I was a priest in the city-state era

Chapter 245: Rule of Egypt Begins Here

Roy did not take the warning of the Sun Serpent Goddess Wadjet to heart.

Because the Nile Delta has eight city-states and an area of ​​24,000 square kilometers, and each city-state governs an average of 3,000 square kilometers.

The area of ​​the Kingdom of Athens is about 20,000 square kilometers. On average, the territory of each of the four guardian goddesses is 5,000 square kilometers.

In other words, the city-state guardian gods in the Egyptian region, even if they have the bonus of ruling a larger population, can only be as powerful as the guardian gods of the Kingdom of Athens.

Only the guardian gods of the four major regimes have a higher level of power than the guardian gods of the Kingdom of Athens.

Since the first dynasty of Egypt nominally unified northern and southern Egypt, the Egyptian region has only been nominally unified until now, and in fact, each city-state has been in a state of self-government.

There are now 30 city-states in the Egyptian region, and among these 30 city-states, there are four relatively powerful regimes, known as the 14th, 15th, 16th and 17th dynasties of Egypt.

The cities of Sais, Buto, Atribis, and Merimda in the west of the Nile Delta formed the 14th Dynasty, the city of Avaris in the east of the Nile Delta ruled five city-states to form the 15th Dynasty, the city of Tanis in the northeast of the Nile Delta alone became the 16th Dynasty, and the city of Thebes in southern Egypt ruled 20 city-states to form the 17th Dynasty.

The 14th and 17th Dynasties belonged to the native regimes of Egypt, and the 15th and 16th Dynasties were foreign regimes established by nomadic peoples in the Phoenician region.

Roy's goal was to conquer Sais and help Metis annex the patron saint of Sais, the Queen of the Gods of the 14th Dynasty of Egypt, Neith. How could he really regard Wadjet, the patron saint of Buto, as a threat?

After destroying the cobra clone of the goddess Wadjet, Roy immediately threw his bronze war spear at the old priestess.

The old priestess, who was already walking slowly, had no time to dodge, and was directly pierced through the heart by Roy's spear blade and ended her life.

As soon as the old priestess died, her descendants and temple servants lost their faith in fighting to the death and began to shout for mercy. Some even threw away their weapons and knelt on the ground.

Seeing that the Athenian soldiers did not attack the surrendered people, Roy immediately ordered.

"Kill them all!"

Under Roy's order, the descendants of the old priestess and the temple servants eventually turned into corpses on the ground.

Roy looked at the sixty-three corpses on the ground with satisfaction and said.

"Aries, next you kill the people in the temple. No matter men, women, old or young, as long as they are people, kill them all."

There is a saying that if you don't cut the grass at the root, it will grow again in the spring breeze.

Roy will not have the idea of ​​being soft-hearted and burying hidden dangers for his rule.

After Aries led the Athenian soldiers into the temple to kill for a while, he soon returned to Roy with an excited face and said.

"Your Majesty, we found tens of thousands of kilograms of grain in the temple's warehouse, which should be enough for hundreds of people in the temple for a year. If the temples in other villages are so rich, we only need to rob thirty villages to solve the food problem."

"Don't use the word rob, it makes us sound like robbers."

Roy said with a faint smile.

"Since we are here, we can't just see the immediate benefits. In order to turn the fertile land of the Nile Delta into a grain-producing area for the Kingdom of Athens, I plan to establish rule here. To this end, I will first bribe the Egyptians with their grain. Aries! Now you and the soldiers go and call the villagers out from house to house and let them come to listen to my speech."

After Aries took the Athenian soldiers to knock on the doors of every house, Roy entered the temple alone and moved out the statue of Wadjet in the temple.

After the men over the age of sixteen in the village were gathered outside the temple, Roy stood next to the statue of Wadjet and said.

"Fellow villagers, I solemnly announce to you that this village is no longer Wadjet's territory, and will no longer be ruled by Buto City, which is guarded by Wadjet."

After saying that, Roy pushed down the Wadjet statue with force, breaking it in two.

Seeing Roy's blasphemy against the gods, not only the Egyptians, but even the Athenians showed a horrified reaction.

"You don't have to worry about me!"

After pushing down the Wadjet statue, Roy showed his strong body and smiled.

"Our Kingdom of Athens is protected by the powerful goddesses Metis, Mnemosyne, Amphitrite, and Pandora. There are four goddesses guarding my safety, and Wadjet cannot cause any harm to me."

After the Athenians no longer worried about Roy, the Egyptians also showed a relieved expression.

If this blasphemous outsider really has four gods to protect him, then he really doesn't need to worry about the revenge of the goddess Wadjet.

Looking at the reactions of the crowd, Roy continued.

"Fellow villagers, your village will be ruled by me from now on, and I will implement the laws of the Kingdom of Athens here."

Seeing the villagers' numb expressions and no reaction to him becoming their ruler, Roy stated the specific policies.

"Under the rule of the Kingdom of Athens, if your family's annual income is less than 10,000 kilograms of grain, you don't need to pay any taxes, and I won't force you to build pyramids or become soldiers. Everyone is equal under the Kingdom of Athens, and anyone who does something to hurt others will be severely punished by law, so you don't have to worry about being oppressed."

After Roy finished speaking, the villagers immediately became agitated.

The old man who got two kilograms of salt from Roy said directly to Roy.

"Dear foreigners, are you lying to us? Foreign rulers are indeed better than our own rulers. After the Phoenicians ruled Northern Egypt, they no longer forced us to build pyramids, but they There is no reduction in taxes. You said you won’t collect taxes from us. It’s so good that we can’t believe it!”

"Old man, time will tell whether I am lying to you or not."

After responding to the old man, Roy continued.

"Dear villagers, I plan to build your village into a port city - Faros City. I will recruit workers from you at the price of one hundred kilograms of grain per month. I will also use the price of one hundred kilograms of grain per month to recruit workers from among you. , recruit soldiers from among you. Now you are all free citizens of Pharos, and each family will be allocated twenty acres of land. Only soldiers who fight for the Kingdom of Athens can become citizens, and the families of soldiers will become citizen families. Families will be allocated fifty acres of land and enjoy various other benefits.”

Fifty acres of land——

Upon hearing this number, the villagers showed excited expressions.

If they weren't worried that Roy's words wouldn't be fulfilled, they would have signed up to be soldiers by now.

The old man who traded with Roy said again.

"Great King of Athens! If I let one of my sons become your soldiers, will you really give me fifty acres of land?

Roy shook his head and said.

"Old man, I have strict standards for soldiers. Your son must meet the standards to become my soldier. As long as your son becomes my soldier, your family will be a citizen family. After I liquidate the fields in the village, I will give priority to them. Allocate fields to citizen families.”

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