I was a priest in the city-state era

Chapter 100 Tereus, King of Elis

The stronger Roy becomes, the greater the threat to the leader's family.

But Pandion could only temporarily suppress the idea of ​​dealing with Roy.

This is not only because Roy has shown no ambition to compete for the power of the leader, but also because the Athenian tribe faces powerful external threats.

Today's war between the Athenians and the Mycenaeans, without Loy, the Athenian tribe would not only be difficult to win, but might even lose the war.

Once he loses this war, Pandion will not only lose his identity and power as a leader, but even his beautiful wife and daughter will become the enemy's trophies and suffer all kinds of humiliation and torture.

Wait a moment——

When Erechtheus becomes a hero in his own right [Enemy of a Hundred], Roy can be driven away.

Thinking of this, Pandion showed a faint smile on his face.

If it were some short-sighted rulers, perhaps they would be eager to deal with Roy when they saw Roy's threat.

But Pandion had a long-term vision, so Loy not only became the cornerstone of promoting the development and growth of the Athenian tribe, but also became an important force in the Athenian tribe's defeat of the invaders.

When Roy, Pandion, and Erechtheus returned to the west gate of Athens in triumph with the Athenian soldiers, another group of soldiers appeared in the northwest of Athens.

This new group of soldiers was not only fully armed, but also numbered more than three hundred.

Seeing this legion of three hundred men approaching the city of Athens, Pandion immediately ordered the soldiers to prepare for battle.

At this moment, the legion approaching the city of Athens sent a messenger with his hands raised.

The messenger hurried over and said.

"Don't get me wrong! Dear Athenians, we are not your enemies, the Mycenaeans, but your reinforcements."


Perseus failed to force the Athenian tribe to surrender yesterday, and today he launched a war against the Athenian tribe, which was completely unexpected by the Athenian tribe.

Even if the Athenian tribe wanted reinforcements, there was no time to send envoys to ask for help. How could reinforcements come to help the Athenian tribe——

Although full of doubts about this legion claiming to be reinforcements, Pandion still asked the envoy.

"Since you are not the enemy of us Athenians, let me introduce your identities."

"We are the Eleans of the northwestern Peloponnese, and our king is Tereus, the favorite of Ares, the god of war."

The messenger turned around and pointed with his right hand at the leader of the legion - a young man who looked to be under thirty years old and said.

"That is our king Tereus! In order to aid the Athenians, King Tereus personally led us to help you."

"You are from Ylis—"

Roy couldn't help but be a little surprised when he learned the identity of the so-called [reinforcements].

The Elis people live in the Elis region in the northwestern Peloponnese.

Because the two mountainous areas of Ahai and Arcadia surround the Elis region from the east and south, the Elis people had little interaction with people from other parts of the Peloponnese.

Other areas of the Peloponnese Peninsula have entered agricultural civilization. The Elis people live in the Elis Plain, where the land is fertile and suitable for farming, but they still retain the living customs of their ancient nomadic ancestors.

Because the Elis retain the living customs of the nomads, Ares, the patron saint of the Elis, is also a brutal and violent god of war and killing.

This so-called [reinforcement] turned out not to come from the Thebes or Corinth regions adjacent to the Attica Peninsula, but from the distant Elis region.

Pandion's eyes widened in disbelief as he looked at the Elis Legion getting closer and closer to the city of Athens.

When the Elis army was only a hundred meters away from the city of Athens, King Tereus of the Elis stopped the soldiers where they were, then walked to Pandion alone and said.

"If I guess correctly, you are Pandion, the leader of the Athenian tribe."

Terrios said politely like a junior to an elder.

"Let me introduce myself. I am Tereos, king of the city of Elis in the Elis region. The great mother river Pinios divides the Great Plain of Elis into two parts. I rule the northern part of the Great Plain of Elis. I Mycenaeans, the elder brother of Oenomanus, ruled the southern part of the great plain of Elis and the city of Olympia. Wanting to conquer the Athenian tribe, I immediately came to support with three hundred soldiers. Unexpectedly, I was a step too late. You Athenians defeated the Mycenaeans before I arrived. "

After the Mycenaeans conquered the Argos region, the next target of their invasion was either the ancient and powerful city of Corinth, or they invaded the Elis region through the barren mountains.

As potential targets for a Mycenaean invasion, the Eleans did have reason to come to the aid of the Athenian tribes.

Although Tereus and the reinforcements he brought did not help the Athenian tribe, Pandion still said with a smile.

"Dear Tereus, on behalf of all Athenians, I thank you for coming. Although I am not able to fight alongside you, I now invite you to attend our banquet and celebrate the defeat of the Mycenaeans with us Athenians."

Terrios nodded and said.

"As a guest who abides by guest etiquette, I accept all arrangements made by Chief Pandion."

Then Tereus asked his envoy to send an order to the Elis soldiers, ordering the Elis soldiers to station outside the city of Athens.

Roy, Pandion, Erechtheus, Tereus and the Athenian soldiers came to the Acropolis of Athens and saw the entrance of the Acropolis. The leader's wife Zeuxippe, Procne and Philomela hid their faces with veils and were holding olive wreaths waiting for the winner.

Pandion immediately quickened his pace and walked to Zeuxippe, bowed his head and asked Zeuxippe to put the victory wreath on him.

Seeing Procne coming over, Erechtheus also bowed his head and prepared to accept his sister's wreath.

But Procne did not walk to Erechtheus, but came to Roy with a blushing face.


Seeing that Procne wanted to present a wreath to him in public, Roy couldn't help but widen his eyes.

Because Procne is different from Philomela.

As a sixteen-year-old girl, Procne presented a wreath to Roy, which was equivalent to confessing to Roy.

Although he was surprised by Procne's boldness, Roy still lowered his head and let Procne put the olive branch wreath she had woven on his head.

This also meant that Roy accepted Procne's confession.

Philomela puffed her cheeks and walked to Erechtheus with an unhappy face and said.

"Dear brother! If you don't mind that this is the wreath I made for brother Roy, then I will give it to you!"

Can I say that I mind?

Erechtheus said helplessly.

"How can I refuse the wreath given by my dear sister as a brother."

After that, he lowered his head to Philomela.

At this time, Tereus widened his eyes, looking at Procne for a while, and then at Philomela.

"I didn't expect that the leader Pandion had two such beautiful daughters. Even if the veil hides their faces, I can see that they have beauty comparable to that of goddesses."

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