I was a priest in the city-state era

Chapter 161 Don't call me Thetis

Roy had also stopped Harmonia from sacrificing human beings, so Harmonia was not surprised when she saw this familiar scene in front of her.

Sisyphus, however, felt offended and had a displeased expression on his face.

If Loy had not been the benefactor and ally who saved the city of Corinth, Sisyphus would have gone berserk by now.

"My dear young friend, why do you prevent us from offering the highest sacrifice to the goddess Amphitrite?"

Roy did not respond to Sisyphus, but spoke to the people around the altar.

"Fellow Corinthians, do you really think that the gods need sacrifices from us humans? In fact, we offer cattle, sheep and other livestock as sacrifices to the great gods. In the end, the beef and mutton will be roasted and then entered into our stomachs. Ancient times The human ancestors of the era spread this method of sacrifice because the great gods do not need human food. We sacrifice animals to the gods just to show our sincere devotion to the gods. Perhaps in your opinion, it is like taking captives. Sacrifice of human beings to the gods is the highest level of sacrifice to the gods, but have you ever cared about what the gods think? Maybe the gods don’t want you to use livestock as sacrifices. The end result is that we allocate meat to all those who worship the gods. The end result of our human sacrifices is that we kill our own kind in the name of the gods, so that the gods bear the stigma of thirsting for human life and become other groups. Reasons to reduce our gods to evil gods and demons.”

After listening to Roy's words, even children can understand that there is indeed a difference between offering living animals as sacrifices to gods and living humans as sacrifices to gods.

Animals used as sacrifices will eventually be turned into food and eaten by humans.

The living people used as sacrifices will not eventually become human food.

In the myths of another world, gods with bull horns and gods with ram horns were reduced to evil gods or demons, and these evil gods and demons longed for human lives as sacrifices. I am afraid that the ritual of human sacrifice to gods was the only one. Believers of gods use it as a reason to discredit other gods.

Unfortunately, according to the reasons used by the believers of the One God to smear him, the One God is the greatest evil god and demon.

Whether it is human sacrifice or heresy trial, the essence is killing people in the name of gods, so according to the same standard, the only God will certainly take the blame for heresy trial.

Because the followers of the One God used heresy trials to persecute heretics, the One God received more human sacrifices than all the other gods in the world combined.

"Young Roy, I can understand that you can't bear to make living people a sacrifice, but this is a sacrificial ritual that has been performed for thousands of years."

Sisyphus took a deep breath and said.

"I think you can leave for a while and come back after the human sacrifice ceremony is over."

"Sisyphus! I must stop the sacrificial ceremony from continuing because I feel that the goddess Amphitrite is a benevolent and kind goddess who will never thirst for human blood and life as her sacrifice."

Roy's words left Sisyphus speechless.

For it is absolutely impossible for Sisyphus to say that Amphitrite thirsted for human blood and life as a sacrifice.

Seeing that Sisyphus still refused to give up human sacrifice, Loy turned and called towards the Gulf of Corinth.

"Great goddess Amphitrite! Perhaps no one has ever asked you for thousands of years whether you are willing to accept human sacrifices, so you have not actively refused human sacrifices. Now I ask you to respond, Tell us if you desire human sacrifice."


Seeing Roy calling Amphitrite directly, Sisyphus, who was already dissatisfied with Roy for preventing human sacrifice, now became even more dissatisfied.

At this moment, the sea water in front of the altar suddenly parted from left to right, and Amphitrite walked out of the sea in the form of a hundred-meter-tall god.

Roy just wanted Amphitrite to respond with an oracle or something like that, but he didn't expect Amphitrite to show up directly.

Under Roy's wide-eyed gaze full of surprise, Amphitrite shrank her figure at a speed visible to the naked eye as she walked towards the altar.

When Amphitrite came over and sat on the stone on top of the altar, her figure had become about ten meters tall.

Because humans cannot see the form of a god unless the god actively appears, so even if Amphitrite is close to them, no one else can see Amphitrite sitting on the altar. .

After Amphitrite looked at Roy with a smile, a blue divine light bloomed from her body.

Including Sisyphus, all humans shrouded in azure divine light saw Amphitrite sitting on the altar in the next moment.

"Great Amphitrite—"

Seeing Amphitrite's figure, all the Corinthians knelt on the ground devoutly and worshiped Amphitrite on the altar.

"Thetis [Mother] from the sea, the goddess who created everything in the world, I can actually see your figure in my lifetime. Even if I lose my life immediately, I will be satisfied."

Sisyphus knelt before Amphitrite with tears streaming down his face.

Hearing Sisyphus's other name for Amphitrite, Roy repeated it doubtfully.

"Thetis [Mother]?"

"Don't call me that!"

Amphitrite immediately said shyly.

"You are not one of my people. I would be shy if you called me mother [Thetis]. After all, I am still a virgin goddess."

Harmonia leaned close to Roy's ear and whispered.

"My dear! The name Thetis means [mother], so only children will call their mother Thetis."

Roy suddenly said.

"The Corinthians are the people who have been protected by the goddess Amphitrite for thousands of years, so the Corinthians can call the goddess Amphitrite Thetis [mother]. I have nothing to do with the goddess Amphitrite. I call the goddess Amphitrite Thetis [mother], just like a stranger suddenly wants to be her son."

After understanding the meaning of the name Thetis, Roy continued to ask.

"Harmonia, why did Sisyphus call the goddess Amphitrite the goddess who created all things in the world? Just like you Thebans think that the goddess Mnemosyne is the goddess of creation Gaia [Earth] who created the world, the Corinthians also think that the goddess Amphitrite is the goddess of creation who created the world?"

"That's right!"

Harmonia nodded and said.

"We Thebans worship the goddess of the earth [Gaia], so we made up the creation myth of the earth goddess creating the world. The Corinthians worship the goddess of the sea, so they made up the creation myth of the sea goddess Eurynome creating the world. Amphitrite is the prototype of the goddess of creation Eurynome - just like Mnemosyne is the prototype of the goddess of creation Gaia."

After Roy and Harmonia finished whispering, Amphitrite spoke in a gentle yet majestic voice.

"My children! You have won a war that determines the fate of the city of Corinth, and I can't help but want to celebrate this great victory with you. I want to take this opportunity to tell you that I don't need living people to be sacrificed."

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