I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 928 The arrival of the king

"Am I dreaming?" Shannon sat on the ground in a daze, with several cats circling around his owner.

Zaulie took out the Paradise Mountain 6S that was now somewhat outdated, "Look, this is my account 'Eagle Angel', this is our chat history, and the video of us playing 'Injustice' together. "

Well, the game Injustice is actually very famous in the DC universe. Harry got the copyright from the heroes a few years in advance and developed it here.

In addition to Injustice, there is also "True League of Legends", a 5V5 battle client game and mobile game with superheroes as hero templates.

Because Harley uses all her profits for charity, the heroes are happy to sell the copyright to her.

Also because the profits are used for charity, the game industry accounts for almost zero in her assets.

Shannon took out his LEXnote0 and faced him personally before accepting the reality that his netizen was an angel.

"But why are you an angel? Are angels still playing with mobile phones?"

"I am a guardian angel. I am responsible for guarding the gate of heaven. I also have the priesthood of guarding women." Zaulie looked at her steadily, full of tenderness, "I am your guardian angel."

Shannon's face turned red, her little hands clasped together, and she asked uncertainly: "Are you serious?"

"Of course, do you still remember? When you were 5 years old, you were playing by the woods in the back mountain. Your parents were busy harvesting on the farm. You got lost in the woods, and then you cried and prayed to the Lord. You shouted, 'Angel, my guardian angel is here. "Which, I want mother', I heard it, responded to you, and used the starlight as a guide to bring your parents to you."

"Ah, since then?"

Shannon doesn't remember what she yelled at that time, but the incident was mentioned repeatedly by her parents when she was growing up, and she couldn't forget it even if she wanted to.

"Yes, I have been protecting you since you were five years old, until you graduated from college and you came to this strange city and prayed to the Lord again in the church, hoping to make new friends in the new city.

The next day, I followed you on social networks and we became good friends soon after. "Zaulie said softly.

"Why me?" Shannon hesitated.

"I heard your voice."

"Is it that simple?" Shannon asked doubtfully.

Zaulie shook his head and said: "This is not simple. Only a pious heart can communicate with God. For your voice to be heard by me, there are at least two conditions - you are pious to God, and God favors you."

Many believers can be devout to God, but God’s favor is very metaphysical.

Shannon nodded thoughtfully. Ten years ago, she would have found it very mysterious knowing that there were angels guarding her.

I couldn't calm down from the intense emotions for several days.

But now that they have experienced the invasion of Apokolips, Crisis on Infinite Earths, and the history of the "Martial God King" created by the Galaxy Admiral, it seems that Angel is no longer worthy of surprise.

"Besides me, who else have you protected?"

"Cleopatra, Mona Lisa, Joan of Arc. Many."

"They are all the best women, but I'm just an ordinary person," Shannon murmured.

“In the eyes of mortals, you may have different identities, statuses, and achievements, but in the eyes of the Lord, each of you is His good child, and there is no difference.

And you are not ordinary, your life has just begun. "Zhaulie said.

"Oh, my future -" Shannon's eyes lit up. She was just about to ask in surprise, and then she quickly shook her head, "Hey, forget it, don't tell me about the future. If you know the future, life will lose most of its meaning."

When she looked up and saw the poster on the wall opposite, her heart moved, remembering that netizens had said "Harley" before.

"You must also be guarding the Galaxy Admiral, right? She is almost the most outstanding woman now."

That poster was a few years old, and it showed Harley falling from the sky, wrapped in yellow light energy.

Looking at the scene, Zaulie guessed that it was the moment when Apokolips invaded and Harley returned as king.

"She has a strong destiny and strong strength. She doesn't need my protection. In fact, I came to the world this time because I wanted her to protect me." He said awkwardly.

Although he idolized Admiral Galaxy, he heard that his guardian angel still needed to be protected by Admiral Galaxy. Shannon was vaguely disappointed and felt embarrassed for him.

Then, as if pouring out his bitterness, Zaulie told Shannon the bad things about Silver City.

It also explains why he came to Earth.

In the days that followed, Zaulie became Shannon's roommate and assistant in life and emotions.

He helps her feed her cat, helps her clean her small apartment, talks to her, and can also give her useful advice at work.

With his help and care, Shannon changed her clothing and living habits, became more confident and calm, and fully displayed her own style.

It didn't take long for her to transform from a transparent clerk in the company to a fashionable, beautiful, smart and capable "goddess".

After becoming a goddess, she gained the admiration of her long-favorite male god. Zaulie endured the sourness and blessed her.

He actually had a small idea that he didn't tell either Harley or Shannon - what happened in heaven these years had left him mentally and physically exhausted, and after meeting her, he had the urge to change his life.

That is to say, give up the body of an angel, become a mortal, and stay in the mortal world with her forever.

That's right, Zaulie fell in love with the human woman he was protecting.

Compared with the thousands of women he had guarded for tens of thousands of years before him, Shannon was not special at all. She was neither particularly graceful nor outstanding enough to praise her ancient and modern virtues and achievements.

Probably because she is the most ordinary among them, but she seems the most special.

On this day, Zaulie was packing his things in the apartment, preparing to move out before this afternoon.

Well, make room for Shannon to move in with her boyfriend.

Suddenly, the door was pushed open forcefully, and Shannon rushed in with the newly purchased LEXnote2Pro mobile phone and said anxiously: "Zaulie, look, the ancient ruins of the Dead Sea have discovered an underground palace containing the 'Book of Asmodeus'.

Half of the ancient scriptures have now been sent to Gotham Cathedral.

Galactic Admiral Harley Quinn also announced that he would convene historians to study carefully and shoot a movie "Asmodeus: Lord of Silver City" to help Asmodeus clear his name.

Does this mean that the Galactic Admiral has surrendered to Asmodeu? Did she betray you? "

This woman is really not an idiot. She is very keen to find information that is extremely detrimental to Zaulie from an ordinary news article.

"Harley won't betray me."

Zaulie made a statement before taking out his Paradise Mountain 6 and searching for related content.

Soon, the expression on his face was not solemn, but strange and thoughtful.

"What, is there something I don't know?" Shannon asked strangely.

"I'm not sure either. Let's wait and see."

Shannon said: "Your mobile phone, medical insurance account, and bank card all come from Harley Quinn. If she really betrays your friendship, it will be easy to find you.

First turn off your cell phone, stop using your current identity, go hide in the countryside for a while, and learn about what's going to happen next through traditional media such as TV and newspapers. "

This is another very stupid suggestion.

"I believe Harley."

Zaulie thought about it seriously, but still couldn't connect Halli with a villain who betrayed his friends for glory, flattered and treacherously.

He was more willing to believe that she was up to something else.

Shannon glanced at him with a complicated expression and said slightly sourly: "The friendship between you and her is really enviable."

She never suspected that Zaulie and Halli had other feelings.

During this period of time together, it was even difficult for her to regard him as a man.

"However, if you trust her, you'd better do what I say. That will help reduce her troubles a lot." She continued to advise.

"Troubled?" Zaulie was puzzled.

Shannon said: "Actually, I don't believe that Admiral Galaxy really took refuge in Asmodeus. She is so smart, doesn't she know that someone as powerful as Lucifer was also thrown into hell after the rebellion?

I don't know much about Asmodeus, but he's certainly not as good as Lucifer.

What I understand, Admiral Galaxy must also understand.

So, we assume that she is planning something, at least her current attitude on the surface is to get closer to Asmodu and betray you.

You have a mobile phone and you are playing with it at the gate of heaven. The angels all know it.

Will Asmodeus force the galactic admiral to use his mobile phone number and account to lock your location?

If you turn off your phone and give up your identity, you will not only avoid the possible troubles of the Galaxy Admiral, but also indirectly prove to Asmodu that you are doubting her and that your relationship is not as good as he thought. "

These words are more than just stupid.

Zaulie looked at the woman he had guarded for many years in surprise for a while, then nodded and said, "You are right."

Another week passed in the blink of an eye. Zaulie was watching TV in a wooden house in the mountains outside San Francisco. Suddenly, a familiar scent, like the sunlight cast by the sun, spread all over the world in an instant.

"This is-" His expression changed, and his figure instantly disappeared from the wooden house.

The next moment, we have arrived at the source of the vast aura - Gotham, the "Cosmic King of Fighters Arena" on the other side of Arkham Island.

A news and new film conference is being held at a venue that can accommodate 200,000 people.

Zaulie also knew about this press conference and had started preheating it as early as three days ago, with overwhelming publicity through all media channels.

In addition to Harley's use of power and money, the news itself is also sensational - about the new Dead Sea Documents, about the history of Lord Asmodu, speculation about the Lord's status in heaven, and about the debut of the lamp beast Ion Shark as a director. , about a big movie with an investment of 9.9 billion US dollars, about the third work published by the Galaxy Admiral based on the new "Book of Asmodeus" (Harley has written two books, "Red Manhattan" and "The Afterlife". "The Trisolaran Crisis in the Age of Manhattan") has so many exciting contents that it is enough to make it a global sensation and occupy the front pages of global media for many days in a row.

Just half an hour ago, Zaulie even watched the opening of the press conference live on TV.

As soon as Harley came on the stage, she talked about the history of Asmodeus to 120,000 viewers and countless media. The great Zauliel of Asmodeus felt uncomfortable after hearing this, so she moved to another TV station upset. .

Unexpectedly, there would be such a big commotion at this time - the true form of the Bull Angel Asmodu came to the world!

Zaulie was shocked, this was something that had never happened in thousands of years before.

The divine existence in heaven actually appears directly in front of all humans in the "Garden of Eden" (Earth).

The clear sky on a summer morning was like a blue pot lid covering the land of North America, but at this time the "pot lid" was dyed deep red.

It's not a holy golden color, but a blood red color full of ominous atmosphere.

Asmodeus is walking step by step from the fifth dimension to the material world. The power he has spilled out of his body has dyed the sky blood-colored.

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