I was a priest in the city-state era

Chapter 173 In troubled times, severe punishments are necessary

As the saying goes, there are three things a new official should do when he takes office.

Roy became the king of Athens and was trying to establish his own authority by killing the chicken as a warning to the monkeys.

Now that drowsiness has come, someone will give him a pillow, and of course Roy will not miss this good opportunity.

In order to show that he took this matter seriously, Roy personally took the girls to the palace gate.

When the girl's mother saw Roy, she immediately knelt on the ground and cried out how her daughter had been taken away.

After listening to the words of the girl's mother, Roy ordered Chione.

"Chione, take a hundred soldiers and arrest all the Skaron family and bring them to the square at the foot of the Acropolis. I will put them on trial in front of all the Athenians."

Then, Roy ordered the girl's mother.

"As the plaintiff, come with me to the square at the foot of the Acropolis now!"

The square at the foot of the Acropolis.

Roy came here with Procne, Philomela, Harmonia, Pandora and the girl's mother, and curious Athenians began to gather around.

When Chione led a hundred soldiers and brought all the small leader Skaron and his family over, thousands of people had gathered around the square.

"my child!"

When the girl's mother saw her daughter being brought over by Chione, she immediately ran over and hugged her daughter and said.

"Great! I didn't expect that I could really save you. The great King of Athens, Roy, would really uphold justice for us civilians."

The Scarron family was brought to Roy, and Scarron asked Roy with a dissatisfied expression.

"Young King of Athens, what crime have we committed to deserve this?"

"You don't know about your son Sinis raping a young girl?"

Roy said coldly with an expressionless face.

"In the city of Athens where I rule, raping a young girl is an unforgivable felony."

Is this considered a felony?

In this era, taking away the daughters of common people and giving them compensation can solve the problem. Roy actually went to great lengths to arrest his own family——

Scarron looked at Roy angrily and funny and said.

"Young King of Athens, could you let me say a few words to the mother and daughter?"


After Roy agreed, the two soldiers holding Scaron immediately let go of him.

Scarron shook his sore arm, then came to the girl and her mother and said.

"You ignorant woman, you came directly to me if you wanted compensation, and you did something like this. Now that your daughter has become my son, I can let your daughter hold a wedding with my son, and let you My daughter will become my son’s wife. In addition, I will give your family three cows, three sheep, and three pigs as betrothal gifts, and I will also give your family two hundred kilograms of grain every month. Are you satisfied?"

After hearing Scaron's words, the girl's mother immediately widened her eyes.

Scarron actually didn't mind that his daughter was a commoner, and was willing to let his daughter become his son's head wife.

For civilian families, the betrothal gifts given by Scaron were also extremely generous.

The girl's mother recovered from the shock and nodded hurriedly.

"Satisfied! I'm very satisfied! Will you really take the responsibility and make my daughter your son's official wife?"

Seeing the excitement in the young mother's eyes, Scarron smiled disdainfully.

"With the young King of Athens as my witness, of course I won't lie to you. Now tell the King of Athens quickly that my son did not rob your daughter. You don't want to sue my son."

The girl's mother, who had been crying just now, came to Roy with unconcealed joy and said.

"Great King of Athens, I will not sue them now. Please do not punish my daughter's future husband and his family as sinners."

Roy looked at the girl's mother with an emotionless look, and then said to Scaron.

"You think I look like a clown? Although you have been forgiven by the victim, you have not been forgiven by me. When your son broke the law, your son not only harmed the victim, he also offended my authority. . In the city of Athens where I rule, anyone who offends the authority of the King of Athens will be punished accordingly."

Scarron said nonchalantly.

"Now that we have reconciled with the victims, you don't even have a accuser, and you still want to punish us?"

Loy walked directly to the steps of the square and shouted to the thousands of Athenians surrounding the square.

"Dear Athenians! Sines, the son of Schiron, committed the crime of raping young girls in the city of Athens and violated my law. Although Schiron has reconciled with the victim, I still have to punish them. Because they violated the law Not only did I harm the victim, I also offended the authority of the King of Athens. As a punishment for the Skaron family, I will sentence all the men of the Skaron family to death and demote all the women of the Skaron family to life-long slaves. "

After hearing what Roy said, everyone was frightened.

Scarron had reconciled with his victim, but Roy's punishment was still so cruel.

Even if Scaron did not reconcile with the victim, but only raped a young girl to ruin her innocence, it would be enough to sentence Sinnis to death.

"I can not accept!"

Schiron recovered from the shock and immediately shouted to Procne and Philomela.

"Princess Procne! Princess Philomela! He is deliberately trying to get rid of people like me who are loyal to your father. You must save me!"

Procne originally felt that Loy's punishment was too cruel, so when she heard Scaron's plea for help, she spoke to Loy.

"Brother Roy, is your punishment too much? That girl's innocence has been destroyed. If you kill Sinis, who will be responsible for marrying her? It's better to punish her with a small punishment and let Sinis marry her. That girl is my wife, and I promise to respect her and love her after marriage, and never do anything stupid that violates the law again.”

Roy shook his head without hesitation and said.

"Procne, don't you understand? I am not trying to safeguard the interests of the victims, but I am trying to defend the authority of the law and the authority of the King of Athens. Challenging the law of the King of Athens means challenging the authority of the King of Athens. Challenging Athens The authority of the king is not up to the victim to decide how to be punished.”

After explaining, Roy said to the soldiers.

"I command you as King of Athens to put to death all the men of Schiron's family immediately."

After hearing Roy's order, the soldiers began to execute them one after another, and in a blink of an eye, all the men in the Scaron family were turned into corpses.

After all the women in the Scaron family burst into tears in despair, Roy continued to order.

"Send all the women of the Scaron family to the slave guarding area."

After the women of the Scaron family were taken away by the soldiers, Loy shouted to the people around the square.

"Dear Athenians! The laws of the King of Athens are sacred and inviolable. Anyone who commits a crime will be punished. Even if the person who committed the crime is forgiven by the victim, he will be punished for violating the authority of the King of Athens. I have just punished the criminal. For After compensating the victims and confiscating all the property of the Scaron family, I will give one tenth of the property of the Scaron family to the victims. If you are harmed in the future, I will not only punish the crime as I did today. The victim will also be compensated with part of the offender’s property.”

Although Roy's punishment was extremely cruel, such punishment would undoubtedly deter those with criminal thoughts.

After figuring this out, the civilians who kept their peace cheered.

"Long live King Loia of Athens!"

"Long live King Loia of Athens!"

"Long live King Loia of Athens!"

Thanks to book friend Sahara Great Sage for the reward of 100 points!

Thanks to book friend Chen Xi Yuhan for the reward of 500 points!

Really thank you all for your support!

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