I have a curse from the goddess Aphrodite on my body. I hope you can follow Aphrodite's curse. Please communicate with Goddess Dite and let Goddess Aphrodite turn her curse on me into a blessing.”

After hearing Roy's request, Alashia said with a wry smile.

"King of Athens, in fact, the first time I saw you, I discovered that you have the power of the goddess Aphrodite. You said that you were cursed by the goddess Aphrodite, and I can also guess that Aphrodite What kind of blessing does the goddess Rodite give you? In fact, the blessing of the goddess Aphrodite is not a bad thing for you. When you meet a girl you like, you can take advantage of the blessing of the goddess Aphrodite. , let the girl you like fall in love with you. If you don’t want the blessing of the goddess Aphrodite to bring you trouble, you can try to avoid contact with women who will bring you danger.”

"You asked me to accept the curse of the goddess Aphrodite, don't you want to help me solve this problem?"

"It's not that I don't want to help you, it's just that I don't have the ability!"

Alashia said innocently.

"You should know that only those who have made great contributions to the gods can receive the blessings of the gods. You have not contributed to the goddess Aphrodite, how can I ask the goddess Aphrodite to give you Blessings? Do you think that in my relationship with the goddess Aphrodite, I, the King of Tanis, is more powerful than the goddess Aphrodite? "

Two thousand years ago, before the Aryans, the ancestors of the Mycenaeans and Hyksos, invaded the Phenicia, Syria, and Mesopotamia plains on the east coast of the Mediterranean, Aphrodite had It is an ancient god worshiped by the Phoenicians for thousands of years.

The ancient authority possessed by Aphrodite is certainly not something that Alashia can compete with.

Although Roy could understand the reason Alashia said, Roy couldn't help but say it.

"Can't you think of a way to help me?"

"The only way is for you to make great contributions to the goddess Aphrodite and please the goddess Aphrodite."

Alashia said with a serious face.

"If the Kingdom of Athens is willing to honor the goddess Aphrodite and regard the goddess Aphrodite as the protector of the Kingdom of Athens and the queen of the gods, the goddess Aphrodite will definitely be very happy and grant you the highest level. Blessings from the gods.”

Aphrodite was regarded as the protector of the Kingdom of Athens and the queen of the gods——

Let alone Aphrodite, any god would be pleased by Roy.

Unfortunately, Roy didn't want to use this bargaining chip to please Aphrodite.

"Alashia! The Kingdom of Athens already has a patron saint. If I want to choose the patron saint of the Kingdom of Athens and the Queen of the Gods, I must give priority to the existing patron saint of the Kingdom of Athens."

"If you don't want to do something to please the goddess Aphrodite, I really can't help you."

After expressing his helpless attitude, Alashia then said to Roy.

"My dear friend Loy! What do you think will be the final outcome of the war launched by the Southern Egyptians against the Hyksos? This tragic war has already caused the Southern Egyptians to kill two pharaohs, but the Southern Egyptians Still unwilling to give up the idea of ​​expelling the Hyksos and our Phoenicians, many leaders of the Hyksos tribe, including Acrisios, the king of Mycenae, have chosen to leave northern Egypt. "

"Even if Kamos becomes the third southern Egyptian pharaoh to die in battle, the southern Egyptians will not give up the war."

Roy said with a faint smile.

"Without any powerful external force intervening in the war between the Southern Egyptians and the Hyksos, in the end the Southern Egyptians were not only able to drive the Hyksos and Phoenicians away from Northern Egypt, but they were also able to pursue you and conquer the Phoenicians. Base area and Syria area.”

Roy's words seemed like a prophecy.

Alashia frowned and said with an ugly expression.

"If we return to the Phoenician area and the Southern Egyptians still don't want to let us go, then we will have no choice but to migrate to the island of Cyprus. Dear Roy! Maybe you haven't heard of the island of Cyprus, which is the largest island in the Eastern Mediterranean. The island has a stronghold established by our Phoenicians, and it is also a sacred island dedicated to the goddess Aphrodite by our Phoenicians.”

Hearing Alashia's words, Roy had a faint smile on his face.

Alashia would never have imagined that Roy not only knew the island of Cyprus better than he did, but also knew that in the history of another world, the Eighteenth Dynasty of Egypt established by the Southern Egyptians conquered the Phoenician region, and the Phoenicians migrated to the island of Cyprus. The Kingdom of Arathia was established.

At this moment, a group of palace maids brought barbecue, white bread, oatmeal and other food to the table.

Andromeda said curiously when she saw that there were fennel, cloves, coriander and other spices in the barbecue.

"I know the two spices in it are fennel and coriander. What are the remaining two spices?"

Roy glanced at the four spices in the barbecue and said.

"The two remaining spices are sweet basil and parsley."

Hearing Roy say the names of the two spices, Alashia opened her eyes in shock and said.

"My dear friend, your knowledge is astonishing."

Roy said with a smile.

"Not only do I recognize these spices, but I also know that in addition to their flavoring properties, they can also be used as medicine to treat diseases. When the Kingdom of Athens solves its food problem, I will collect various spice plants for large-scale cultivation."

Alashia said with a serious expression.

"Loy! We Phoenicians are the best merchants. If you really grow spices, you must sell them to us Phoenicians. These spices are also commodities worth as much as gold. It seems that in the future, in addition to platinum In addition to the title of King, I will also give you the title of King of Spices to let the world know how rich you are."

"Please let me go!"

Roy immediately said dissatisfied.

"Whether it's the title of King of Platinum or King of Spice, I don't want any of them. My Kingdom of Athens is so poor that there may be a food crisis at any time. These nicknames are likely to mislead others, making others really think that I have endless wealth." wealth."

"If you are a poor person with so much white salt that it is like sand, then I must be a beggar even poorer than you."

Late at night.

After the banquet, Roy and Andromeda came to the palace guest room together.

In order to avoid embarrassment between the two of them, Roy pretended to be drunk and lay down on the bed as soon as he entered the room and pretended to sleep.

Andromeda came to sit next to Roy and pushed Roy, who was pretending to sleep, with her little hand.

Seeing that Roy didn't wake up, he could only mutter to himself helplessly.

"What kind of relationship do we have now? My reputation has been ruined by you. You shouldn't have any irresponsible thoughts!"

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