I was a priest in the city-state era

Chapter 189: Burning Deucalion's Ships

The sea between the southern Attica Peninsula and the island of Kea.

After Roy's one hundred warships and Deucalion's two hundred warships entered this sea area, Deucalion did not take the initiative to let his warships attack.

Because Deucalion could no longer bear the second defeat.

In order to ensure victory in this naval battle, Deucalion decided to proceed step by step and rely on numerical superiority to win steadily.

Roy, who was confident of winning the naval battle, had no scruples in letting his warship rush towards Deucalion's warship.

On the endless sea.

Deucalion's two hundred warships were like giant beasts with their mouths wide open, and they quickly surrounded Roy's warships.

When Roy's warship and Deucalion's warship were less than five meters apart, Roy took the lead and picked up a clay pot containing twenty kilograms of olive oil and threw it at Deucalion's flagship.


The clay pot shattered immediately when it hit the deck of Deucalion's flagship, and the olive oil in the clay pot began to flow on the deck.

The soldiers who were on the same ship as Roy threw nine other jars of olive oil onto Deucalion's flagship.

"Is this olive oil?"

Judging from the smell that the liquid on the deck was olive oil, Deucalion said with confusion.

"What do the Athenians want to do? Do they think that if the deck is full of olive oil, our soldiers will become unstable on the deck? Then they really underestimate our Knossos Navy."

Bang bang bang bang bang——

At this moment, the sound of broken clay pots kept ringing.

Deucalion turned his head and saw soldiers on each of Roy's warships smashing clay pots filled with olive oil onto his side's warships.

Seeing this scene, Deucalion had an ominous premonition in his heart.

After all, olive oil is not water, but liquid gold worth five or even ten times as much as food.

Even in the Aegean Sea, which is rich in olive oil, Roy's one hundred warships all threw two hundred kilograms of olive oil onto Deucalion's warship, which was equivalent to a waste of one hundred thousand kilograms of food.

If the area buys olive oil, it would be equivalent to a waste of 200,000 kilograms of food.

Of course, Deucalion would not be stupid enough to think that Roy really wanted to cover the deck of his warship with olive oil to make his soldiers unstable and lose their combat effectiveness.

It was then that Deucalion got the answer he wanted.

Because Roy and the soldiers used candles as fire, they lit the cloth soaked in olive oil and threw it towards Deucalion's warship.

Deucalion finally understood that Roy's tactic was to burn his own warship.

"Loy, you crazy-"

The burning cloth balls hit Deucalion's warship like meteors. These cloth balls fell on the deck and immediately ignited the olive oil on the deck, causing a raging fire on the deck of the warship.

Deucalion watched all this happen, but was unable to stop it.

As more and more warships caught fire, those that did not burn fled the battlefield one after another, with Roy's warships chasing after them.

"A naval battle can still be fought like this?"

Deucalion stood blankly on the burning flagship deck, his eyes filled with despair.

Seeing that the flames on the deck were about to reach Deucalion, four soldiers came to Deucalion and persuaded him.

"Prince Deucalion, this warship has been destroyed. Please move to the ship behind."

"If I lose this war, what dignity can I have to continue living?"

Deucalion shook his head and said.

"Now I want to use my life to atone for the failure of this war."

After hearing what Deucalion said, the four soldiers no longer tried to persuade Deucalion, but directly picked up Deucalion and ran to the warship behind.

After Deucalion moved to another warship, although his flagship did not sink, the soldiers on board either moved to other ships or jumped into the sea to escape the blazing fire.

Roy commanded the warships to rush towards Deucalion's new flagship. When he saw dozens of his warships on fire and thousands of his own soldiers calling for help in the sea, Deucalion suddenly regained his composure. shouted.

"People of Knossos, the enemy has no more olive oil to light our warships. We can still win this war because we have more warships and soldiers than the enemy. Let's unite and fight Only by defeating the enemy can we save our fallen comrades."

Hearing Deucalion's cry, more than a hundred warships that were in panic regrouped and began to counterattack Roy's warships.

Roy was not disappointed at all as they did not use fire to defeat Deucalion's fleet.

Because the fire attack caused Deucalion's large fleet to lose nearly half of its warships, it was an unexpected result.

"Roy, you are so cruel."

Roy's warship collided with Deucalion's new flagship. Deucalion gritted his teeth and glared at Roy and said angrily.

"War should be about men fighting each other with weapons, but you actually use fire to deal with us. How can you be considered a hero? As the scum who stole my fiancée, do you have no honor as a hero in your heart?"

Roy shook his head and said with a smile.

"Deucalion, you are really too naive. The purpose of war is to win. As long as you can win, you can use any means. Now you are accusing me just because you didn't come up with a strategy to defeat me."

"Don't be too proud, I haven't really lost yet."

Deucalion turned and prayed to Crete with a pious look on his face.

"Great goddess Europa, please help me win this war and give me the strength to defeat my enemies."

Along with Deucalion's prayer, the goddess Europa once again descended on the battlefield with a huge figure of a thousand meters tall, stepping on the sea behind Deucalion's fleet with her bare ankles.

Whirring whirring--

After the arrival of the goddess Europa, the wind direction immediately changed from north wind to south wind, and the burning warships also crashed into Roy's warship driven by the wind.

Before Roy could summon the goddess Metis, the goddess Metis appeared on the sea with a huge figure of a thousand meters tall and teased Europa.

"Europa, do you think you can defeat the goddess of the sea in a naval battle?"

While speaking, Metis summoned the war spear and waved it lightly.

The wind direction immediately changed from south wind to north wind, and the burning warships also crashed into Deucalion's warships driven by the north wind.


Europa's beautiful red eyes stared at Metis and said.

"Do you think you can defeat me with your own strength?"

"Even without Mnemosyne and Amphitrite to assist me, I will not lose to you."

After Metis finished speaking, he took the initiative to wave his war spear and attack Europa.

A loud bang!

Europa summoned a huge double-sided battle ax to block Metis's spear.

Just when Europa wanted to fight back, the goddess Amphitrite stabbed her with a silver trident. Europa had no choice but to retreat to avoid Amphitrite's attack.

After forcing Europa back, Amphitrite stood beside Metis and said with a smile.

"Metis, I'm here to help you."

"Even if I'm the only one, I can deal with Europa."

Although Metis said so, she did not refuse to join forces with Amphitrite.

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