I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 98 Guardian Angel

They are teardrop-shaped crystals, pure and transparent, with a faint light emitting from the surface. Especially when the light falls on them, they look like stars.

Just like small eyes, they have a kind of activity that ordinary treasures do not have.

When an ordinary diamond is exposed to light, its reflection may be brilliant when viewed from an angle, but it is stable.

But the teardrop on Harley's head, under the same light and viewed from the same angle, seems to be alive and constantly "shimmering" with colorful soft glow.

I don’t know if it’s an illusion, but with the teardrops on her head, Harley feels particularly refreshed. Well, it’s just an illusion. She used black magic before and consumed too much mental energy. Now she just wants to lie down immediately and wheeze. Sleep until dawn.

"It should be the tears of repentance shed by the Holy Spirit before. It is not really the tears of an angel, but there is a legend about the tears of angels. The Holy Spirit sheds tears. Anyway, there is no record at all in the Magical Objects Chapter of the Grimoire of Truth."

Harry happily used a knife to cut off the hair that passed through the tear crystal. After a while, 23 small stars were placed in front of him, shining brightly under the light.

"It's so beautiful, I don't know what it does."

Hallie thought of the Holy Spirit, and immediately thought of Zauliel who took it away.

"Maybe Boss Zha knows."

She subconsciously touched the cross, and then she froze.

"Imagad!" After confirming again and again, Ha Li jumped up, laughing and shouting like a madman.

"God is wise, long live Christ, this heaven contract is great, hahaha"

I don’t blame her for being crazy, it’s really a great surprise: she “saved” a soul who should have fallen into hell, and her merits are immeasurable!

Well, no matter what her original purpose was or what means she used, in short, God only cares about the results: Anyone who does something beneficial to heaven will have merit!

God did not break the agreement and immediately gave her corresponding reward, even though she had no expectation of meritorious service before. Even when Brother Robbie ascended to heaven, he was filled with jealousy.

If the merit for killing the Horned Dog Demon last time was one, then now she has 100,000 merit!

"Harley Quinn, Harley Quinn, Harley."

In the midst of joy, a ethereal and distant voice suddenly appeared in Harry's ears. It was neither male nor female, and it had a kind of sacred and ethereal sound.

"Who?" She looked around with sharp eyes.

There seemed to be a cold gaze peeping over the monastery before, and now there is an inexplicable sound. Is it supernatural, or is it——

While he was concentrating and alert, the tone of his voice changed, "Harley Quinn, it's me, you sink your mind into the cross."

Harry's heart moved, and she immediately followed the instructions. Using the cross as a bridge, her consciousness rose infinitely, and almost in the next moment she came to a warm and bright void.

"Harley Quinn." The voice was clearer this time, like a face-to-face conversation.

"Boss Zaulie?"

She "looked around", surrounded by a thin holy light, and could not see anything else.

"Where are you?" she asked.

"I'm right in front of you. Your current mental power is too weak to even be condensed into a form. It's like a grain of sand appearing at the feet of a giant. How can you get a glimpse of the giant's whole face?" Zaulie said gently.

"Shit, am I under your soles?" Harley's face turned green.

"I'm just making a metaphor. Your consciousness and mine meet at the border of heaven. Your body is still in the world, and mine is still guarding the cliff of heaven." Zhaulie said.

Harley felt better and asked, "Boss Zha, your voice seemed a little different before. I didn't recognize it at all."

"It wasn't me before, it was the Voice of Heaven. It saw you were frightened, so it sent me to communicate with you."

When he mentioned the "Voice of Heaven", there was obvious awe in Zaulie's tone.

"What does the Voice of Heaven want from me? Are you thanking me for saving a saint?" Harry was happy at first, then immediately thought of what he had done recently, and then worried: "Or is it because I used black magic?"

"If you are a saint who holds a holy relic and dare to use black magic, it is a heinous crime.

It's a pity that you are not, you are just a mercenary, paid to do tasks, and you don't even have much devotion to God.

Therefore, heaven will not have too high requirements for you, as long as you don't become a follower of the evil god. "Zhaulie said indifferently.

"It's great, uh, I mean, God is broad-minded and loves all living beings, regardless of believers or non-believers." Harley was a little embarrassed.

Zaulie sneered: "Then you are wrong, God is benevolent, but he will not treat believers and non-believers equally.

If you are a devout saint, like Jesus' disciple Peter, even if you have no merits and no cross, if you pray to God when you are in danger, you will get an immediate response.

As a non-believer, heaven and you are really just a business. "

——But I also just want to do business with you! "Saint Peter" or something like that, I don't want it if it's for free.

Harry complained in his mind and said: "You haven't said what the voice of heaven wants me to do."

"Well, things are a bit complicated. The one who is looking for you is actually not our Lord God, but the archangel Uriel who is responsible for the coming of the Son." Zaulie said hesitantly.

"So that's it, Archangel Uriel is the Tongue of Fire!"

Compared with Zauliel, Uriel was too famous in the world.

Christianity is divided into Judaism, Orthodox Christianity, Catholicism, and Protestantism. Each denomination also has different understandings of the "Archangel of the Lord."

But no matter which denomination, whether it is the "Seven Archangels" or the "Four Church Angels", Uriel, who represents the "Flame of God", is among them.

To put it more directly, Uriel belongs to the same group as Gabriel and Michael - they have almost the same status, but in terms of power. In the future, Harley will understand that there is a huge difference in power among the archangels.

"Boss, your name is Zaulie, what is your relationship with Uriel?" Harley asked curiously.

"Your name is Harry, so what's your relationship with Harry Potter?" Zaulie said angrily.


The painting style became so strange that Harry didn't react for a long time.

"Do the angels in heaven also read human novels?"

She couldn't accept it, and it was so embarrassing!

"Every archangel has his or her own duties, and you still don't know what I do to this day?" Zaulie was obviously a little angry.

"Aren't you the general who guards the gate of Paradise Cliff?" Harley asked doubtfully.

"Errand is not the same as performing a job, especially for a god."

"Oh, you mean 'priesthood', right?" Harry suddenly realized, "You are the door god!"

Zauliel felt depressed and said dullly: "Ulie is a human angel, and I am an eagle angel. Our names only have similar pronunciations, but have huge differences in meaning.

Uriel itself means 'God's Flame', and Zauriel means 'guard and guardian'.

I am the guardian of God and the patron saint of women on earth!

Cleopatra, Mona Lisa, Joan of Arc, Isabella, Elizabeth, etc., countless outstanding women who have left their names in history have all received my protection.

Earlier, I protected Rowling again. During her most embarrassing days, I brought the muse fairy to meet her several times. So, of course I know Harry Potter. "

"This sounds a bit fantasy," Harley murmured.

"Do I need to lie to you?" Zaulie said lightly.

"Well, if you didn't lie, did you protect me?"

Harley reacted and asked with some resentment.

"You don't need asylum."

"Now, I tell you, I need it!" Harley said every word.

"I also have a choice in who I protect," Zaulie said.

"You only protect celebrities and look down on ordinary people?" Harley sneered.

"Why are they not famous through the ages with my blessing?"

Harley was stunned and said, "The ending of Joan of Arc doesn't seem to be a good one."

"Do you think it's more meaningful to die in old age or to fulfill your greatest ideals?" Zawlie asked.

Without waiting for Harley to answer, he sighed and said: "I am not God, I do not have almighty power, my power is limited and will be exhausted at times, so I must make a choice.

My choice is also very simple, the woman I like.

And you really make me dislike you. "

Harley said weakly: "Ignore this topic, how did Uriel, the Tongue of Fire, become the Voice of Heaven?"

"It's not that it became the Voice of Heaven, but that the Voice of Heaven accepted its suggestions."

"It's like a minister giving advice to the emperor, and then the emperor issued an order to me? Didn't you say last time that God hadn't appeared for a long time? How did the angel Uriel see Him?" Harley asked doubtfully.

"God is omnipotent and omnipresent. Praying to the main hall of Silver City can make the 'Voice of Heaven' hear the believers' will without going in." Zaulie said solemnly.

Harry frowned. How come this "Voice of Heaven" looks a bit like the artificial intelligence placed in the main hall in the center of Silver City?

No wonder people in heaven have been unstable and riots have occurred recently. I'm afraid there are many angels who think the same as her.

"What does Firetongue want from me?"

"It knows that you signed a contract with heaven, and it also knows what happened in the Gotham Cathedral. It hopes that you can become a spy placed by the Holy Advent Crusaders in the Legion of Eternal Punishment," Zaulie said.

"This" if Harley were here in real life, her expression would be very distorted.

"I killed so many crusaders, sacrificed a clerk, and made an archbishop into a demon to do these things, and he still wants to recruit me?"

Zaulie said: "Ulie doesn't care at all about the deep hatred between you and the Holy Advent Crusaders, nor will he reconcile the conflicts between you and the Crusaders.

Simply put, heaven does not care about earthly matters and will not interfere.

It lets you be a spy just because the Legion of Eternal Punishment takes a fancy to you.

And you are a warrior in heaven, and you will never really join the hell side. "

Harry asked strangely: "You mean, even if I become a spy for the angel Uriel, the Crusaders will still hunt me down?"

"Your understanding is correct. In fact, the more the Crusaders hate you, the more the Eternal Punishment Legion trusts you.

No one will know you are a spy except Uriel, the Voice of Heaven, and me, unless you reveal the secret of the contract to Hell. "

Zaulie's tone was a little unnatural.

He disliked such intrigues and intrigues.

Harley sighed: "I thought there was an open and direct fight between heaven and hell, but I didn't expect that you guys were still playing tricks (ps)."

(ps: In fact, DC’s war between heaven and hell is already very ‘simple’. Marvel’s war between heaven and hell is more exciting.

For example, a pair of angels who originally had a good relationship in heaven, one of them fell and became the devil of hell, and then they continued to keep in touch quietly. You revealed information about heaven and asked me to lead the devils in hell to win the battle. I was promoted and made rich in hell. .

I will reveal the information about hell to you, and you will lead the angels to win a battle, and you will be promoted and wealthy in heaven.

In the end, both heaven and hell couldn't bear it anymore, and the two sides unexpectedly joined forces to kill the two or five young men in their respective families.

So sexy.

Basically, both DC and Marvel have made extremely secular adaptations of angels and demons.

Well, it’s almost the same as mortals. You can think of heaven and hell as higher dimensions and high-latitude creatures that transcend reality, and don’t substitute too much into human beings’ self-righteous concepts of good and evil.

However, compared to Marvel, the magic side of DC is more "enigmatic" and often contains the author's philosophical speculation.

For example, Sandman, Satan Lucifer, Constantine, their stories are all very interesting. When reading their comics, one often feels the same sense of surprise as when reading "Love, Death and Robots". )

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