I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 930 Inner Dragon VS Harley, a secret contest

"Why did you bring the chariot?" Harley whispered: "Even if you want to show miracles, show majesty, and protect safety, you can let the angels bathe in holy light and form an array to protect you.

Chariots have participated in countless wars and are full of bloody conquests and killings. How can ordinary people bear it? "

A ten-meter-diameter sacred beam was projected from Silver City to Gotham's "Cosmic Fighting King" arena, where it landed on the tall podium in the center of the arena.

Asmodeus was covered in golden armor, holding a long-handled ax in his left hand, and a golden scepter in his right hand. His wings were spread wide behind him, and he landed slowly and urgently in the golden beam.

When he landed on top of Harley's head, he deliberately slowed down to make the divine state last longer, so that the audience could see it more clearly and reporters could take pictures more clearly.

He was very addicted to this feeling.

The blood seemed to be boiling, and every pore in his body was shouting the word "glory".

Asmodeus really felt that this was the most glorious moment in his life.

However, after hearing Harley's words, he lowered his head and looked down at the cautious and timid audience below. With his eyesight, he could even clearly see the shrinking pupils of some reporters, their micro-expressions that were so nervous that they were sweating, and their worried and fearful eyes.

The prince frowned slightly.

Witch Harley is right, this kind of occasion is indeed not suitable for a chariot full of killing energy.

Witch Harley was not right either. The chariot's arrival was not to show his prestige or to protect his safety.

Asmodeus doesn't think anyone else is his opponent now under the blessing of heaven's authority.

What's more, Witch Harley has already given away tens of millions of merits in heaven, and those mortal heroes who are as powerful as gods have also put on security uniforms and become his most loyal lackeys.

The reason why he asked the Heavenly Chariot and the Angel Legion to follow him was because before he came, he received a temporary warning from his partner Neilong, asking him to strengthen his defenses and ensure his own safety.

"This is not my idea, it is the arrangement of one of my loyal subordinates. As the highest military commander in heaven, it seems reasonable to have a legion following behind me." Asmodu said hesitantly.

Harley said seriously: "The person who gave you this idea must be disloyal, and is probably a treacherous person who lives in the 'Niu Camp' but has a heart out of mind!

Because he wants to trap you into injustice.

Since he is your confidant, he must know the clear record in the 'Book of Asmodu' excavated at the Dead Sea ruins - Asmodo is open-minded, brave and confident by nature, and often enters enemy camps alone, surrounded by thousands of troops. , he can also talk and laugh with the devil freely.

You wrote this plot yourself and said it was adapted from a true story. "

Asmodu immediately said: "It is indeed a true story. I entered the Eagle Angel Camp alone and faced the rebel Zaulie and his tens of thousands of personal guards without even a tremor in my eyes."

"That's why I said that the angel who made you drive your chariot to the world had ulterior motives. He deliberately made your character collapse at this sacred moment that only happens once in a million years!"

Asmodo's expression changed slightly, "Not that"

Harry heard the hesitation in his heart, and immediately said in a more serious tone: "Since ancient times, has there been a miracle like yours that has come to the world now?

Maybe, but in the past few thousand years, this is the first and most magnificent time in recorded history.

If successful, I don’t need to tell you what you will gain.

But here’s the problem. This is an unprecedented grand moment. If it fails, the side effects and backlash will be heavy and far-reaching.

The person who asked you to bring a chariot must know that doing so will destroy your character.

Collapse of character in front of all the believers in the world will definitely lead to the failure of the divine descent.

Aren’t those who wish you failure a traitor? "

Asmodeus gritted his teeth and looked gloomy. Witch Harley was right, he might really have been tricked by the inner dragon.

Harry didn't know the secret in his heart, but could tell that he was already suspicious of the 'loyal minister', and added: "The book of Asmodeus also says that you have a low-key and reserved personality, gentle and polite, kind and sincere, and it is easy to get along with you." Angels, mingle with mortals.”

This is the character of Gabriel in the three-in-one suture monster design of Lucifer, Michael, and Gabriel.

Well, don't doubt it. Gabriel, who is nicknamed "Snob", is really the most humble and courteous angel.

Although he has to interact with scholars (Ph.D. from prestigious Ivy League schools), he can at least communicate harmoniously with those scholars.

It is difficult for ordinary people to become great scholars, but there are so many people in the world, and the larger the base, the more great scholars will be.

Therefore, there are many mortals who can talk to Gabriel face to face as equals.

But there are almost zero mortals who talk to Lucifer and Michael. They never interact with mortals in person.

Moreover, the "hybrids" born from the crossbreeding of humans, angels, and demons are ignored by heaven and despised by hell. Only Gabriel brings them together, formulates laws for them, and provides them with shelter.

Gabriel does things that almost no other angel would bother to do.

Everything is in comparison. Compared with the other two angel kings, the snobbish Gabriel also has a noble character of being humble and polite.

"But now the chariot, the battle angel, and the bloody sky are incompatible with your character, even a fool can see it!" Harley sighed deeply, "If I had known you were going to take the domineering route, I shouldn't have imitated it when I wrote the book. Gabriel.”

"If you don't imitate Gabriel, how can you be loved by mortals like him?" Asmodu said with a cold snort.


"Stop talking!" He interrupted her rudely and said: "The chariot is indeed not suitable to appear at the glorious moment of my divine descent. Now it has sent me to the human world. The mission is completed and I can go back."

As he finished speaking, he was slowly descending above Gotham City, turning the sky for hundreds of miles into a blood-red chariot of heaven. It was like a scene in a mirage, quickly melting in the sunlight and disappearing into the material world.

The blood in the sky was completely replaced by a faint holy glow.

Asmodeus also deliberately used the power of the "Voice of Heaven" to mobilize part of the power of God to sprinkle a refreshing holy light on the earth.

The fear in the audience's eyes gradually dissipated, and liveliness and excitement surged from the bottom of their hearts again.

"Isn't this enough? You continue to speak, to heighten the atmosphere for me and ease the mood of the Lamb (Christian)." Asmodeus said proudly.

"Your majesty is wise and it is not too late to remedy the situation." Harley praised and loudly said into the microphone: "As you can see, the 'airship' that just appeared in the sky is to fight for God and conquer all evil. Chariots of Heaven.

The Lord is a humble and low-key person. The reason why he allowed it to appear in the human world is because the earth has suffered too many hardships in recent years and needs the Lord's unparalleled force to intimidate Xiaoxiao and boost morale. "

"Oh~~~" The audience suddenly stood up, and some of them even stood up and knelt down excitedly to the Bull Angel, shouting "Hallelujah", "Christ Jesus" and "Maharaja Asmodeus".

The specially invited Pope from Rome knelt on the ground, cried bitterly, and shouted: "Lord, you have finally visited the Lamb of mankind again!"

"Lord Asmodeus lives the sacred eternity!" All the voices eventually formed a torrent that resounded through the sky and shook all directions.

Asmodeus was very satisfied, extremely satisfied, very intoxicated, extremely intoxicated.

Suddenly, an anxious and angry voice came into his consciousness through the voice of the sky: "What are you doing? I told you very clearly that the chariot from heaven descended on Gotham, secretly activated its main cannon, and aimed at the earth. Let no one dare to act rashly; the strongest angel army will protect you, so that those with ulterior motives cannot get close to you.

Why not listen, why withdraw the chariots and legions? What the hell are you thinking about? "

It's the inner dragon.

There has been recent turmoil in Silver City, and all the eight major divine realms have heard about it and are very concerned about it.

At this moment, the central figure has descended into the world, and those who can come to eat melons have come to watch with their little horses.

Not to mention Neilong and other demon kings who had received the news early, even Heavenly Father and Metron were watching here from a higher dimension.

"You are the one with ulterior motives! Don't you know what is written in the 'Book of Lord Asmodeus'?

I am humble, polite, open-minded, informal, and fearless!

I am fierce and unparalleled in the battle alone.

If the Lambs of Eden were terrorized with chariots, they would not love me and sing my praises as loudly as they do now.

They will be as frightened and scared as before, trembling and afraid to speak.

You must know this, but you deliberately trick me. Asmodeus said angrily.

"Nonsense, I didn't, you're just imagining it." Neilong eagerly denied Sanlian for a while, and then said thoughtfully: "You will never think of these words, is it Witch Harley? I tell you, she is not trustworthy, Don’t believe anything you say.”

"She is trying to gain benefits. At least she has no bad intentions now. People with bad intentions will use their credibility and the Bible to vouch for me?" Asmodu said calmly.

"The more she pays, the bigger the plan becomes." Neilong sighed.

"The greater the plan for the future, the more careful she will be to protect me today and ensure that I can successfully achieve the position of 'Great King' with this divine descent. If I fail, the beautiful future she planned will disappear."

Neilong didn't know how to refute this.

Like Asmodeus, he felt that Harley had spent a lot of money and must rely on the 'Maharaja' to make a lot of money. Only when she had made enough would she consider betraying him.

Seeing that he was speechless, Asmodeus became more and more certain that the "Chariot Plan" was Neilong's intention, and said coldly: "You are no different from Witch Harley. Both are treacherous, vicious and untrustworthy, and both are ambitious. No. Will be truly loyal to me.

But she is at least in sync with my interests for the time being, and will serve me with all her strength for the time being. But you are short-sighted. Before I even conquered the Golden Palace, you started acting evil and using dirty tricks. What a narrow-minded fool! "

"Fake, you stupid cow dare to humiliate me?!" Neilong was furious.

"Asshole, how dare you call me a stupid cow? Have you always looked down on me? I know that no one is a good person."

Asmodeus blew out whistle-like white air from both nostrils. Harley on the stage noticed it immediately and guessed that he must be talking to someone else at the moment.

——The "treacherous officials" hiding in the dark can't be allowed to cause trouble.

Harley picked up the walkie-talkie and gave instructions to the empty auditorium behind the podium.

"Hallelujah, hallelujah, the Almighty rules the world (Hallelujah), and everything in the world belongs to the Lord and Christ (Hallelujah), Hallelujah, Hallelujah"

A chorus of two thousand people.

With the cooperation of the world's top symphony orchestras, they sang "Hallelujah" in unison.

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly reached its peak.

Asmodeus no longer wanted to listen to Neilong's explanation that "I just made a mistake, the overall situation is more important", and Harley was still calling him.

"Maharaja, the ceremony is about to begin. According to your request, the superhero will surrender to you on behalf of the Eden believers and pay the highest respect."

This ceremony is very important, just like when a city was conquered in ancient times, the leader of the city led a group of subjects to hand over the seal to the conqueror.

It means that from this moment on, Asmodeus became the king of heaven recognized by Christians.

This is what Asmodeus has always wanted.

The first is honor, and the second is the power that authority brings.

His status as a great king was neither canonized by God nor recognized by the real ruler of Silver City.

Now, if recognized by all God's believers, the self-proclaimed king can also gain substantial authority.

Looking at the heroes slowly approaching him, Asmodo felt hot in his heart.

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