I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 898 The sequelae of the anti-life equation

Harley held her chin with both hands and twisted it up and down and left and right a few times.


There was a crisp sound on her neck, and Mrs. Xanadu on the opposite side looked puzzled, not knowing what she was buying into.

Suddenly, her eyes widened, her neck stretched forward, and she rubbed her eyes in disbelief, "Ah, Harley, there is a crack in your neck?!"

It was as obvious as the crack on a broken cell phone screen, but there was no blood.

"The Flying Head Technique can even cause your head to fly, so what does it mean to crack a seam?"

Harley chuckled, and her head gradually rose, one centimeter, two centimeters, three centimeters. Under Shangdu's dull eyes, Harley's smiling head slowly floated half a meter away from her neck, without any connection between her neck and body.


But there was no blood dripping from the head, and blood did not spurt out from the neck of the body. The cut was indeed flesh-red, and there was blood reflected on the surface, but the blood did not spurt out.

Harry gradually became more comfortable, and his head, the size of a unicorn melon, flew quickly around the room, making a "whooshing" sound of wind. From time to time, it would "swish" to trigger quantum displacement, and rush forward a few meters, leaving behind afterimages,

"Hahaha, how is my flying head skill?" Harley laughed proudly.

The mouth on her head was smiling, her body was not standing there in a daze, and she was twisting around and doing all kinds of funny moves.

Xanadu was indeed shocked when she saw this strange scene, but she was an old wizard who had lived for hundreds of years, so she gradually calmed down.

"What kind of witchcraft is this? There is not even the slightest fluctuation of magic power." She asked curiously.

"Well, you can think of it as blood witchcraft, witchcraft that comes from blood and uses blood as its power."

With a "pop", her head fell back to her neck. Harley tilted her neck and twisted her body. The cracks at the break of her neck quickly healed and disappeared. The skin on her neck was still smooth and delicate, leaving no trace.

"Do you rely on blood witchcraft to sense your genes?" Xanadu asked.

"Well, use this as a guide to bring the power of your curse to those who blaspheme my genes and bloodline, and the curse will be completed." Harley said.

Shangdu thought about it, as long as there is a primer to determine the target of the curse, she can satisfy Harley's request.

"You are the Galaxy Admiral. Is it really okay to kill people at will? They may be government personnel or even officials."

"What nonsense are you talking about? Can I become a galactic admiral without killing people?" Harley said angrily.

Shangdu took out the crystal ball with a dull face. She held the bottom of the crystal and asked Harley to press the upper part with her right hand.

"How do you want them to die?"

"What are the options?" Harley asked.

"Death from illness, nightmares, insect bites, ulcers, coughing up blood and death, and the soul is exhausted."

"You can choose any one, I don't feel anything." Harley said.

"Are there any extraordinary people among those people?" Xanadu finally asked.

"They are all mortal scientists. If you feel in danger, you can give up that goal." Harley said.

A cloud of blood mist rose from the light blue crystal ball. The blood mist twisted into a ferocious human face, and a faint breath of hell escaped outwards.

"Tsk——" But the next moment, when the human face was taking shape, it showed a look of horror and retracted instantly.

"Huh?" Xanadu was surprised. He lowered his head and looked at the crystal ball carefully. There was no damage or cracks. "Why did the spell fail?"

She tried again, and this time not even the blood mist came out.

"Strange, this is just the simplest blood demon summoning."

"You summoned demons to torture those people?" Harley frowned.

"Otherwise? Summoning a demon costs the least."

"In my presence, few demons respond to the summons." Harley couldn't tell whether she was embarrassed or complacent.

"Oh, I forgot about that."

Mrs. Xanadu switched to the "Soul Curse Technique", and a cloud of gray mist rolled in the crystal ball, spreading bit by bit along with an inexplicable "induction" - the breath induction between Harley and those who have been in contact with her genes for a long time. open.

The gray fog gradually faded, representing the curses being distributed one by one.

As Harley said, those who engage in genetic research are ordinary people. Because of the causal connection with Harley's genes, they were unaware of the crisis and did not resist much until——

As a curse was sent, a ray of consciousness of Mrs. Xanadu suddenly connected to a bloody world.

"Oops -" An unprecedented crisis hit her heart. She couldn't help but scream and quickly withdrew her magic.

But it's still too late.


The crystal ball suddenly burst into brilliant scarlet light, then detonated like a landmine.

"Boom!" Xanadu, who was wearing an elegant purple robe, was like a piece of rotten meat, flying seven or eight meters away and hitting the wall.

The roof shook slightly.

Harley remained motionless, with a thin golden film appearing in front of her. Broken glass fell on the film, not even causing it to sway at all. The shock wave like a landmine explosion had no effect on it.

Harley's hair wasn't even messy, and the corners of her clothes didn't flutter.

Only the scarlet fire light spread out in the crystal ball, like zigzag lightning, easily penetrated the defense and fell on her.

Scarlet almost set her on fire.

"Uh-huh -" Harley groaned, all nine defense specialties on her body were activated, and the scarlet fire gradually dimmed.

"Gudong, Gudong." The experience jar made a big bubble, increasing the total experience by nearly 0.1%.

"Mother Falk, these are Darkseid's omega rays! That guy is also studying my genes?"

She screamed and ran to the wall a few steps away. Madam Xanadu was hanging on it like mud. The surface of her body was covered with glass particles, her skin was dripping with blood, and there was a faint red light in her muscles. Flashing.

Harley quickly activated the defensive force fields of the Power of God and the Power of Connection, and poured the "Arkham God of War Power" containing the power of defensive expertise into Xanadu's body to help clean up the residual energy of omega rays.

After a long time, Xanadu woke up faintly, opened his bloody eyes, and said weakly: "I can't see."

"It's okay, you were just blinded by the glass, a minor injury."

"Small injury?" Xanadu wanted to yell angrily, but he could only moan like a newborn cat.

"Believe me, compared to the Omega energy, this flesh wound is really insignificant. I saved you, and the Omega energy in your body was almost emptied." Harley said seriously.

Upon hearing the Omega energy, Mrs. Xanadu was frightened at first, and then relaxed again when she heard that the energy had been cleared.

"I was attacked by Darkseid, and he was also studying your genes?"

"More or less, you're in a bad state now, I'll take you to the hospital." After making the call, Harley seemed to remember something, "By the way, you were hit by the explosion, your internal organs were bleeding, and your skin and flesh were damaged by the glass shards. It's probably... He rested in the hospital bed for more than half a month.

But those clients of yours are waiting for an exorcism, why not leave them to me. I don’t want money. If they have the opportunity to pay, I will transfer it all to you. "

Shangdu's eyes widened with blood, and he gritted his teeth and said, "You still want to steal my guests?!"

"I just want to help you, help them, you are well, they are well, everyone is well."

After putting Xanadu into the ambulance, Harley stood there, looking uncertain for a while.

It wasn't because Xanadu refused her offer to help with exorcisms on the grounds that he "didn't want to permanently lose customers and lose his reputation for exorcisms."

After Darkseid's Omega energy entered her body, the 'Human Violence' in her soul moved.

The phantom comes from her soul, and her violence turns into the phantom.

The fantasy person in her soul is like a pomegranate shell with seeds. Although the shell and seeds are distinct, they are natural, without any violation or rejection.

Last time in the Sea of ​​Destruction, Harley used a phantom to cover the Sea of ​​Destruction in order to temporarily control the Sea of ​​Destruction, but in the end she alerted Darkseid.

Darkseid uses the anti-life equation to control Doomsday, and there is an anti-life equation deep in Doomsday's sea of ​​consciousness.

When she listened to a relatively complete equation, loneliness + alienation + fear + despair

As soon as she recalled it, the mysterious voice echoed in Harley's mind again.

Her legs softened and she knelt down on the cement road with a "pop" sound. Her knees were hard.

"Uh..." Half a minute later, Harley stood up shakily.

"The anti-life equation is so weird that even memories are affected."

When Xanadu discovered that Darkseid was the target of the curse, he tried to escape but still suffered a certain backlash. The backlash damage only included Omega energy and no anti-life equation.

Harley was hurt at this time, mainly because her illusionary violence had withstood all the power of the anti-life equation on her behalf in the sea of ​​consciousness on the Destruction Day, and her body was contaminated by the power of the anti-life equation.

The illusion is a part of herself, which means her soul is polluted.

The polluted soul recalls only the "sound" (meaning) of the equation of life, and the corrosive power of the equation sets in motion again.

Last time it was all up to the phantom, but this time Harley directly and truly felt the horror of the anti-life equation.

But her performance this time was much better than last time.

"I guessed it right. Adding a seven-power defense specialty increases the defense against the anti-life equation by at least 40%!"

Harley's resistance to the Anti-Life Equation is not the direct sum of its resistances from each defensive feat.

Even a single defensive specialty of the seven basic powers can form a strong resistance to the anti-life equation.

For example, level 10 connection power defense expertise can reduce the damage of anti-life equation by 99%. The sixth note only has anti-matter defense expertise up to level 9, which has an 80% defense effect against equations.

The Emotional Spectrum Defense Specialty only has level 9 yellow and green lights, and lacks five other color lights and the invisible spectrum, with only about 65% resistance.

The Speed ​​Force is only level 5, lacking stasis and other Speed ​​Forces (Barry Allen's Speed ​​Force is just one of the Speed ​​Forces), and barely has a 30% enhanced defense.

Now Harley has activated the fourth "Seven Basic Powers" defense, which increases resistance by another 40%.

In this way, a little anti-life equation attack fell on Harley, leaving only 1*0.1%*20%*35%*70%*60%, 0.0003, which is three ten thousandths.

Taking into account the God's force field and the "network effect" of the four basic forces and the power of connection, it should be reduced by another two-thirds.

Harley only suffered one ten thousandth of the damage from the Anti-Life Equation, so she was able to "hear clearly" a relatively complete Anti-Life Equation at the cost of only being dizzy for half a minute.

"The anti-life equation contamination on the Phantom Man is always a hidden danger. We need to find an expert to help clean it up."

Harley's expression suddenly changed, she sent Duoduo home, and came to the ruins of Acharas.

That is, the ruined divine kingdom of her teacher, the goddess Asal.

"Hey, Bruce? Why are you here?"

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