Chapter 103: Believe in the Fire Dragon’s Choice [Subscription, Support].

“By the way, Hagrid, have you thought about Nobetta’s future? Don’t forget, Draco Malfoy saw it outside the window that night, and you’ve noticed that he often wandered around. ”

“What’s more, he also talked to me today and wanted me to be a lobbyist and let you sell Norbetta to their Malfoy family, for which they can give you a good reward, such as lifting the Ministry of Magic’s ban on you not being able to eat your wand!”

It has to be said that after Draco transmitted Norbetta’s information back to Lucius, he really mobilized his own power to investigate a wave of Hagrid.

Therefore, the reward given was also very exciting to Hagrid, after all, because of the wand, Hagrid went to the Ministry of Magic to complain several times.

But they may have underestimated Hagrid, or imposed their ideas on Hagrid, thinking that Hagrid was no different from them, and they were all people who put interests first, but unfortunately, they looked at the wrong person.

“Li Xuan, you don’t need to say, I won’t hand over Norbetta, even if the Malfoy family offers the best conditions!”

Hagrid did not continue to listen to Li Xuan’s conditions behind, and directly opened his mouth to decisively refuse, Hagrid’s love for magical animals is from the heart, or that magical animals are often the meaning of his life, and he treats magical animals as family. This point coincides with Li Xuan, but there is a little difference, Hagrid’s love is the sea, more fraternal. Li Xuan’s side is different, although he also treats Fantastic Beasts as family, but the scope is relatively small, only regard the Fantastic Beasts in the small world as family, and the others, the Fantastic Beasts that maintain goodwill to Li Xuan are friends, with malice, sorry, that is definitely an enemy!

“But Li Xuan, since the Malfoy family has already set their sights on Norbetta, even if I refuse, they will definitely have other means, what should we do?!”

Hagrid was usually just humble, but it didn’t mean he was stupid, he still knew about the Malfoy family, a Death Eater family that was very famous during the Voldemort period, especially Lucius, he still knew a little about his methods.

The most classic is that when Voldemort died and the Death Eaters were liquidated, he actually retreated with the whole family without being persecuted in the slightest, even if the entire wizarding community knew that he was a supporter of Voldemort before.

So Hagrid’s refusal is definitely a rejection, but also consider the consequences of rejection.

Originally, in the timeline, Malfoy discovered that Hagrid’s dragon had not been discovered on the night the dragon was born, but simply reported Harry that night.

What he really found out was because Ron had clipped the letter he was going to send to Charlie in the book, forgot to return it to the library, and remembered to run to ask Mrs. Pince only to find out that he had been borrowed by Draco.

Then they panicked, and then they informed Dumbledore, after all, the place where they agreed to connect is in the Hogwarts tower, if there is no Dumbledore’s permission, Charlie can they come in?

“Like I said at the beginning, in the end, Norberta will still have to be sent out of Hogwarts, after all, Hogwarts is a school, a place for teaching and education, and it is not suitable for fire dragons!”

Li Xuan still had the same point of view at the beginning, but it was just given to himself.

Maybe in the eyes of others, Li Xuan’s behavior is a little something, after all, it can’t be given to Malfoy, just give it to you?!

But this is the case, sending Li Xuan here is indeed the best solution, after all, with the existence of a small world, Norbetta will definitely get the best resources and cultivation.

And unlike being sent to the dragon farm, you have to draw blood from time to time, peel your scales, and when you reach a certain age, you will also face the fate of being killed. Don’t think it’s a joke, otherwise there is so much dragon blood; How did dragon teeth, dragon scales, dragon skin, dragon meat and dragon heartstrings come from?

Do you really think that the dragon farm is a charity?! This is also the reason why Hagrid did not agree to send Norbetta to the dragon farm, after all, he knows exactly what kind of existence the dragon farm is.

“Hagrid, do you trust me?!”

Hagrid didn’t know why Li Xuan came to such a sentence without a clue, but he still honestly said: “That’s natural, if I don’t believe you, I won’t tell you about Norbetta!” ”

“Actually, there is a better option, and that is to give Norbetta to me!”

“Leave it to you?!!!”

Hagrid heard Li Xuan’s words and looked at him with wide eyes, making sure he was not joking, he knew everything about Li Xuan’s Muggle origin.

Of course, Li Xuan also knows that Hagrid has money in the Muggle world, after all, in order for Hagrid to be able to hand over Norbetta to himself, Li Xuan inadvertently showed his financial strength.

But the growth of the fire dragon is not only enough for the golden gallon, there are many factors.

“That’s right, just leave it to me, don’t underestimate my strength, although I am from a Muggle background, but in the wizarding world, some places are very similar to the Muggle world, that is, as long as the golden gallon is enough, everything is fine!”

Next, Li Xuan talked to Hagrid about the situation on his side, such as having a magical animal farm in the Far East, where Noberta can live freely.

He also took out several large boxes of gold gallons and opened them to Hagrid, proving that he was powerful, not to transfer Norbetta to cramps and peel.

And he also guaranteed that if Hagrid wanted to see Norbetta, there would be no problem at all, at any time, so that he could guarantee that he really did not use the fire dragon to profit.

Li Xuan talked with Hagrid for a long time, as for Fantastic Beasts Farm, Li Xuan was not fooling Hagrid, he did let Oleg buy himself a piece of land in the Far East, ready to get such a Fantastic Beast Estate.

In the future, you can also go over to relax and take a vacation or something.

If nothing else, this magical animal farm is Li Xuan’s base camp in the Far East. In the end, under Li Xuan’s three-inch tongue, Hagrid still agreed.

But Hagrid promised Li Xuan, not because of how good and tempting the conditions Li Xuan said, Jin Garon does not represent anything, in Hagrid, Jin Garon is the most inconspicuous thing.

If he really needs to, take the unicorn hair cushion that Norbetta destroyed just now and sell it, not to mention more, 10,000 gold gallons are definitely indispensable, after all, the unicorn tail hair on the market is sold by the root.

Hagrid’s original words were: “Maybe everything else you said is true, but it is not an absolute advantage for me, what really makes me make up my mind is that I believe in Norbetta, believe in the you it trusts, and I believe and respect the choice of Fantastic Beasts more than wizards!” ”

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