I was a priest in the city-state era

Chapter 146: Corinth City Must Be Assisted

"You want us to cede the Megara region to Athens--"

Faced with Pandion's request, the Corinthian envoy widened his eyes in shock.

Because Pandion's request was really a lion's mouth.

The Megara region, including Salamis Island, covers an area of ​​about 1,000 square kilometers.

If Corinth loses the Megara region, the territory and population of Corinth will be reduced by one third.

Corinth has a larger population and an older civilization, so Athens has developed rapidly with the help of Roy, but its population and strength are still not comparable to Corinth.

If Athens gets one-third of the territory and population of Corinth, it will truly become a large city-state with strength surpassing Corinth.

"Great Pandion! If we give the Megara region-one-third of the territory and population of Corinth to Athens, how is the result different from our loss to the Mycenaeans in the war?"

Pandion said expressionlessly.

"If you lose to the Mycenaeans in the war, the Mycenaeans will annex the entire Corinth region, and I only want one-third of the Corinth region."

"But this means that Athens does not regard us as allies, but as cattle and sheep to be slaughtered at will."

"If Corinth is unwilling to cede the Megara region to us, when Corinth is conquered by the Mycenaeans, we can still seize the Megara region and prevent the Mycenaeans from crossing the Isthmus of Corinth to invade the Attica Peninsula."

"Since Athens has no sincerity in forming an alliance with us, there is nothing for us to talk about."

The Corinthian envoy stood up angrily and prepared to leave, and Roy immediately said.

"We are willing to assist Corinth and will not let Corinth cede territory."


Hearing Roy's words, Pandion said angrily.

"Now Erechtheus is taking 400 Athenian soldiers to manage the Lavrio area for you. We don't have any extra soldiers to help Corinth."

"Quality is more important than quantity! I can take my followers and 300 Eleusin soldiers to help Corinth."

"If you take so many soldiers, who will protect the safety of Athens?"

"As long as 4,000 Serifos settle in Athens, 400 soldiers can be recruited from the Serifos. Even if I take 350 soldiers, there will be 700 soldiers to protect the safety of Athens."

After seeing Pandion speechless, Roy said to the Corinthian envoy.

"Messenger of Sisyphus! Tomorrow I will take 350 soldiers to Corinth. Now you leave Athens and go to the Thebes area in the north to ask for help from the Thebans!"

The Corinthian envoy said with a hesitant expression.

"Great Roy! The army of King Acrisius of Mycenae has 2,000 soldiers, and they can increase the number to 3,000. If you only have 350 soldiers, I'm afraid it won't have much impact on the outcome of the war."

"If I tell you that my soldiers are all wearing armor and using bronze spears, do you still think they have no impact on the outcome of the war?"

In this era, even the Mycenae soldiers only used bronze spears and the other half used wooden spears.

Roy's soldiers all wore paper armor and used bronze spears, which meant that Roy's soldiers could fight two or even three on the battlefield.

In other words, Roy's 350 soldiers were equivalent to a thousand-man army.

The Corinthian envoy looked at Roy with joy and excitement.

"Great Roy! With your help, our city of Corinth will surely defeat the evil invaders. Next, I will ask for help from the Thebans as you requested, but I know that the Thebans will never help us because we Corinthians have always had territorial disputes with the Thebans."

At the junction of the Corinth region and the Theban region are the fertile plains irrigated by the Asopus River and the richest sacred mountain in Greece, Mount Helicon.

The Corinthians and Thebans not only have to compete for the interests of mankind, but also for the sacred Mount Helicon. Whether it is the sacred mountain of the earth goddess Mnemosyne or the sacred mountain of the sea goddess Amphitrite, there has been an irreconcilable hatred for thousands of years.

Seeing that the Corinthian envoy had no expectations of getting help from the Thebans, Roy said with a confident smile.

"You can tell the Thebans that I have led the Athenian soldiers to aid Corinth. I believe the Thebans will be willing to form a tripartite alliance with us to fight the Mycenaeans together."

"Then I will try my best."

After the Corinthian envoy left, Pandion looked at Roy expressionlessly.

"Roy, do you know what mistake you made?"

Roy frowned and explained.

"Father-in-law! I want to aid Corinth because it is better for us to fight the Mycenaeans together with the Corinthians than for the Mycenaeans to conquer the Corinthians and become our enemies together. If father-in-law insists on taking advantage of the situation and asking the Corinthians to cede the Megara region to us, doesn't father-in-law worry that Sisyphus will just give up and surrender to the Mycenae king Acrisius?"

Pandion sighed and said.

"Of course I understand what you said, but you don't know that it's not me who really wants to get the Megara region, but the goddess Metis. Now the goddess Metis can only move in the Aegean Sea. As long as the Megara region becomes the territory of the goddess Metis, the goddess Metis can enter the Gulf of Corinth and the Ionian Sea west of the Peloponnese."

"Is it the goddess Metis who really wants to get the Megara region?"

Roy first widened his eyes in surprise, and then said helplessly.

"Whether it is my father-in-law or the goddess Metis who wants to get the Megara region, I think that taking the Megara region now will only become an accomplice of the Mycenaeans to conquer the Corinthians. I also hope that the city of Athens can get the outlet of the Gulf of Corinth, but it shouldn't be now."

Pandion was silent for a moment, and finally nodded and said.

"You have a point! The Mycenaeans are now a large city-state that Athens can hardly resist. If the Mycenaeans conquer the Corinthians, even if we annex the Megara region, the gap between our strength and that of the Mycenaeans will be even greater. Since you have promised the Corinthian envoys that you will help them, you should prepare for the expedition next!"

"Father-in-law! Now I have full confidence in winning this war and hitting the Mycenaeans' ambition to expand their territory."

Roy got up and left after saying that.

When Roy walked to the door of the hall, Pandion suddenly said.

"Roy! I heard that you brought back a woman. What is the identity of that woman?"

"She is a slave I bought in Knossos."

Hearing Pandion asking about Pandora's identity, Roy said calmly.

"In the future, the more maids serving me and Procne, the better, so I will buy more slaves in the future."

Knowing that Pandora's identity was a slave, Pandion smiled faintly.

Even if Pandora, a slave, was favored by Roy, she could only be a lover or concubine at most, and was not qualified to become Roy's wife.

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