I was a priest in the city-state era

Chapter 14 My invention shocked the princess

After Roy and others returned to the temple, Roy began to direct six male servants to burn firewood in the square around the altar and use a bronze tripod to boil the materials for making paper.

The process of ancient papermaking can be roughly summarized into four steps.

The first step is to separate the raw materials, which is to use the method of soaking or boiling to degumming the raw materials in alkali solution and disperse them into fibers.

The second step is pulping, which is to cut the fibers by cutting and pounding, and make the fibers broom to become paper pulp.

The third step is papermaking, which is to make the paper pulp penetrate water into slurry, and then use a paper scoop to scoop the pulp so that the paper pulp is interwoven into thin sheets of wet paper on the paper scoop.

The fourth step is to dry the wet paper in the sun or air, and peel it off to make paper.

The process of papermaking is obviously not completed in one day, so Roy's focus is to direct six maids to make toothpaste and candles.

It is said that in primitive times, people have begun to apply animal fats or beeswax on bark or wood chips to make torches.

The oil and bark stored in the warehouse of the Athenian tribe were the materials used to make torches.

Roy directed two maids to twist cotton thread into candle wicks and made ten candles before sunset.

The other four maids also made toothpaste in a ceramic bowl.

The sun was setting.

Roy looked at his masterpiece in the afterglow of the setting sun and couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

Originally, Roy only knew some principles and it was impossible for him to invent these things directly.

However, the blessing [Wisdom Enhancement] given to Roy by the goddess Metis seemed to have really improved Roy's wisdom, allowing Roy to master the specific details of inventing these things without a teacher.

"Priest Roy!"

Just as Roy was excited holding two candles, Procne came to Roy with Philomela and said.

"Now that night has fallen, my sister and I should go home. After we go back, we will ask the servants to bring you some food and water."

"You have to leave now--"

Although Roy had never thought of keeping Procne and Philomela to accompany him overnight, he still hoped that they could stay for a while.

After all, there were no entertainment activities at night in this era.

Roy also hoped that someone would chat with him to relieve his boredom and pass the time at night.

Although he was a little reluctant, Roy still picked up four candles and put them in Procne's hands and said.

"Take these candles back, you can use candles to illuminate your room at night, I will show you how to use candles."

After speaking, Roy picked up a candle and lit it on the firewood under the bronze tripod.

After the light of the candle illuminated the surrounding space, everyone looked at the candlelight shaking in the breeze and widened their eyes in shock.

"This candle-it's really amazing!"

Philomela said with wide eyes.

"Priest Roy, you are worthy of being the priest of the goddess of wisdom."

In this era, the only way to illuminate the night was to burn wood continuously.

Now a small candle can illuminate by slowly burning oil.

Roy said to Procne with a confident smile.

"Princess Procne! Take the candles back and show them to Chief Pandion. I believe that after Chief Pandion sees the value of candles, he will fully support me in mass production of candles."

Procne nodded and said with surprise.

"Priest Roy! Since the candles you invented can really illuminate, is the toothpaste you invented really better than tooth powder?"

Roy handed two bowls of toothpaste to Procne and said.

"You will know if the toothpaste I invented is useful or not after you use it tomorrow. If you think it is useful, we will collect horsetail hair to make toothbrushes tomorrow. Horsetail hair is a good thing. It can not only be used to make toothbrushes, but also used to make brushes for writing when my paper is made."

"Words? Priest Roy, can you write hieroglyphics used by people in the Near East?"

Looking at Prokne's eyes full of curiosity, Roy shook his head and said.

"I can't write hieroglyphics, I can write Chinese characters. It is a more advanced language than hieroglyphics. If you want to learn, I can teach you to write."

Prokne hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded and said.

"I want to learn to write Chinese characters from you."

Philomela teased Prokne at this time.

"Sister! Mother always taught us that if we can learn to weave and cook, we can become good wives."

"We are the daughters of the chief. Even if we get married in the future, we will have servants to serve us. We don't need to cook or weave by ourselves. Anyway, we will have a lot of time. I want to learn more knowledge."

After responding to her sister, Procne said to Roy.

"Priest Roy, my sister and I will come early tomorrow morning."

"Then see you tomorrow!"

Roy smiled and said goodbye to Procne and Philomela, and then watched them leave.

After Procne and Philomela disappeared from his sight, Roy looked at the six male servants and six female servants around him and said.

"Princess Procne will soon send food and water. After you fill your stomach, go to the wooden house to rest! Here are two candles, you can take them back for lighting."

Handing the two candles to a male servant and a female servant, Roy ordered the male servants.

"For everyone's safety at night, the six of you will be divided into two groups. Three people will be on guard in the first half of the night, and the remaining three will be on guard in the second half of the night. If you do not strictly follow my orders, I will make sure you receive the punishment you deserve."

After that, Roy returned to the stone house with the lit candle and two spare candles.

Putting the burning candle on the stone table, Roy lay on the stone bed, imagining his future life.

"Although I am alone, my invention can improve the strength of the Athenian tribe. When I have the authority that a priest should have in the Athenian tribe, my life will definitely get better and better."

Of course, Roy now has not thought that after he has the authority that a priest should have, he will threaten Pandion's ruling authority.

After all, in this era, only the leader [king] or their family can serve as priests, because the authority of the priest will threaten the leader [king]'s ruling power.

Not long after, the wooden door of the stone house was knocked.

Then, a maid said outside the door.

"Master, Princess Procne sent food and water."

"Bring the food and water in!"

As a maid opened the door, the remaining five maids came in with one carrying bread, one carrying oatmeal porridge, one holding a water pitcher, one carrying barbecue, and one carrying fruit.

Roy walked to the stone table and sat down. Seeing six maids trying to serve him, he immediately waved his hand to stop them.

"Just put the food down. I have my own hands and feet, so I don't need you to take care of me. You are all hungry now, so sit down and eat with me!"

Hearing Roy's words, the six maids said with a panic expression.

"Master! We are maids and cannot eat with the master."

"Now that Chief Pandion has given you to me, do you really treat me as your master? Then can I order you as the master?"

"The master can order us to do anything, and we cannot refuse even the service at night."

"Then I order you to eat with me now!"

Roy said in a tone that could not be refused.

"If you watch from the side, I will not have an appetite to eat at all."

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