I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 900 Monopolizing the avenue through commercial monopoly

"Throw Doom into the Sunless Sea."

Harley thought seriously for a moment and said hesitantly: "You can try it, but I'm worried that it will be saturated with the magic power of the little black bean and evolve resistance to the 'creditors'. Then there will be big trouble."

"Doomsday is just a genetic creation on the technological side. Can it get rid of the magic debt of the little black bean level?" Bruce asked doubtfully.

"Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of what happens."

The reason why Harley is so cautious is because Doomsday has evolved immunity to the eighth-level food defense feat in a very short period of time.

This fact forced her to be overly cautious.

"How do you say that Kryptonians on the technological side can become 'gene gods'?" she sighed.

"But you said you could try?"

"Well, let Little Black Bean monitor it at all times. If there are signs of evolution, move it out immediately. Although 'infinite evolution' is a bug, it has not left the category of evolution. The flaws that evolution should have will also be encountered by Doomsday." Harley said.

"What flaw?" Bruce asked curiously.

Harley said: “Evolution is passive and very dependent on the external environment.

An organism in an arid environment will never evolve fins, gills, etc. to adapt to the marine environment.

Once he leaves the lightless sea and the magic range of Little Black Bean, Doomsday will lose the source of evolution.

Just like in the past hundreds of thousands of years, it has not evolved resistance to magic out of thin air. "

Bruce was thoughtful and didn't even eat the nutritious meal on the plate. He stayed there for a long time and suddenly smiled: "Harry, your words gave me an inspiration.

We should not think about destroying the Doomsday, but should provide a gentle place to trap it. "

"Oh?" Harley raised an eyebrow.

“The Kryptonian scientist’s straitjacket, in addition to suppressing its power, has a more important purpose of creating a closed environmental system.

In that environmental system, there are no internal factors that stimulate Doomsday's evolution, and it is also isolated from external factors that force it to evolve.

We could simulate a straitjacket and create a larger closed system where the environment would not only make Doomsday miserable, but would also make it feel at home and comfortable.

A comfortable environment will make its evolutionary genes lazy, dull, decadent, and ultimately useless.

We should make a fallen paradise for it! "

Harley was amused, "This is a good idea. If it has intelligence, you can really corrupt it with its fallen life."

"Send it to Heaven Mountain, where the environment is suitable for all living things." Bruce said.

"Paradise Mountain" Harry couldn't help but raise his eyebrows when he thought of the bad things that Silver City was going through now, and shook his head and said: "Paradise is not good, send it there, who will suppress it? The Voice of Heaven is capable, but it charges, I pay Sorry."

Bruce said: "You have many suspended islands, throw them on an island, and then keep the island away from Silver City and the inhabited Paradise Mountain.

Finally, ask the Voice of Heaven to check its status regularly. If there is a threatening evolution, consider moving it away. "

"What you said is so beautiful. How can the living Doomsday be moved away? Who will move it away?"

Bruce said seriously: "The last time the Justice League failed, it was not because of lack of strength, but because of poor tactics.

Next time we face an unknown and powerful enemy, Zhenglian will go all out and will never use tactics to deliver food!"

Harley didn't answer his words.

Because at this time, she extended from the weird idea of ​​"creating a comfortable environment for Doomsday to let him fall" to an even more incredible idea: Can she turn Doomsday into her own God's favored one?

Evolution is passive.

Frustration and discomfort are the driving forces of evolution.

If she allowed Doomsday to live without setbacks, it wouldn't be able to start evolving.

And this is very possible, because she has worked hard to gather the defense expertise of the seven basic powers in order to achieve this goal - to effectively be immune to all "specific" attacks in the DC multiverse.

If you think about it carefully, this idea is not weird. It appears in all aspects of real life.

For example, Microsoft turns a blind eye to pirated Windows systems, and even contributes to the situation. Other countries cannot feel the discomfort and frustration of lacking efficient computer systems, so they will not take the initiative to develop their own operating systems—that is, they have given up on evolution.

Similar things often happen in the field of high-tech in reality.

There is a dispute between Harley and Doomsday. In reality, it can also be said that there is a battle between similar high-tech companies and ambitious and ambitious countries.

As long as they are traveling together, they will definitely be separated.

If she lends her divine power to Doomsday, first of all, Doomsday cannot evolve the ability to take away divine power. It can only evolve itself to be more suitable for divine power.

Again, evolution is passive and requires reasons and motivation.

Genes may mutate, but they will not evolve in a certain direction for no reason.

When it comes to Doomsday, the reasons for evolution are limited to damage and death.

That is to say, it will only evolve corresponding defense mechanisms when it directly affects the survival of Doomsday.

Ordinary superpowers awaken ice superpowers. This is evolution. But this kind of evolution will never appear on Doomsday. It can evolve the ability to withstand cold or high temperatures, but it cannot use active offensive skills such as ice cone and ice storm.

Capturing divine power is an active skill.

Doomsday can't do that. It doesn't evolve in all aspects of attack, defense, and support.

This is similar to Harley, but also different.

The similarity is that both Harley and it only evolve towards defense; the difference is that Harley's defensive expertise can be turned into an offensive active skill.

Of course, the cost for Harley to activate her expertise is far more than that of Doomsday. She requires a huge amount of energy, and it really only needs to be beaten.

Both sides have their pros and cons.

To sum up, borrowing divine power is different from being impregnated with magic power. Borrowing divine power will not harm Doomsday's body, nor will it actively tamper with its genes and thinking. Doomsday cannot evolve a defense to capture it or reject it.

As for the price of borrowing divine power

Other gods lend their divine power to the gods' favored ones, in addition to gaining benefits such as faith and fame, they also have the purpose of controlling the gods' favored ones and letting the gods' favored ones act as spokespersons.

This is useless for Doomsday.

If you want to control Doomsday, you need to do direct damage. Sooner or later it will evolve defensive talents.

How can a completely disobedient and uncontrollable Doomsday earn fame and faith?

Not to mention the benefits, it would be too unfair to be accidentally killed by a crazy dog ​​after getting close to it.

But in Harley's case, the price is only "acting as an experience conduit and helping to earn experience". Can this directly harm Doomsday?


After lending her divine power to Doomsday and using her expertise for it to use, it loses the power to evolve, at least not to evolve the same type of abilities as her defensive expertise.

Aside from making Doomsday more powerful and brutal, treating it as a favored one is almost perfect.

After turning Doomsday into a favored one, how to deal with it becomes much easier.

After discussing so much with Bruce before, in fact, learning from the Kryptonians and sealing the Doomsday in the Phantom Zone is the simplest and most reliable way. I'm just afraid that others will steal it and then quietly release it to the earth.

Especially Darkseid, who managed to score twice.

Can Darkseid still control it now?

A crazy plan vaguely formed in Harry's mind.

"Don't worry about Doomsday. I have an idea now that needs to be verified." She said to Bruce.

"what's the plan?"

"You can't say it. If you say it, the other party may notice it."

"The other party." Bruce was stunned for a moment, and then his pupils shrank.

The "other party" is definitely not Doomsday, but who does she want to plot against Doomsday when they are discussing it?

It's unspeakable. After talking, the other party will be alert. The other party is at least a god, maybe even the Supreme Being. This is not the first time that she has deceived the Supreme Being. She has many previous convictions.

What role will Doomsday play in this?

In an instant, countless thoughts flashed through Bruce's mind.

"Buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz" Harry was about to say goodbye when his cell phone vibrated in his pocket.

"Ivy? What's the matter? I'm going to go back right away - what? Kind grandma? That guy still dares to see me?"

"Darkseid sent someone to look for you?" Bruce's eyes flashed, and he stood up and said, "I'll be with you."

Harley glanced at the dinner plate on the table. Most of it was still unfinished, "Is it you or Bateman?"

"Of course Bateman."

Bruce said as he opened the hidden closet and within half a minute of getting in, a complete uniform was put on him.

"Master, you have been exercising for several hours today and you haven't taken a shower yet." Ah Fu reminded.

Bateman's movements froze for a moment, and his voice was low and hoarse as he said, "I'll be back soon."

Grandma Xiang came here alone.

His thick white hair was combed back, his thick and round body was straight, and he was sitting on the sofa with a solemn and meticulous expression.

"King of Paradise Mountain, His Majesty Darkseid wants to make another deal with you. He was plotted by you and was covered in tears of death.

Although not fatal, it is still a nuisance.

Since you can hide the tears of death in your mouth, it means that you have the ability to extract and be immune to the tears of death. Perhaps it is the effect of God's power. In short, you are very helpful to Him.

In return, His Majesty is willing to swear an oath that the Creation Star will never be destroyed and the Apokolips Star will never invade the earth. "

The kind grandmother was very direct. Even though Bateman and Ivy were around, she didn't clear the place, didn't avoid suspicion, and didn't go around and say polite words.

Perhaps, she also knew that there had just been the Doomsday tragedy a while ago, and the two parties really had no friendship and used it to show off.

"The Creation Star will not be destroyed, and the Apokolips Star will not invade the earth." A cold light flashed in Bateman's eyes, "This is a clear indication that you will invade the earth again."

"That's right!" The kind grandma didn't hesitate at all, her expression was like a stone sculpture, and she didn't even have a single expression or even a twinkle in her eyes.

"You are so confident? How dare you say such things when you come to ask for help." Harley said with a faint smile.

Bateman was angry, but she was not angry at all.

If Apokolips doesn't invade Earth and becomes an enemy of the Justice League, is it still considered a DC villain?

Therefore, hearing her kind grandma "clearly" indicate that Apokolips will invade the earth sooner or later, Harley felt as natural as when she heard that the Joker was going to cause havoc in Gotham.

On the other hand, Darkseid was covered in tears of death and had to come to her. This made her very happy and felt a sense of accomplishment.

The kind grandmother said: "I am facing the Witch Harley - the ancestor of lies and cunning. Lying has no meaning."

"Why do you have to invade the earth? The universe is so big, and the multiverse is even more vast. You can have countless targets." Bateman said coldly.

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