I was a priest in the city-state era

Chapter 17 The value of paper is to make armor

Learn to write your own name——

This is indeed very attractive to Procne.

Procne only hesitated for a moment, then walked to the stone table and picked up the brush from the pottery bowl containing ink.

After imitating Roy and dipping his brush in ink, Procne began to carefully copy his name on the paper.

But this was her first time writing, so it didn't feel like she was writing, more like drawing her name.

Seeing Procne's wrong way of writing, Roy couldn't help walking behind Procne, holding Procne's little hand with his right hand, and then taught her how to write correctly.

"Princess Procne, Chinese characters are written one stroke at a time. You should draw one stroke like this first, and then write the next stroke like this..."

Procne was like a well-behaved and obedient student, letting Roy hold her little hand.

After finally writing Procne's name, Roy suddenly realized that the two bodies were close to each other and he could clearly smell Procne's fragrance.

Procne's body froze instantly, and her cheeks turned as red as a ripe apple.

Just when Procne was about to push Roy away gently with his arm, the wooden door of the stone house was suddenly opened by someone outside.

Roy turned his head and saw Pandion's figure appearing at the door, and took two hurried steps back.

Because Roy distanced himself from Procne in time, Pandion did not see Roy and Procne standing together.

"Why haven't you gone home yet?"

Pandion said to Procne and Philomela as he walked into the stone house.

"It's already night, do you still want to stay here for the night?"

Even the playful Philomela was so frightened that she walked up to Pandion and bowed her head to admit her mistake.

Procne walked to Pandion with her head lowered and said.

"Father! It's all because I want to learn to write my own name that I'm wasting time here. Father, don't blame Philomela. This is all my fault."

Pandion lowered his head and glanced at the paper, ink, and brush on the stone table, as well as the Chinese characters written on the paper.

"Is this paper and Chinese characters invented by Priest Roy? I know you like new things, but you can't damage your reputation for this kind of thing. You and Philomela must protect your reputation before you can marry someone in the future. The leader of the tribe and respected by her husband.”

Roy frowned and said after hearing Pandion's words.

"Chief Pandion! Do you think that if you marry your daughter to the leader of a large tribe or the king of a city-state, and let her become the leader's wife or queen, your daughter will definitely be happy? I think you want your daughter to be happy. To get true happiness, they must not only marry capable husbands, but their husbands must also be people they truly love and who truly love them.”

"Are you educating me?"

Pandion glared at Roy with dissatisfaction and said.

"I am their father, will my decision harm them?"

Feeling Pandion's lion-like anger, Roy hesitated and said.

"Chief Pandion! I don't doubt your love for your daughter. I just think you used the wrong method and should consider your daughter's thoughts and feelings more."

Procne turned to look at Roy, who was arguing with his father, and there was another inexplicable throbbing in his heart.

She hoped that her father would consider her thoughts and feelings. This was what she had always wanted to say but did not have the courage to say it.

As the great leader of the Athenian tribe, Pandion, even his successor Erechtheus did not dare to speak to him like this.

Looking at Roy who was neither humble nor arrogant, Pandion put away his anger and said.

"Procne! Philomela! You go back first. I have important things to talk to Priest Roy alone."


Procne glanced at Roy with a worried look, and then walked out holding hands with Philomela.

After Roy and Pandion were the only ones left in the stone room, Pandion walked around the stone table, then looked at the things on the stone table and said.

"Priest Roy! These things you invented, candles are of some value, but the paper used for writing is just a waste of wood."

"Chief Pandion, you underestimate the role of paper. Paper can not only be used for writing, but also for recording data. As long as you use paper to record the property details of the Athenian tribe, you can improve the management of the Athenian tribe and better plan Athens. The future of the tribe. And paper - it can be used as toilet paper."

"What a useless thing! Say it's useless but it's useful, say it's useful but it's not very useful."

Hearing Pandion's comments about paper, Roy sighed and decided to show the true value of paper.

"Chief Pandion! If paper could be made into armor, would you still think paper is useless?"

"You said this tissue paper can be made into armor?"

Seeing Pandion's suspicious expression, Roy took out a piece of paper armor and threw it on the ground. Then he pulled out the bronze sword from Pandion's waist and stabbed the paper armor on the ground.


The blade of the bronze sword penetrated the paper armor.

When Roy used the bronze sword to pick up the paper armor on the ground, and saw that the sharp blade failed to pierce the paper armor, Pandion widened his eyes in shock and said.

"This is paper armor? Thin sheets of paper are stacked up to make armor. It can actually block the edge of bronze weapons."

In this era, even in the civilized and advanced Near East, it was impossible for all soldiers to use bronze weapons.

In the backward Greek region, wars between tribes could only use wooden or stone weapons, and only leaders or their personal guards could use bronze weapons.

If all the soldiers of the Athenian tribe could fight in paper armor, they would surely win easily.

Pandion took the paper armor off the bronze sword and said, feeling the weight of the paper armor.

"It's too light! This kind of paper armor not only has the same defensive power as bronze armor, but is also so light that it will not affect the soldiers' combat."

Roy said with a proud smile.

"It is because of these advantages of paper armor that I made paper armor specifically to save my life on the battlefield."

Pandion took a deep breath and said.

"Priest Roy! Now that I know the true value of paper, I will fully support you in making paper. I will give you more papermaking craftsmen and more papermaking materials. In order to prevent the papermaking technology from being leaked, we must strictly manage the papermaking craftsmen. Not only papermaking craftsmen, but other craftsmen must also be strictly managed. In the future, these craftsmen will never leave the Acropolis of Athens. When these craftsmen die, their families can take their bodies away."

"You want to manage the craftsmen and make them lose their freedom for life?"

Seeing Roy frowning, Pandion smiled faintly and said.

"For the strength of the Athenian tribe, it's nothing to let these craftsmen make a little sacrifice. And we can compensate them so that these craftsmen and their families will never have to worry about food and drink for the rest of their lives."

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