Chapter 115: Hamster Crossing [Subscription, Support].

“Oh? It seems that Quirrell has already acted, so that Li Xuan, the magical animal master of Hogwarts, should also act. ”

Li Xuan, who was waiting in the dormitory, felt that he had triggered the warning on the three-headed dog Luffy, which meant that Quirrell had now begun to act.

In that case, it is time for the hunter himself, to go.

That’s right, this battle of the Philosopher’s Stone, Harry is a cicada, Voldemort is a praying mantis, Dumbledore is a yellow finch, then he is a hunter, as for why, wait until the back to see what you have gained!

The familiar invisible beast possessed, the invisibility curse walked up, came to the corridor on the fourth floor, opened the door, Li Xuan saw the three-headed dog Luffy sleeping soundly, a harp fell on the side, and the trap door over there has also been opened, indicating that our backpot man, Mr. Voldemort, has appeared.

Since the three-headed dog Lu Wei has fallen asleep and snored so loudly, then don’t wake people up, otherwise how immoral, what Li Xuan has to do, that is, to receive Lu Wei to the small world and give it a quiet environment to sleep well.

Otherwise, when Harry and they come back later, they will definitely wake up Luffy, which is not good, but one thing is that in the future, Luffy must learn what is called hygiene and what is called brushing his teeth.

No way, I didn’t think that I came before, but now in this small space, Lu Wei’s bad breath problem is indeed very serious. Incorporating the three-headed dog Lu Wei into the small world, Li Xuan’s first harvest of this Philosopher’s Stone copy has been in place.

After Lu Wei entered the small world, he should be the first or second largest magical animal in size except for Ah Tie.

Compared with other magical animals, the strength of the three-headed dog lies in its size, the huge bite force of its three heads, and its resistance to magic.

Compared with Ah Tie, Ah Tie can also be called a dual cultivator of magic and martial arts, and the three-headed dog is completely dependent on the flesh to fight. If it was just compared to physical fitness, Li Xuan felt it, Lu Wei should be no worse than an ordinary fire dragon.

But this does not mean that the three-headed dog can compete with the fire dragon, it can only be said that it is only two moves.

Don’t forget, in addition to their strong bodies, sharp claws, and more importantly, they control the power of flames! Even if the fur of the three-headed dog is resistant to magic, it is still almost so interesting in the face of the flame of the fire dragon, and the three-headed dog suppresses the size and strength of other magical animals or wizards, and it cannot achieve the original effect in front of the fire dragon.

But no matter what, a three-headed dog with almost the strength of a half-step elite wizard was a happy thing for Li Xuan to be included, and Hagrid still had a hand in taking care of and cultivating magical animals.

According to Li Xuan’s understanding, the strength of the general three-headed dog is at the stage of the Great Wizard, but Lu Wei can reach the half-step elite wizard, and if he gives it some time and resources, it is not difficult to compare with the elite wizard.

Now that the three-headed dog has entered the small world, it is time to continue to break through the level, and Li Xuan remembers that the next level is the devil net set up by Professor Sprout.

The Devil’s Net is a magical vine plant, and a mature Devil’s Net can stretch out a snake-like vine to wrap around those who approach it, causing injury or death.

The habit of the Devil’s Net is that the more you struggle, the closer it binds, the more relaxed you are and stop resisting, and the Devil’s Net will think that you are dead and will let you go.

So there are two ways to go through the Devil’s Net, the first is not to struggle, to relax completely.

The second is according to its living environment, the devil net likes a dark and humid living environment, light and warmth are its natural enemies, so flame and light are a good way to deal with it.

Li Xuan jumped down from the trap door and stood on the top of the devil net, feeling someone approaching, the devil net immediately stretched out the evil vine whisker, but Li Xuan did not have any strange proclivities, to experience the binding of a devil vine, so he took out his wand and fired a fire spell.

Feeling the blazing heat emitted by that fireball, the vines that originally stretched out to Li Xuan all shrank back quickly, not only that, but the vines under Li Xuan’s feet also automatically scattered, unable to provoke, able to hide!

Li Xuan jumped down, and just followed the firelight, Li Xuan naturally saw another scorched black place in the Devil’s Net, if nothing else, it was Voldemort’s masterpiece.


Li Xuan looked up at the devil net above his head, the height from the ground to the trap door was less than four meters, and there was a layer of devil net in the middle.

You say this is a level to defend against Voldemort?

Li Xuan could only smile and not speak, and was even afraid that the setting was too high, so that Harry and they fell and injured, so they set such a high distance, right? Otherwise, directly under the devil net, use the Traceless Stretching Spell to make a depth of tens of meters or hundreds of meters, or make a spike trap or something?!

It can only be said that this water is deeper than the sea, and Li Xuan dares to guarantee that just now Voldemort can reach out and reach out to touch the devil net above…………………….

No matter how deep the water is, Li Xuan can still grasp it, there is no need to worry about this, looking at the devil net above, Li Xuan came to the side and dug out a few branches to collect the small world.

Don’t miss it when you walk by, Li Xuan, who is a hamster attribute, of course, to collect good things in the small world, so the second harvest of this Philosopher’s Stone copy is there.

Because of the devil’s net’s habit of not liking light and dampness and darkness, Li Xuan found a damp and dark cave for it, and as soon as he put it into the devil net in the cave, under the action of aura, he left and began to take root and absorb nutrients.

Since he can survive, then Li Xuan will let go of his heart, and the next thing is a matter of two lives and three lives, and there is no need for Li Xuan to worry too much, and he cannot survive and evolve in an environment like the small world, then it can only be said that the devil net has no value.

Li Xuan followed the faint sound of wings flapping in the silent space, pushed open the door, and Li Xuan saw countless winged keys flying slowly in the air.

There was also a flying broom placed aside, and Li Xuan knew that as long as he rode the flying broom, these door keys would run away, and then it would not be so easy to find.

“Help! Help me! ”

“Harry! Neville! Save me! ”

At this time, Li Xuan suddenly heard a shout from behind, this voice, isn’t it who Ron is? It seems that when they were scraping, our savior squad also caught up.

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