I was a priest in the city-state era

Chapter 251 I really don't want a hot potato

After finishing the conversation with Ramses II, Roy looked at the silent Minos and said.

"Minos, I have already visited the situation in Knossos. After I solve the food problem of the Kingdom of Athens, if I still have surplus food, I will definitely help Knossos solve the food problem."

Hearing Roy's words, Minos looked at Roy with a complicated look and said.

"If Knossos had not suffered a tsunami, you would definitely be the person I hate the most now."

"In other words, you don't hate me anymore now?"

"I won't hate someone who really wants to save Knossos."

Minos said with a smile.

"Roy, I believe in your ability. As long as you can solve the food problem for tens of thousands of people in Knossos, Knossos is willing to become a vassal of the Kingdom of Athens. If I die in Egypt, Knossos can be directly owned by you."

"Don't say such depressing words."

The two kings of Crete, Radamanthys, were sent to Serifos by Roy to become a tool to protect the safety of the South Aegean Sea waterway. Roy would certainly not let Minos go.

Roy had already decided that after conquering Knossos in the future, he would let Minos become a tool to protect the safety of the East Aegean Sea waterway and become a brother in distress with Radamanthys.

The banquet at Cepheus did not end until late at night.

When a group of palace maids began to clean up the leftovers in the banquet hall, Ramses II came to Roy and said.

"Your Majesty, the King of Athens, I am going back to the mansion of our Ramses family. You can go to the mansion of the Ramses family with me, or you can rest in the guest room of the palace."

As priest nobles, the Ramses family's mansion is not as good as the palace of Cepheus, but it will definitely be more comfortable to live in than the guest room of the palace.

But Roy did not want to accept the hospitality of the Ramses family.

Because when the city of Avaris enters the territory of the Kingdom of Athens in the future, the Ramses family will also be the priest nobles that Roy must eliminate.

If Roy accepts the hospitality of the Ramses family now, he will definitely feel embarrassed to eliminate the Ramses family in the future.

"Ramses II! Although I am very grateful for your kindness, I still want to rest in the guest room of the palace."

After saying that, Roy followed Minos out of the banquet hall and walked towards the guest room of the palace.

Looking at Roy's leaving figure, Ramses II showed a regretful expression on his face.

Now that the Kingdom of Athens has replaced Knossos as the overlord of the Aegean Sea, Ramses II really wants to have a good relationship with Roy, the King of Athens.

In the future, if the southern Egyptians conquer northern Egypt and the southern Egyptians do not recognize the priestly aristocratic status of the Ramses family, perhaps the Ramses family can surrender to Roy.

The next morning.

Roy and Minos came to the banquet hall together and enjoyed a breakfast banquet with the nobles and mercenary leaders of Avaris.

Although Roy did not want to be a mercenary of Cepheus, Roy did not want to sit with the nobles of Avaris, so Roy could only sit with Minos, Perseus and other mercenary leaders to enjoy breakfast.

After the breakfast banquet, Cepheus, wearing a golden mask, came to the banquet hall with his beautiful daughter Andromeda.

Seeing that the young nobles and mercenary leaders of Avaris were attracted by Andromeda, Cepheus pulled Andromeda to sit on the throne and said.

"Dear nobles! Dear guests! I believe you have all heard that whoever can stop the Pharaoh Kamose of the South Egyptians for the Kingdom of Egypt can become the husband of my daughter Andromeda and the heir to my throne. Now I want to tell you that the rumors you heard are true. I now officially announce to you that anyone among you who can become a hero who defeats Kamose, I will marry Andromeda to him."

Beautiful Princess-

The Supreme Throne-

Looking at Andromeda on the golden throne, all the young men in the hall showed greedy eyes, and their desire for the throne and Andromeda was written on their faces.

"Your Majesty Cepheus!"

Just when Andromeda became the focus of everyone's attention, Minos suddenly said.

"I have no interest in your throne and Princess Andromeda. I just want to get food to save the city of Knossos. I have brought 3,000 Knossos soldiers to the city of Avaris. Please arrange a grain ship to go to the city of Knossos as soon as possible."

Cepheus looked at Minos and said.

"Minos, although the experience of Knossos is sympathetic, I cannot give you the food first. Only after you and your soldiers fight the southern Egyptians, can I arrange grain ships to Knossos according to your merits. The more merits you Knossos people have made on the battlefield, the more grain ships will go to Knossos." Hearing what Cepheus said, Minos could only sigh helplessly. Since Minos needed help, he had to accept the conditions proposed by Cepheus even if he didn't want to. After Minos was silent, Roy immediately spoke. "Your Majesty Cepheus! I wanted to tell you last night that I didn't come to Egypt to be your mercenary, but to occupy Egyptian land. Now I have occupied the Pharos area south of Pharos Island, and I will occupy more land next." The western part of the Nile Delta is ruled by the city of Sais. Even if Roy occupied more land in the west, it would not harm the interests of Cepheus.

But if Roy does not serve as Cepheus's mercenary, it will obviously harm Cepheus' interests.

So Cepheus immediately said with dissatisfaction.

"King Roy of Athens! The whole of Egypt is my territory, and your current behavior is to invade my territory. As long as you and the Athenian soldiers fight for me as mercenaries, I can give you the Pharos region and let you become the legal ruler of the Pharos region. If your contribution is great enough, I can also give you more land."

Hearing Cepheus' words, Roy immediately smiled.

As the nominal king of all Egypt, Cepheus can indeed make himself the legal ruler of the Pharos region and let himself legally rule more land.

But he can only give himself the name of legal rule.

The western part of the Nile Delta is actually ruled by the Fourteenth Dynasty of Egypt led by the city of Sais.

The land that Roy wants to get must be conquered by his soldiers himself.

In this case, is the name of legal rule important?

The answer is of course not important!

"Your Majesty Cepheus! Even if you marry Princess Andromeda to me now, or even let me become your heir to the throne, I will not be your mercenary. To put it even more bluntly, even if you give me the throne now, I will not accept your throne."


Cepheus immediately stood up and said angrily.

"Arrogant young man, aren't you afraid that I will declare war on your Kingdom of Athens?"

Before Roy responded, a lazy voice came from outside the hall.

"Cepheus! I'm about to drive you Hyksos out of the land of the Egyptians, and you are so arrogant that you want to take the initiative to declare war on others?"

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