I was a priest in the city-state era

Chapter 192 This war is temporarily over

After comforting the prisoners, Loy returned to the city of Athens under night.


When Roy arrived at the gate of the Acropolis, he saw Procne, Philomela, Chione, and Pandora waiting for him here, just like wives waiting for their husbands to return in triumph.

"Brother Roy——"

Seeing Roy's figure, Philomela was the first to run over and throw herself into Roy's arms.

Procne walked up to Roy with Chione and Pandora, looked at Roy with concern and said.

"Brother Roy, are you physically injured?"

Roy picked up Philomela and spun her around, then smiled at Procne.

"While I'm glad you're worried about me, you should have the same confidence in me as Philomela. Deucalion is no opponent that can hurt me."

Procne said with a smile after confirming that Roy was really not injured.

"My mother taught me that men always like to show off their strength and will not admit it even if they are hurt, so I have to make sure that Brother Roy is not hurt."

"Procne, I feel more and more that you will become as good a wife as my mother-in-law in the future."

Seeing Procne raising the olive branch wreath to put on his head, Roy lowered his head proactively.

After Procne put the olive branch crown on Roy's head, Roy raised his head and said.

"Now I am hungry and thirsty. Let's return to the palace quickly! I will enjoy the food while telling you how I won this war."

After saying that, Roy led the girls towards the palace.

Royal Palace of Athens.

Inside the hall illuminated by twelve candles.

After Roy and the four girls sat down around the table, a group of young and beautiful palace maids soon brought barbecue, oatmeal, white bread, wine, fruits and other food.

Procne and Philomela sat on the left and right of Loy, serving Loy like maids and feeding him all kinds of food.

After his stomach was half full, Roy began to tell the story of how the Athenian navy defeated the navy of Knossos.

"... This naval battle can be won easily not only because of the help of the north wind, but also because Deucalion is unprepared for my fire attack. After this naval battle spreads, both sides in future naval battles will Be prepared for enemy fire attacks."

After Roy finished speaking his conclusion about this war, Pandora said with a joking smile.

"Even if this naval battle spreads, only very wealthy city-states will use fire attacks during naval battles. Ordinary naval battles - such as pirates hijacking merchant ships and using hundreds of kilograms of olive oil to attack the escort warships of merchant ships, unless the pirates can If you grab a very valuable commodity like salt, you will lose more than you gain. However, the accompanying merchant ships with extremely high value will be too powerful for ordinary pirates to defeat."

Chione nodded in agreement and said.

"If the pirates robbed a grain ship, they would definitely not burn olive oil worth thousands of kilograms of grain to grab thousands of kilograms of grain on the grain ship. Just like Pandora said, ordinary naval battles will not happen The situation of using fire attack.”

Procne said to Roy with a worried expression.

"Brother Roy, people in this era attach great importance to reputation. If you use fire attacks to defeat Deucalion, I'm afraid your reputation will fall instead of rising."

"I don't care about reputation."

Roy said with a smile.

"As long as I can win the war, let alone defeat the enemy with fire attacks, I can do it even if I can break rivers and flood the enemy's cities. History is ultimately written by the victors, and only the victors can represent it. Justice, losers are countless sinners.”

"Brother Roy, is the war between our city of Athens and the city of Knossos really over now?"

Hearing Philomela's question, Roy nodded and said.

"The war between the city of Athens and the city of Knossos is temporarily over. Although the number of soldiers and warships in the city of Knossos still exceeds that of our city of Athens, the city of Knossos needs half of the soldiers and warships Protect their territory and sea areas. So before the city of Knossos recruits new soldiers and builds new warships, the city of Knossos is no longer able to wage war against us. "

Pandora deliberately provoked the general.

"Since the city of Knossos can expedition to the city of Athens, why don't you take the navy of the city of Athens to the city of Knossos and completely defeat the city of Knossos so that the people of Knossos can no longer threaten the city of Athens?"

"Are you really stupid or are you pretending to be stupid?"

Roy rolled his eyes and said.

"Now, whether it is a land war or a naval battle, the people of Knossos are already prepared for my tactics. When I go on an expedition to the city of Knossos, the best result is just to lose both sides with the city of Knossos. . But Crete also has the city of Donia ruled by your brother Rhadamandis. If Athens and Knossos both lose, Donia will replace Knossos and become the new overlord of the Aegean Sea. and trade hub. So I want the half-dead city of Knossos and the city of Donia to fight dog to dog, so that the city of Athens can benefit. "

Seeing Pandora pouting her lips in dissatisfaction, Philomela pointed at Pandora and said.

"You really don't have the same intentions as us. You actually want to encourage brother Roy and the city of Knossos to suffer losses."

"If Roy is willing to go to Donia City with me, then he and I are of the same mind."

After responding to Philomela, Pandora smiled and said to Roy.

"My dear, if you are willing to follow me to Donia City, I can let you replace Rhadamandis as the king of Donia City."

"You want me to betray the goddess Metis and serve Pandora, the patron goddess of Donia?"

In this era, shifting one's ruling center has a very special meaning.

Athens is the ruling center of Roy, which means that the goddess Metis is the goddess with the highest status in the Kingdom of Athens.

Donia became the ruling center of Roy, which means that Pandora, the patron goddess of Donia, became the new supreme god of the Kingdom of Athens.

In the history of another world, in order to abolish the supreme god status of the sun god Amon, the pharaoh Amenhotep IV of the 18th Dynasty of Egypt moved the ruling center from the city of Thebes guarded by Amon to the newly built city for the sun god Aten.

Pandora smiled unabashedly when Roy saw through his ambition.

"As the second largest city-state on Crete, Donia has the potential to replace Knossos as a trade hub. As long as you are willing to be the king of Donia, you can use the power of Athens and Donia to conquer Knossos and complete the great cause of unifying Crete."

Roy shook his head and said.

"The development potential of Crete is very limited. I must be crazy to make Crete my ruling center."

The city of Knossos on Crete became the overlord of the Aegean Sea, not because Knossos had great potential, but because Knossos was lucky enough to become a trade hub.

As long as the trade hub of the Aegean Sea shifts, Knossos' hegemony will weaken and there will be no possibility of rising again.

Because the resources of Crete itself determine the limit of the development of the city-state of Crete.

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