The "shameless jar" that activates the second specialty is suddenly overflowing!

“Could it be that becoming the Holy Spirit makes the wool longer, richer, and easier to pull out?

Harley was stunned for a moment, and then immediately chose to open it and upgrade it to add points.

Level 21!

Blackjack defense, bullet level, physical resistance to small-caliber pistols (the bullet may break the skin, but cannot penetrate the muscle).

Two defense specialties: 1. Food Defense Specialty Level 2, digesting weak toxins such as gutter oil, melamine, etc.; 2. Face Defense Specialty, Willpower Level 1, 50%

"Well, there is one more attribute, very passive will."

After thinking about it, Harley changed "face defense" to "mental and will defense".

There is another jar containing cyan willpower in the sea of ​​consciousness.

"I'm sorry, it's all my fault, I" Brother Robbie was still caught by her, his holy face was full of self-blame and pain.

"Tick tock, tick tock" Suddenly, Harry felt the top of his head suddenly become cold, as if a string of water drops were falling on it.

Looking up, she was surprised to find Holy Spirit Robbie looking down at her and crying.

His tears were like fragments of stars, trailing a thin bright trail in the air as they fell.

Like a meteor falling.

Harry didn't realize that with every tear he shed, there was an additional crack in Robb's spiritual body.

Cracked and dull like porcelain.

"What's the point of crying? The big mistake has been made. Look at the broken limbs and dozens of lives in the church yard. In the end, it's all because of you!"

Although Harley felt pity, she refused to let go of this rare opportunity to ruffle wool.

"Gudong, Gudong" The willpower experience tank is full. She doesn't need to add points, and the willpower defense is directly upgraded to level two.

"Shit, I guessed it right, the Holy Spirit can indeed provide greater energy!"

"And your good friend Fernando, he-"

"Enough!" Suddenly, an angry shout came from the sacred sky, and the voice seemed a bit familiar.

A divine being descended from heaven!

As it arrived, the golden light became brighter and brighter, and the demons screamed again and again.

"No, it's the Archangel. The Archangel is here to pick him up." The giant demon in the distance said angrily.

Harley put her palms on her forehead, trying to see who it was, but she couldn't see anything clearly. Her vision was completely filled with gold and silver light.

"My Lord, save me and take me to heaven!" Archbishop Marvin stretched out his hands and ran towards the divine light from the sky, his face full of ecstasy and emotion.

"God has appeared and sent an angel to save us! Woohoo, I'm going to heaven - ahhh!"

The archangel didn't even look at him or do anything. When Marvin got close to the light of heaven, he immediately felt like he was burned by fire. He let out a painful cry from his mouth, and his body subconsciously fled from the divine light.

"Why is this happening?!" he yelled in confusion and horror.

No one paid any attention to him, not even the devil paid attention to him.

"Let him go, evil mortal who blasphemes the Holy Spirit!"

The archangel's voice was sacred and majestic, like thunder exploding in Harry's ears.

Her right hand holding her ankle stung, and she subconsciously let go. Then a huge force came and she was shot away like a cannonball.

"Hey, after receiving this blow, the experience tank didn't bubble, which shows that this archangel doesn't have any ill intentions towards me."

The body fell into the ruins of a broken wall, and blood spurted out of his mouth. However, Harley looked strange and indirectly determined the identity of the person who came.

Archangel Zauliel!

The next moment, deeper in the shadow world, in the real hell area, a tsunami-like roar came: "Zaulie, you are so brave, do you want to start a war between hell and heaven again?"

"Fight if you want. Heaven is never afraid of war!" Zaulie said firmly, but did not stay in the shadow world, protecting the broken Holy Spirit Robbie as he rose into the sky.

"How do you get the confidence to say such a thing today when the giant ferocious beast is about to move?" The demon king in the depths of hell sneered.

Zaulie said in a deep voice: "My Lord is my faith!"

"Okay, okay, I'm waiting for the day when we stand on a united front with you. I will endure the stench of heaven emanating from you, get close to you, and humiliate you with your words." The big devil said hatefully.

Zhaulie has disappeared without a trace with the bright divine light, leaving the evil spirit of the empty demon echoing in the shadow world.

Harry looked around. Due to Zauliel's arrival, the black magic of "falling into hell" lost its effect, and the surrounding gray and decaying space was slowly returning to reality.

Brother Robbie bled to death from excessive blood loss. Fernando’s body was completely gone and disappeared into the pentagram circle. Archbishop Marvin’s face turned blue and he huddled in a corner with trembling teeth.

She had a feeling that as long as she struggled hard, she could leave the shadow world completely.

And she did plan to do so.

"You did a good job just now. You almost caused the new Holy Spirit to collapse and fall." Silently, a naked man appeared next to her.

Her skin is as white as milk, her waist-length cherry blossom hair is swaying like waterweed behind her head, her eyes are pink, and she has stunningly beautiful facial features. She has no demonic scales on her body, nor any clothing, only a pair of sharp spikes wrapped around her body. Barbed wire.

This is a powerful demon.

Generally speaking, the closer the appearance is to the human form, the stronger the strength.

"Brother Huanxi?" Harley asked tentatively.

"Don't call me brother, you don't deserve it." The white-skinned naked man said coldly.

You really are a bastard!

"What are you looking for me for? I'm telling you, the monk becoming the Holy Spirit and the arrival of the archangel have nothing to do with me."

With some caution, Harley glanced vaguely at the pentagram formation not far away.

At this time, the formation has completely ended, and she can return to the material world immediately with just a slight struggle.

If the devil dares to follow him and hit the devil with the Vulcan Cannon, is there any trouble?

"I know." The Hell Judge said calmly: "At that time, you should have wanted to psychologically defeat the Crusader monk, make him suffer, make him more depraved, and then sacrifice him."

"Yes, yes, that's it." Harley said quickly.

Huanxi gave her an appreciative look, "I have to say that your behavior is very much like that of the Demon King of Hell, and I admire you very much.

Especially after the monk became the Holy Spirit, you persisted, spitting venom with your mouth and vicious intentions, just a little bit away from causing the newly born Holy Soul to split and die. Even if he didn't die, he would at least have to sleep for a million years and be mostly useless. "

Harry was a little embarrassed to be misunderstood and praised like this.

The giant spirit demon with Mimi's long mouth rumbled over and said loudly: "Judge, didn't you hear just now? The Holy Spirit is still thanking her. Her words made him repent."

"The gratitude of the Holy Spirit is the greatest humiliation for her efforts. Don't you understand this?" The joyful face turned completely cold. "Mary, you have been joining the Legion of Eternal Punishment for hundreds of years. You should know the laws of hell. .

It was you, with your servants, who responded to the call of the black magician. It was you who pulled the monk's reality into the shadow realm. It was you who failed to prevent him from transforming into the Holy Spirit.

It's still you, doing nothing before the light of heaven.

The Holy Spirit was born in the shadow realm, which was an unprecedented shame and humiliation in the hundred thousand years of hell.

Archangel Zauliel enters and exits the boundary of hell at will and safely takes away the Holy Spirit, which is even more shameful. "

"Do you know your guilt?"

"No, no, no" The giant spirit demon seemed to have heard the most terrifying thing in the world, and its body was distorted by fear.

"Spare my life, Lord Judge, my Lord Satan, please have mercy on me this time." It lay on the ground and begged bitterly.

"Are you seeking mercy from Satan?" His joyful expression turned ferocious, "Sin plus one!"

The barbed wire wrapped around its naked body shot out like arrows, first tying the giant spirit demon into a rice dumpling, and then pulling hard.

"Crash!" The devil's body was sawed into thousands of pieces by thorns and steel wires.

When the steel wire was retracted, a heart as red as blood was wrapped around the end.

It was as big as an apple and beating vigorously.

"The Legion of Eternal Punishment will be rewarded for its merits and punished for its mistakes. You slaughtered dozens of soldiers from the Holy Advent Crusaders and sacrificed a Crusader officer. This is a great achievement!"

Joy handed the heart to Harley, "This devil's heart is the reward given to you by Satan.

Eat it and you'll gain demon blood and possess the demonic viscount's magic power. "

"Uh, Satan also noticed me?" Harley took the heart and found that it was unexpectedly hot, like a pile of lava from hell.

"Zauliel came to the edge of hell to snatch the Holy Spirit. How could the Lord of Hell know nothing about such a huge movement?

However, His Majesty Satan has never mentioned you. I am the king’s punishment officer and I will give you a gift on his behalf. "

Harley understood that the relationship between Brother Huanxi and Satan was probably similar to Alfred and Bruce.

"Is this reward too expensive?" she hesitated.

Huanxi laughed and said: "If I don't help you increase your strength, how will you cope with the cross's subsequent revenge? The stronger you are, the more Crusaders you kill, and the happier His Majesty Satan will be."

"I'll do my best." Harley said with a dull face, accepting the devil's heart without any psychological burden.

"By the way, it belongs to Bloody Mary. Have you heard of her story?" Huanxi asked.

"Could it be the countess who bathed in the blood of hundreds of virgins and women hundreds of years ago? How did she become a demon?" Harley asked in surprise.

Huanxi said slowly: "There are two kinds of creatures in hell, demons and fallen souls. The souls come from the human world and are the souls of the deceased.

What about the devil?

His Majesty Satan and the First Fallen who follow him are the first inhabitants of hell.

After tens of billions of years, creatures from other dimensions and black mages from the earth either actively joined or accidentally ended up here, and the current hell gradually came into existence. "

Harley understood that Bloody Mary entered hell as a black magician, rather than her soul reincarnating into a demon after death.

"According to legend, Mary was beautiful and elegant," she wondered.

"Her body was alienated by the power of hell." A hint of mockery appeared at the corner of Huanxi's mouth, "She was afraid of aging, longed for youth, and was proud of her slim and graceful figure, so hell gave her a huge, ugly, and deformed body.

If she is a chaste virgin in the human world, when she comes to hell, she will transform into a succubus who feeds on lust and lasciviousness. "

Having said this, it turned to Harley with a strange smile, "How about it, are you more eager for hell? It always allows you to understand yourself more clearly and then break through yourself."

Harley remained silent.

"Hell cannot be refused, and the Legion of Eternal Punishment cannot be refused. Help us well, and you will have a chance to become the second Bloody Mary, a distinguished Viscount of Hell." Huan Xi said meaningfully.

Harry felt sullen and sarcastically said: "Even if he is a viscount, you will still kill him at will, and hundreds of years of hard work will be in vain."

"Whatever? As a black magician, don't you understand the laws of hell?" Huanxi frowned.

"I'm just a newcomer who doesn't even have magic power."

Harley was stunned. Is there anything special about this?

"Then you must keep in mind that no matter how you insult or deceive the King of Hell, when you die, your soul will be taken away by the Demon King and you will receive eternal punishment in Hell.

Similarly, once a demon with a title is humiliated or deceived, he will have three opportunities to take revenge and return.

If it fails three times, the devil must take the place of the person who insulted him and accept the corresponding punishment.

Today, a Holy Spirit is born in the Shadow Realm, allowing the light of Heaven to taint the pure evil of Hell.

Mary is responsible.

But she couldn't even touch the Holy Spirit, let alone seek revenge from heaven? Therefore, it can only accept the fate of destruction. "

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