I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 917 Multiverse Shock

Although Apokolips and Creation Star are also in Limbo, their positions are somewhat special, between Limbo and the material universe.

Ordinary methods cannot enter these two planets. Only the sonic boom channel of the Mother Box can open the door to Apokolips and Creation Star.

So, after Sandman informed Harley that Doomsday was about to wake up, she took out the Advanced Mother Box from the treasure house that she got in Crisis on Infinite Earths.

Use it to open the sonic boom channel to Apokolips, and throw the meteorite that sealed the Doomsday to Darkseid's base camp.

As DeSaad and Darkseid guessed, she deliberately chose its landing site as the core magma pool in the center of the city.

That thing is equivalent to the sun of Apokolips. If you throw it there, you will choose the battlefield next to the red sun, which will help Doomsday quickly recover from the weakness of the newly resurrected to its heyday.

However, Harley did not leave any instructions in the Doomsday Consciousness Sea to let it hunt down Darkseid.

She even wanted it to stay away from Darkseid if possible.

Just fight guerrillas nearby and destroy the war potential of Apokolips.

Because Harley has no confidence that Doomsday will defeat Darkseid.

After throwing Doomsday out, she returned to the material universe, hid in the meditation room, meditated cross-legged, and sensed Doomsday's state.

Although after shouting "Hallelujah" to activate the Shazam Curse, there was an additional connection between her and the "God's Favored One" Doomsday, but she had no way of knowing its details.

"Gudong, gudong."

As soon as Harley entered a meditative state, the experience jar began to bubble.

Doomsday was attacked by Apokolips and she gained experience.


Harley's lips curved into a smug smile.

"Gudong, gudong."

Harley sensed that the "thick-skinned power" in Doomsday's body was activated and was being attacked a lot, and the experience jar was bubbling like crazy.

"Hehehe" Harley laughed happily.

Less than half an hour.

"Gudong, Gudong." The experience jar is overflowing, level 91!

"Hahahaha!" Harley laughed loudly.

"Eh-" Harley's face hardened, and her laughter stopped abruptly.

After turning on the "Hallelujah" state, there is a "pipeline" protected by Shazam's Law between Doomsday and her.

Gods who have learned the Shazam Curse can pass on this "channel" to deliver divine power to those favored by God. God's favored ones also use this channel to repay the gods with "divine power experience" - the growth experience related to the borrowed divine power.

The divine power lent by Harley is "upgrade and defense", so she can indirectly gain experience points through the God's Favorite.

Before, Harley thought she could only gain experience points.

Now she's discovering that experience isn't all she's getting.

At this time, there is a special "defensive divine power experience", which comes from the day of destruction on Apokolips.

——Under the continuous attack of Darkseid’s omega rays, Doomsday showed signs of evolution that were immune to the omega effect.

The "divine power experience" that Harley received was not the notice that "Doomsday was attacked by Darkseid and began to evolve defensive talents that were immune to the Omega effect." It was the evolutionary content of defense against Omega rays - how the genes evolved specifically. information.

If Harley takes the path of genetic evolution, based on this "divine experience", she will also have a chance of evolving the same "omega effect immunity" as Doomsday.

Of course, it is only possible, and there is no guarantee of 100% success. It can even be said that the probability is extremely low.

"No wonder the gods, after encountering a bottleneck in their practice, like to look for God's favored ones to lend out their divine power. As long as you find high-quality God's favored ones, the rewards are so generous."

She lent the divine power of the "Thick-skinned God of War" to Doomsday. The divine power has two attributes, which is to gain experience and defense after being beaten.

Therefore, the benefits Doomsday returns to her are also related to two major attributes: when it is beaten, it transfers experience points to her; it develops "divine experience" related to defense, and shares the experience with her.

"Shit, Doomsday's evolutionary ability is so strong that he actually evolved 'Omega Effect Immunity' (ps) during the battle!"

Thinking of the meaning of the message "Divine Power Experience", Harley's expression became very complicated, with a mix of wonder, a touch of fear, and a deep sense of joy.

The Omega Effect is definitely one of the most advanced energy attacks in the multiverse and is Darkseid's signature skill.

Ω is the last of the 24 Greek letters and is the embodiment of the concept of the "end" of the DC universe.

Except for the Supreme One, or those favored by the Supreme Being, anyone who is exposed to an Omega ray that represents end and pain will die or fall into the Omega dimension and suffer endless torture.

Harley guessed that the Omega Effect was probably on the same level as the Anti-Life Equation.

So Darkseid can use the power of Omega to control the Anti-Life Equation.

Now Doomsday is evolving in the direction of being "immune to the Omega Effect", which shocks her.

She was afraid of Doomsday's unlimited potential for evolution.

Now that the "thick-skinned power" has locked Doomsday's evolutionary talent, it's something to be thankful for.

"Hahaha, Doomsday's evolution this time will probably be similar to the 'neck-twisting defense', but it will die halfway. Because the connection power defense specialty can also be exempted from the 'rule-based obliteration'!" Harley started laughing again.

Harley threw Doomsday to Apokolips at eight o'clock in the morning, American time, and stayed in the meditation room ever since, observing the state of Doomsday while enjoying the happiness of continued skyrocketing experience.

Level 91: 10%, 15%, 20% Level 92: 10%, 15%, 20%

By evening, it was level 92 and 83%, almost level 93.

The key is that the trend of skyrocketing experience shows no sign of stopping.

If it lasts four or five days, can she reach level 100?

"Harley, Harley"

Harley was continuing to gain experience and continued to be happy when Selena suddenly came over.

Selena knew that she was meditating, so she still came over, tapped the door gently, and called her name.

She would never do this in the past.

Even if Harley stayed in the meditation room for several days and nights, Selena and Ivy would only worry secretly and not disturb her.

Now that she is here, something big must have happened at home.

Harry didn't want to end his meditative state, but he still canceled the protective circle and asked, "What's the matter?"

Her tone was a little harsh. Selina could hear her displeasure, so she stopped chatting and said directly: "A big thing happened on Apokolips. The Angels of Heaven, Doctor Destiny, the Justice League, the Justice Society, representatives of the Genesis Star, the government... Representative, Captain Comet of Lann Star, Dominion.

Alas, there were so many people that Ivy and I couldn't entertain them.

Especially the Bull Angel from Silver City, who represents the Voice of Heaven and Lord Asmodeus.

If you're fine, you'd better come out and take a look.

If things are urgent, you can continue to retreat and pretend that I didn't wake you up. "

Harley was helpless. Now that she had canceled the magic circle and talked to Selena, the spiritual wizards and extraordinary heroes outside must have sensed her aura, and they might have heard their conversation. How could she pretend?

And cow angel.

When Selena came to the living room, dozens of pairs of eyes with different expressions were all aimed at her.

Selena next to her was embarrassed.

Harley was calm, walked over and asked curiously: "What are you doing?"

"Darkseid is dead." Doctor Destiny said harshly.

Harley's eyes widened, "Are you kidding me?"

"Really," Orion looked at her with shock and fear in his eyes, "I have received definite news that Apokolips has fallen into unprecedented turmoil, demonoids have fallen like rain, dark elites have died one after another, and Darkseid has He was cut in half - almost the same way you died.

Hallie, Heavenly Father wants to talk to you, and the sooner the better. "

"Harley, you are so powerful. You actually killed Darkseid with your obvious and dirty tricks. Didn't you see that after the Guardians received the news, they remained expressionless and their jaws almost dropped to the ground? ." Hal Jordan laughed.

"Don't talk about Guardians. I learned about the changes in Apokolips this morning, and I still haven't gotten over it. It's unbelievable." Dr. Destiny sighed.

"Harley, I have to apologize to you for doubting you before." The old Green Lantern of the Justice Society bowed solemnly to her and said with emotion: "I was wrong, I was stupid enough to think you were stupid."

"I also want to apologize." Joey, the old Flash, looked at her with admiration and said, "I shouldn't have doubted the viciousness and cunningness of 'Witch Harley'. When it comes to ordinary people, it looks like a terrible decision, but when it comes to you This immediately turned decay into magic. It was so amazing that Apokolips and Darkseid were deceived so miserably.

Alas, this is only under the premise that you inform them and the entire universe in advance that you are going to attack Apokolips. "

Uncle Sam took off his stars-and-stripes hat and put it on his chest, and said solemnly: "Harry, you taught me a lesson this time. I promise you that no matter how outrageous your plan is next time, I will support you 100% unconditionally."

As a government representative, Amanda said seriously: "Admiral Galaxy, Mr. President also knows about the Apokolips incident now.

He and the congressmen and generals were very excited and decided to build another heroic monument for you at the intersection of Seventh and 23rd Avenues in the Metropolis - the center of the neighborhood destroyed by Doomsday.

At the same time, you also announced to the people of the country that you have successfully avenged the citizens and heroes who died in the Doomsday incident.

It's just that you need to grasp the time of announcing the news and the details of the news. If you have time, you'd better give the President a call. "

As soon as she finished speaking, the angel suspended in mid-air said: "Arkham God of War, Lord Asmodeus also heard about what happened on Apokolips. He wants you to go to Silver City as soon as possible."


A group of earth heroes, spiritual wizards, alien representatives, and representatives from major divine realms all expressed their shock and admiration for "Darkseid was secretly killed by Harley". They were all talking so much that she had no chance to ask for details.

It wasn't until half an hour later that she heard the details of Darkseid's death from Orion and Doctor Fate.

"The death was a bit hasty." Harley frowned and said, "Is it possible to fake death?"

Orion shook his head and said: "Metron, the God of Knowledge, was lurking on the side and observed the entire battle.

Doomsday and Daksai had a brutal and extremely fierce battle. Both sides used their full strength, and half of the city was destroyed.

A battle with that kind of intensity cannot be faked.

The last sneak attack of Doomsday was even more unexpected.

It's spine was obviously broken, the back of its head was stuck to its back, and it had no life breath, but it suddenly jumped up and stabbed with a bone blade.

Darkseid's dark servants gathered around and didn't even react, let alone Darkseid's back to it. "

ps: In the comics, Doomsday stabbed Darkseid's clone to death, but he actually evolved immunity to Omega rays during the battle, which was very buggy.

So is Doomsday invincible?

No, there are at least two ways to kill it forever. One is entropy, which represents the end of time. This entropy can be understood as the concept of "everything will be destroyed at the end of time."

The other is reason.

A Doomsday without reason cannot be killed, but if Doomsday regains its rationality, it will immediately lose its current strength and defense.

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