I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 953 Zha Kang kills his friends again

Harley admits that Luther is a friend.

If Luther was in trouble, such as the Brainiac virus in his brain before, she would not sleep at night and go to the Dream Kingdom in person.

For him, I owe Morpheus a small favor.

For example, now, Luthor's spine was crushed by the mechanical Superman, and he was paralyzed in bed and unable to take care of himself. Harley was willing to give him a little "LS Road Pool Water" and let Dr. Strange cure him.

But if Luther died one day and his sinful soul was about to go to hell, and he wanted her to give him a direct ticket to heaven, Harley would never agree.

She is willing to save an ordinary friend with an "objective and neutral" attitude, but will not dirty her hands by helping an ordinary friend.

If Luther did something bad and suffered just revenge from the person involved and was injured, she would not feel it was unjust to save him, but if she was asked to help Luther deal with the Avengers, she would feel uncomfortable.

It's not that Harley cares about feathers.

You are already friends with people like Luther, what else is there to cherish about feathers?

It is purely a matter of whether the thoughts are accessible or not.

Luther was barely a friendly friend, and Harley still treated him like this.

Most of the heroes and criminals who got the "Infinite Heaven Limited Helicopter Card" had never met her on a first-hand basis.

That day, unlike Uncle Sam and Old Green Lantern, who complained about her involvement of the Earth in the power struggle in Silver City, they did not necessarily fully trust her or support her firmly.

Most of them are just dull, taciturn, or slow to react. They feel that Uncle Sam and others think too much and are too sensitive.

To put it bluntly, the person who gets the helicopter card is not necessarily her friend.

Why should she change her philosophy on doing things for someone who is not her friend?

Harley didn't care who she was, whether she was a heinous person, or whether she deserved to go to hell.

But to be her good friend, you must have noble character and excellent ability and character.

Well, other people don't know about Harley's awkward "moral mysophobia", but many heroes agree with her statement - it's unfair for people with heinous crimes to escape punishment with helicopter cards, and they shouldn't exist.

"Why is the limit 300,000? Does it mean that sins exceeding 300,000 have any special meaning?" Wonder Woman asked curiously.

Many heroes who failed to successfully bind the Heaven Card had slightly changed expressions and felt worried.

"It doesn't have any special meaning. I'm deeply impressed by the name of the universe, Lois Lane. She currently has a sin value of 300,000, so I use it as a standard." Harley said.

——Louise always has some merits. If it's worse than her, then I'm sorry, she won't save such people!

"Hey, I didn't expect the righteous and unyielding reporter Ryan on TV to be guilty of as much as 300,000."

"Sure enough, a person cannot be judged by his appearance."

Some heroes who knew about her relationship with Tear Man were filled with emotion: the moral standard Tear Man actually married such a "hypocrite" wife.

"Sins can be eliminated with merit points, right?"

A hero secretly sent a message to Harley without shouting it out in the group chat.

Harley looked at the profile picture above the message and was slightly surprised. It turned out to be the famous Animal Man.

How come he has such serious sins?

Harley thought about what this guy had done, and said to all the heroes: "Merit points can eliminate sins, but the reckoning must begin at the moment of death.

I have two practical suggestions for you: first, don’t waste merit points on weekdays; second, change your past bad habits, be a good person, and do more good deeds. "

"How to judge bad habits?" Someone else sent her a message.

It's Elastic Man, a hero with abilities similar to Plastic Man.

"Refer to the law, universal values, and the teachings of your gods. As long as the above three points are met, there is basically no problem."

Bateman asked directly: "Can you earn merit by saving people, and then use the merit to offset your sins?"

"It's hard to say." Harley said hesitantly: "According to my opinion, no matter what reason you save someone, you have great merit.

But the key to faith lies in how consistent your actions and thoughts are with the teachings of the gods.

If you aim to practice God's teachings and save a person, it is possible to become a saint, let alone merit.

But if you just think "I am a superhero, and superheroes must save people," or simply to make headlines, God will still think you are a good person, but your merits will probably be very little. "

Bateman said solemnly: "No matter how much, at least there is still. As long as we do our job as superheroes, we are redeeming ourselves."

His words clearly meant something different, as if he was admonishing his fellow heroes who had wandering minds.

"Can the helicopter card be used by others? After long pressing for five seconds, the prompt box displayed only has the option of binding myself." Wonder Woman said.

She is not afraid of death, and it is difficult for her to die completely. The helicopter card does not seem to be of much use to her.

But if there is another major crisis on earth and a companion dies in front of him, Diana will give him her card without hesitation.

"It was indeed impossible before, and I don't recommend you to cancel this binding mode." Harley said.

"Why? Didn't you give us the card and you still care about how we use it?" Green Lantern frowned.

He has a mother and a sister, and he once experienced the tragedy of his father dying in front of his eyes.

He felt that his family needed this card more than he did, and he said a lot of good things to Harley at that time and got two cards.

"Do you know how precious the Paradise Card is? The cost of this kind of card alone is more than 10 million. Maybe you think that 300,000 yuan of sins is a little small, but it is a direct card, which means that as long as you do not commit sins, it can help you Solve the hidden danger of magic price."

Seeing that many heroes looked confused, Harley sighed: "To put it simply, for many mages, this Kirby artifact is precious.

I tied it to your account and didn't even issue a physical card to you, mainly to protect you.

Lest you be targeted by gods, demons, and extraordinary mages, who then kill people and seize treasures. "

She was sure that if she had handed them the physical Paradise Card directly, a week later, she would have eaten at so many superhero seats.

"Harley is right, never unbind." Wonder Woman said with a frightened look on her face, "Hera, it's a bit easy to get the Paradise Card. I had forgotten about it before.

You can't imagine the terrible price of magic power, let alone how many magicians as powerful as gods and demons are suffering from the price at this time. "

"But I have two cards." Green Arrow said.

Harley thought for a while and said: "Let's do this, you can get three 'family accounts', which must be family members related by blood.

You can set the priority level, whoever dies first will use it, and whoever dies first will use it.

I have chosen it now and cannot change it in the future. I swear this with you at the same time. "

"I'm a little tired from logging, and three accounts are not enough." A hero said.

Harley glanced at the avatar, it was Black Bolt.

"But you only have one card." She said.

"Even if I only have one card, once I select three from a group of family members, it will be a betrayal of the other lumberjacks." Hei Daguo said seriously.

"Okay, if you have special requirements, please mention them to me separately. The account number can be relaxed."

After saying this, Harley explained: "The reason why I limited the number of people is not for anything else, but if this matter spreads, I'm afraid there will be a 'legacy crisis'. If you ask me, it's best to only bind you. .”

If a certain hero only has one card, and ends up binding four elderly people in the family, the elderly people have only a few years to live, and they know that if they die early, they will definitely go to heaven, and if they die late, they will definitely go to hell.

Faced with such a huge difference in "interests", what would they choose?

After a lot of hard work, the four old people who could have gone to heaven together all went to hell (suicide, killing others, and their sins far exceeded the upper limit of 300,000).

Bateman also thought of this and frowned, "She's right, it's best to only bind one person."

Then he tied the Heaven Card to Ah Fu.

"Can the Paradise Card be redeemed? I still have 700,000 meritorious deeds." A hero asked.

"Okay, you can check it yourself." Harley said.

Just one query and all the heroes went crazy.

"Mother Fake, the unlimited paradise card is 70 million? Is it an extra zero or an extra 'ten thousand'?"

"Shit, the same unlimited heaven limited direct card, 300,000 sin limit, 30 million!"

"I'm sorry, the most common Paradise Card, which does not increase the sin level by 300,000, costs 4.5 million?!"

"God, now I know how generous Sister Hallie was back then!"

"Harry, there are so many of us, so many cards, how much merit do we deserve? Is there really no problem in heaven?" Bateman was also shocked.

"If you feel uneasy, go to church more often and pray to the Lord and to King Michael."

"Can I sell the card for merit? If I exchange it for 30 million merit, all of which can be exchanged for ordinary healing techniques, I can save more people." Wonder Woman asked.

"It can't be replaced, and the voice of heaven will not be accepted."

If she could exchange it, she would have sold it when she got her first completely unlimited paradise card.

In fact, Harley still has a Heaven Direct Card (ps) in her hand.

"Harley, please completely unbind my Paradise Card and give it to me directly. I don't know who it is bound to, and I'm not afraid that thieves will miss it." Wonder Woman said proudly.

Harley got her wish.

That night, when she was studying the 'Seven Times of God's Retribution' in the meditation room, the bubbles in the experience jar didn't stop, and they "clunked" from time to time. The amount of experience was not large, but it lasted for a long time until four o'clock in the morning the next day. It stopped after about two seconds.

At eight o'clock in the morning, the phone at "Shaojun's Mansion" rang, and it was a call from Wonder Woman.

Her voice was hoarse and tired, "Harry, I've thought about it seriously, you'd better take the paradise card back and bind it to Steve, Steve Trevor."

"Someone wanted to kill you for the treasure last night?" Harley laughed.

"How can I say that I am also a giant of the Zhenglian, the God of War of Olympus, and I have fought against the Anti-Monitor, Darkseid and Doomsday. Don't those guys feel intimidated?"

Wonder Woman was annoyed, confused, and a little angry.

“The fact that you didn’t even shout ‘Hallelujah’ last night shows that the situation is not serious.

You are strong and able to fight with ease, but they still dare to come to you.

It’s not that you have no deterrent effect, it’s just that you are a superhero and don’t kill people, which greatly reduces the cost of committing crimes against you. " Harley said.

"Oh, change it for me." Diana sighed.

"The news spread so quickly? I gave you the card yesterday afternoon, and you were targeted at night."

Harley felt strange, but she didn't refuse.

In the following time, she received many phone calls, including mages from the supernatural world and politicians in Washington. They either made insinuations or went straight to the point, asking if she could sell one of them to them for being so generous and giving away more than a hundred heaven cards.

Harley refused without even asking the price.

But at midnight, an unexpected and irresistible person came to the door.

"Harley, Harley" sounded outside the window, sometimes near and sometimes far, sometimes loud and sometimes small, sometimes sad and sometimes sad. The dark haze accompanied it. When the sound fell into my ears, my body seemed to be a few degrees colder. .

"What brat dares to come to me in the middle of the night?" Harley woke up from the meditation room. She was furious and was about to exorcise the devil. Suddenly she exclaimed, "Nick, is it you? Why did you become a ghost?"

She recognized it. This was Nick, the most famous and talented magic master in Gotham.

"Constantine, it was Constantine who killed me!" Nick howled.

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