I was a priest in the city-state era

Chapter 107 The Polydectes Brothers

Even Roy himself did not expect that he had just occupied the palace of Serifos Island, and Polydectes, the king of Serifos Island, rushed back at this moment.

Roy and Aries walked out of the palace, stood on the top of the hill and looked at the surrounding sea. They saw ten large ships rushing to the west coast of Serifos Island. Polydectes and Dicetis took three After a hundred Serifos soldiers came ashore, they rushed directly towards the hill where the palace was located.

"Master Priest, I brought my companions from the port. Although I violated the order of Master Priest, I hope to accept the punishment after the war is over."

After hearing Aries' words, Roy patted his shoulder with his left hand and said.

"You did the right thing, and I have no reason to punish you. Winning this war is the most important thing now. If we lose this war, there is no point in you staying at the port. Aries! Now I order you to take care of your companions. Gather with the Eleusinian soldiers, and I will lead you to defeat the Serifians."

After Aries gathered fifty young men and two hundred Eleusinian soldiers together, Roy immediately led them to rush down the hill, preparing to face Polydectes' army head-on.

Because the war was being fought on a hill, it was possible that the Seriphus soldiers in the palace and the Seriphus men living near the palace would join in the war, increasing the number of Polydectes' soldiers.

At the foot of the hill.

Polydectes and Dicetis rushed here with their soldiers. When they saw that the enemy invading Serifos Island was Loi, Polydectes roared angrily while leading the soldiers to charge.

"Loy! Did you hurt my wife and daughter? War is a man's business, why did you attack an innocent woman?"

"Although I did turn your wife and daughter into prisoners, they were not the target of my attack on Serifos Island. I attacked Serifos Island to avenge your brothers, but I did not think of your brothers. Before returning to the island of Serifos, let me easily capture your palace and capture your wives and daughters.”

Roy explained as he faced Polydectes.

Just when Roy and Polydectes rushed together to confront each other, Roy suddenly bypassed Polydectes and pounced on Dicetis like a swift cheetah.

Polydectes is also a hero [Hundred Enemies], although due to old age and frailty, his strength can no longer match the young Loy.

But if the situation becomes that Polydectes and Dicetis team up to besiege Roy, Roy is not completely sure of defeating Polydectes and Dicetis with one against two.

So Roy decided to deal with the weaker Dicetis first, and then decide the winner with Polydectes.

Polydectes turned around, saw Loy's thoughts and hurriedly shouted to his brother Dicetis.

"Dictis! Hide behind the soldiers and don't fight Roy."

Unfortunately, Polydectes's reminder was a little late, and Loy was already close to Dicetis at this time.

After hearing the words of his brother Polydectes, Dicetis had to choose between being a coward and confronting Loy head-on, and finally chose not to be a coward.

Because the distance between him and Roy was too close, even if he used the soldiers around him as a shield, the sacrifice of the soldiers would be in vain.

"Young man! Your enemy is Dicetis, the brother of Polydectes, king of Seriphos, and the uncle of the young hero Perseus!"

While introducing himself, Dicetis brandished his bronze war spear to attack Roy.

This is a life-saving blow.

Dicetis gave up his defense and just wanted to stab Roy with the war spear in his hand when Roy's spear blade penetrated his body.

As long as Loy is injured, his brother Polydectes' chances of defeating Loy will increase a bit, and his sacrifice will be worth it.

"I have no interest in remembering your name because you are neither a king nor a hero."

Roy said while delivering a fatal blow to Dectis.

"If you were the father of Perseus, the husband of Danae, perhaps I would remember your name."


As soon as he finished speaking, Roy's spear blade penetrated Dictis' heart.

When Dictis heard Roy's words, his mind was shaken for a moment, and he even forgot to attack Roy.

Because Dicetis recalled a night when Polydectes left the island of Seriphos, he and his sister-in-law Danae had a secret that only two people knew.

Perseus - maybe really my son.

Even if it's just for one night, Danae is my wife.

Thinking of this, Dicetis showed a happy smile on his face, and his body lost its life and fell backwards.


Seeing Dicetis being killed by Loy, Polydectes opened his eyes angrily and rushed towards Loy like a sad lion.

Roy turned around, looked at Polydectes' angry look and smiled.

"Didn't anyone tell you that hatred and anger will not make you stronger, but will go to your head and make you weaker?"

"Kill you! I will kill you to avenge Dicetis!"

Polydectes roared angrily, rushed in front of Loy and delivered a life-threatening blow regardless of his own safety.

Roy didn't want to die with Polydectes.

Judging that Polydectes cannot be killed without injury, Loy dodges Polydectes' attack while waiting for Polydectes to reveal a flaw.

In order to shake Polydectes' mind, Roy also teased Polydectes.

"Polydectes, have you ever thought about a possibility? Maybe Perseus is not your son, but the son of your brother Dicetis and Danae. If I had not killed Dice Tis, one day in the future, Dicetis and Perseus will join forces to kill you, and then Dicetis will become the new king of Serifos Island."

Perseus was the son of Dicetis—

Indeed, many people have said that Decestis and Perseus looked like a father and son.

But Polydectes never thought that his brother Dicetis and his wife Danae would betray him.

Now that Dicetis is dead, Roy still uses such words to shake himself, Polydectes said angrily.

"You despicable young man, don't tarnish the reputation of my brother and my wife. I believe that Dicetis and Danae will not betray me. Even if Perseus is really the son of Dicetis, he will not betray me." There is no difference between my biological son, because Dicetis and I are brothers from the same father and mother.”

"Then you are such a good brother and husband! It's a pity that Dictis doesn't think so. He really wants to kill you and become Danae's husband."

Polydectes was already overwhelmed by hatred and anger, but when he heard Roy's words, his mind finally wavered.

Roy was keenly aware of Polydectes' flaw and struck a fatal blow to Polydectes without hesitation.


As Roy's spear blade penetrated Polydectes' body, Polydectes' eyes widened with an expression of reluctance.

Roy managed to kill a heroic king without being injured.

Thanks to book friend student Deng Feng for the reward of 100 points!

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