I was a priest in the city-state era

Chapter 151 Amphitrite's Blessing

The next day.

Roy, Sisyphus and Glaucus led the soldiers to guard the gates of Corinth.

Seeing that the Mycenaean army outside Corinth had 2,500 soldiers, Roy and Sisyphus were both shocked.

After one night, the number of Mycenaean soldiers increased by one thousand.

Acrisius, Proetus, Perseus and Pelops appeared in front of the Mycenaean army, and Sisyphus immediately said in a daze.

"Those are Acrisius' grandsons Perseus and Pelops. It seems that they brought a thousand Mycenaean soldiers."

Roy said with a serious face.

"Sisyphus! It seems that there will be a hard battle today. If we are destined to fail in the end, I will definitely abandon Corinth with my soldiers."

The war has not even started yet, and Roy has already planned to abandon Corinth.

Sisyphus first widened his eyes in disbelief, and then said with a helpless smile.

"Young Roy, I certainly won't ask you Athenians to live and die with us, so you can take your soldiers away from the battlefield at any time."

In this era, abandoning your allies and fleeing the battlefield will completely lose your reputation.

But for Roy, his life is more important than his reputation.

So Roy will not have any psychological burden to betray his allies and flee the battlefield when he loses the war.

"Sisyphus! Although I have a plan to escape, as long as there is a glimmer of hope for victory, I will do my best to help you win this war."

At this time, Perseus saw Roy standing with Sisyphus, and he immediately showed an excited sneer on his face and shouted.

"Roy! It turns out that the reinforcements of Corinth are you. Since we meet here, let's take this opportunity to decide the winner!"

After that, Perseus waved his spear and rushed to the gate of Corinth.

Roy stepped forward without showing any weakness, waving his bronze spear to fight Perseus fiercely.

"Perseus! You are defeated by me. Even if we fight a few more times, this result will not change."

"You stupid guy, I have been blessed by the great god Zeus. Now I will not only defeat you, but also kill you to wash away my shame."

Clang clang clang clang clang--

The two men's spears fought fiercely, and Roy quickly raised his strength to the limit.

However, Perseus's strength and speed continued to increase, making Roy fall into a disadvantage.

Seeing that Perseus had the upper hand in the battle and boosted the morale of the Mycenaean army, Acrisius nodded with satisfaction and shouted.

"My soldiers! Did you see Perseus fighting bravely? As long as we show our true strength, the natives of the Peloponnese Peninsula are no match for us. Under the protection of the great Zeus and Poseidon, we will definitely be able to conquer Corinth today. Now I order you - attack!"

With the order of Acrisius, Proetus and Pelops led the soldiers to attack Corinth.

Sisyphus and Glaucus led the soldiers to fight, and soon Sisyphus fought with Proetus, and Glaucus and Pelops fought.

While the leaders were fighting, the Athenian soldiers and the Corinthian soldiers also fought with the Mycenaean soldiers.

As the two sides fought, Amphitrite, the goddess of the sea who protected the Corinthians, and Poseidon, the god of the Mycenaeans, came to the battlefield to start a battle of gods.

The battle between Roy and Perseus continued, and Perseus's strength increased to an incredible level. Roy couldn't help but question loudly.

"Perseus! Your current strength has far surpassed the hero [Enemy of Hundreds], have you become the great hero [Enemy of Thousands]?"

Perseus attacked Roy like a cat playing with a mouse, while showing a cruel sneer.

"It's too late for you to understand now, I won't let you have a chance to escape. Roy! This is my first battle after becoming the great hero [Enemy of Thousands], you must do your best to let me gain more combat experience."

After listening to Perseus' words, Roy's heart was as heavy as a stone.

Even if Roy had the blessing of Mnemosyne [foreseeing the future], he could not make up for the huge gap in strength between the hero [Enemy of Hundreds] and the great hero [Enemy of Thousands].

Now Roy can still live, only because Perseus is inexperienced and has not yet exerted the true strength of the great hero [Slayer of Thousands].

I don't want to die!

Since I can't stop the Mycenaeans from conquering Corinth, there's no need for me to be buried with Corinth—

Knowing that he couldn't defeat Perseus, who had become a great hero, Roy began to retreat, wanting to end the battle with Perseus.

But Perseus was like a beast biting its prey tightly. When Roy took a step back, Perseus took a step forward. Roy couldn't open the distance between the two at all.

Although the Mycenaeans clearly had the upper hand in the war between the Mycenaeans and the Corinthians, Poseidon did not suppress Amphitrite in the war between the gods.

Seeing Amphitrite stubbornly blocking all his attacks, Poseidon attacked and persuaded her.

"My beloved wife! The Corinthians will definitely be conquered by the Mycenaeans, and your current resistance is all meaningless. In order to reduce the sacrifices in this war, you should surrender to me and issue an oracle to let the Corinthians surrender to the Mycenaeans!"

Clang! Clang! Clang! Clang——

Amphitrite said while waving the silver trident to fight Poseidon.

"Poseidon! If you want to humiliate me, wait until you really defeat me."

"Hahahaha - you are such a stubborn and lovely goddess, then you should do your best to resist me! Only in this way can I enjoy real pleasure when I conquer you."

Facing Poseidon's verbal humiliation, Amphitrite could only look down at the battlefield with anxious eyes.

As the patron saint of the Corinth region, Amphitrite can get a steady stream of divine power from the patron saint seat, so she will never lose to Poseidon in her own territory.

But once the Mycenaeans conquered the city of Corinth, Amphitrite's patron saint seat would be broken, so Amphitrite did not want to lose to Poseidon, and the most important thing was to ensure that the Mycenaeans could not conquer the city of Corinth.

Seeing that Sisyphus and Proetus were tied in the war between humans, and Glaucus and Pelops were tied, Amphitrite looked at the battle between Roy and Perseus with a complicated look.

Now the situation on the battlefield is very clear. As long as Roy loses to Perseus, Perseus can sweep the battlefield with the strength of the great hero [Thousand Enemies] and lead the Mycenaeans to conquer the city of Corinth.

So the key to deciding this war now is not to let Roy lose to Perseus.

Seeing that Roy was increasingly unable to resist Perseus's attack, Amphitrite sighed and said.

"You haven't made a great contribution to me yet, but I still want to give you my blessing. Because only by helping you defeat Perseus can the city of Corinth defeat the Mycenaeans and save me from the humiliation of Poseidon."

After that, Amphitrite fought with her right hand and injected a divine power into Roy's body with her left hand.

Thanks to the book friend Chenxi Yuhan for rewarding 200 points!

Thank you so much!

Unfortunately, I'm not in good condition these two days and can't update for you. I will make up for it later.

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