I was a priest in the city-state era

Chapter 201 Deucalion Becomes Minos

Naxos is the largest and richest island in the Cyclades Islands in the South Aegean Sea.

The area of ​​this island is more than 400 square kilometers. It is rich in natural resources and has many natural ports. It is located in the central part of the Cyclades Islands and is also the "Crown of Green Land" in the archipelago.

The earliest inhabitants of Naxos were Carians from the Caria region of the Asia Minor Peninsula. When the city of Knossos dominated the Aegean Sea, some Cretans migrated here and became the eyes of the city of Knossos to control Naxos.

Later, the Mycenaeans migrated from Crete to the surrounding areas, and some Mycenaeans came to Naxos to settle.

Naxos has many natural ports, which means it has the potential to develop into a trade hub.

But under the suppression of the city of Knossos, Naxos can only become a production area for agricultural products such as grain and fruit.

At this time, in the sea south of Naxos, Deucalion was leading the Knossos naval fleet of 100 warships to confront another fleet of hundreds of warships.

The fleet opposite Deucalion was a coalition of the Cyclades Islands led by Naxos. Their purpose in confronting Deucalion was to get rid of the control of Knossos over them.

"Although I knew that these vassal city-states far away from Knossos would want to break away from us, I didn't expect them to unite."

Looking at the Cyclades coalition fleet in front, Deucalion stood on the bow of the flagship and whispered expressionlessly.

"In order to teach you city-states that attempted to betray Knossos a lesson, today I will let you see how huge the gap between Knossos and you is."

As a gust of south wind swept across the sea, Deucalion immediately ordered the entire army to attack.

Just when the naval fleet of Knossos was about to collide with the coalition fleet of the Cyclades, Deucalion and the soldiers of Knossos did not pick up weapons, but threw pottery jars at the coalition fleet of the Cyclades.

The pottery jars hit the warships of the coalition fleet, and the olive oil inside immediately began to flow on the deck.

"They are going to use fire attack--"

Seeing the olive oil thrown by the Knossos people, the commander of the coalition fleet shouted hurriedly.

"Everyone must block the olive oil pottery jars and burning cloth balls they threw."

The coalition fleet started to defend now, but it was a little late after all.

As the Knossos people ignited the cloth balls soaked in olive oil and threw them on the warships of the coalition fleet, the warships immediately caught fire.

Before the war between the two fleets really started, half of the warships of the coalition fleet of the Cyclades Islands had lost their combat effectiveness.

Seeing the great success of the fire attack tactics, Deucalion said with a smug smile on his face.

"Roy - when we fight next time, I will also burn your Athenian navy fleet to ashes."

Eastern Crete.

Knossos City.

Deucalion returned to the Minoan Palace with his fleet in triumph.

Entering the spacious and bright hall, seeing his father Minos sitting on the throne with a gloomy face, Deucalion said happily.

"Father, I am back to you with victory now. The Cyclades Islands, led by Naxos Island, want to get out of our control. I have destroyed all their warships."

Hearing Deucalion's words, Minos forced a smile on his face and said.

"My child, you are worthy of being the heir to the throne I chose, and you have lived up to my expectations of you. Although it is good news that you defeated the Cyclades Islands, we are now in more trouble."

Seeing Deucalion's puzzled expression, Minos continued.

"Recently, there are fewer and fewer merchant ships coming to our city of Knossos. If our Kingdom of Knossos wants to maintain its current prosperity and population, we not only need the food brought by merchant ships, but also the commercial taxes paid by those merchant ships as our wealth. Do you know how big a crisis it is for us that there are fewer and fewer merchant ships coming to Knossos?"

Deucalion took a deep breath and said.

"If we don't have enough food to feed the huge population of the Kingdom of Knossos, the Kingdom of Knossos will collapse on its own. Merchant ships no longer come to our city of Knossos. Is it that someone deliberately intercepts them at sea?"

Minos shook his head and said.

"No one intercepted merchant ships at sea to prevent merchant ships from coming to Knossos. Those merchant ships chose not to come to Knossos themselves. They all went to Athens because Athens had unlimited high-quality white salt to sell to them at a low price."


Deucalion said angrily with gritted teeth.

"Athens again! Damn Roy is really determined to go against us and even wants to compete with our city of Knossos for the position of a trade hub. I will lead the navy fleet to intercept merchant ships and threaten them not to go to Athens."

"Deucalion, do you think we are pirates?"

Minos said with dissatisfaction.

"You are the heir to the throne of Knossos, and your subordinates are the navy of Knossos. How can you lead them to intercept merchant ships and force them to come to our city of Knossos for trade?"

"Father, Roy is now going to dig up the foundation of Knossos. We are at a time of life and death, so why should we care about face. Since Roy can do whatever it takes to defeat us, we can certainly do the same."

Just when Minos's expression wavered and he seemed to be convinced by Deucalion, a soldier hurried into the hall and knelt on the ground and said.

"Great Minos, urgent military information has just been received. The city of Donia has declared war on us. The king of Donia, Radamanthys, is leading the army to attack the vassal city-state west of Knossos."

"Radamanthys chose this time to declare war on us--"

At this moment, Minos felt that it was raining on the roof.

Deucalion said fearlessly.

"Father, Radamanthys is not my opponent. Since Radamanthys foolishly attacked us, let me take 3,000 troops to fight Radamanthys. I will not only defeat Radamanthys, but also occupy the city of Donia and make Radamanthys lose his foothold in Crete."

As the two most famous young heroes on Crete, Deucalion and Radamanthys had several duels, and Deucalion defeated Radamanthys every time.

So Minos was also confident that Deucalion could defeat Radamanthys.

"My child, before you fight Radamanthys, I want to give you the name of Minos and the identity of the King of Knossos, so that you can defeat Radamanthys as the King of Knossos, Minos."


Hearing Minos' words, Deucalion looked at his father with wide eyes in surprise.

Minos said with a loving smile.

"Deucalion, are you willing to accept my inheritance and become the King of Knossos-become Minos?"

Deucalion hesitated for a moment, then nodded heavily and said.

"I am willing to accept my father's inheritance and become Minos of Knossos."

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