I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 890 Lois wants to become Superman?

Three days later, at the Fortress of Solitude, Harley saw the Kryptonian's 'crystal technology'.

The Eradicator coldly took out a diamond-shaped crystal as thick as a toe and as long as a chopstick. It was translucent and milky white, and looked no different from ordinary glass.

Even though the cold face activated it and radiated a faint white and golden light, Harley didn't feel its specialness.

But when it is activated, it immediately spurts out powerful energy.

With the help of that energy, rhombus-shaped crystals of different thicknesses quickly grew on the snow-covered ground.

They are different in length and thickness, but according to an extremely delicate geometric structure, they are combined into a crystal castle that covers an area of ​​thousands of square meters and is as tall as a mountain peak.

Inside the castle, crystal pillars with different functions grew out of nothing.

Earth people's houses are made of stone and wood, and Kryptonians can build a magnificent castle with a set of crystals.

Earthlings need a rice cooker to cook. Kryptonians input the rice cooker's program into a crystal, and the crystal is loaded with the rice cooker's functions.

People on Earth need a TV to watch news. Kryptonians input the TV program into a crystal of the same style, and the crystal turns into a TV, projecting TV images in mid-air.

People on earth need ventilators, but Kryptonians still take out the same crystal, load it with different functions, and get devices with different uses.

"Shit!" But after carefully experiencing the Kryptonian crystal technology, Harley's expression suddenly changed, and she cursed, staring at the cold face with sharp eyes, "Your crystal is extracting the energy from the earth's core!"

Leng Lian did not deny it, "You are very keen. Crystals are transformed from energy, but energy does not appear out of thin air.

But don’t worry, the energy I use to build the new Fortress of Solitude and create the life matrix is ​​very insignificant to the entire earth and will not turn the earth into the second Krypton. "

"This kind of technology shouldn't appear on Earth." Harley frowned.

Now it’s used in “minimum amounts”, what about the future?

As long as the nuclear bomb is invented, there will always be a nuclear explosion.

"If you believe in Kal-El, you don't have to worry about it affecting the earth, because the final control of the Fortress of Solitude will belong to Kal-El." He said coldly.

"Where is Clark? Can you let me see him first?" Louise beside her couldn't help but beg after listening for a while.

Harry glanced at Harry coldly, and then operated on the console. The eight crystals adjusted their positions and were located at the eight corners of the cuboid. Each crystal emitted three white lights at ninety-degree angles to each other, forming a coffin-sized platinum Color energy room.

Then, he opened a biological chamber in the back, took out Dachao's body, and put it into an energy chamber made of light.

"Clark!" Lois called softly.

Naturally, the corpse would not respond to her.

He said coldly: "It's time for you to take out your soul. The life matrix will perform 'evolutionary' repairs on his body based on his soul.

If his potential explodes in battle and his life level evolves, the life matrix can also adjust the genes of his body accordingly. "

Harley asked curiously: "Is this mode of evolution just once, or will Kal-El's genes change accordingly whenever he makes a breakthrough?"

"The power of the life matrix will remain in his body permanently." He said coldly.

Harley thought for a moment and asked: "Has your Kryptonian god experienced a deathbed transformation? When a mage makes a breakthrough in his practice, he will go through a dangerous process of 'change'.

Changes in body and soul are equivalent to evolution.

If the Life Matrix can replace deathbed transformation, your path to evolution will be much easier than that of a mage. "

"I don't know much about the mage's deathbed transformation, so I can't answer your question, but genetic adjustment in the life matrix is ​​not easy. It has very high requirements on those who receive power infusion." said coldly.

"Creo said that ordinary people on Earth can also accept the power of the Matrix and get Krypton's 'Man of Steel'." Harley said.

"Only those humans who can accept the power of the matrix can obtain a body of steel. The vast majority of humans cannot accept the power of the life matrix at all. Their cells will collapse, their genes will split, and they will die completely in the light."

Harley didn't come empty-handed, she also brought a set of equipment: a data soul converter!

First digitize Dachao's soul, record each set of "gene data", and then connect the conversion device to the life matrix.

Make sure that after Dachao's soul enters the matrix, he can always monitor the most subtle changes in his soul.

Harley didn't have the time to stay here and wait for Dachao to recover, nor did she have the skills to complete the job.

"The general principle is that if your soul data is 1234567, and the life matrix secretly changes 4 to 5, Richie will be able to discover it immediately.

Well, Richie will be loaded into the Soul Transformer later to act as the mastermind to ensure that your soul is not tampered with.

After your soul enters the matrix, it cannot always return to the converter to be converted into data.

Fortunately, Richie has now been promoted to the master of quantum magic and has condensed a 'law of soul quantization'.

He can monitor your soul data without the help of instruments.

Just one thing, when monitoring your soul, he needs your complete trust. If you resist, he will not see anything. ” Harley said to the great super in Valahar.

Richie's original magic talent was very poor, he had no awakened magic power, and he was not even a formal mage.

But he got the magic power source of the little black bean that the wizard group dreamed of back then, and his soul was completely soaked from the inside out. Not only did he awaken the magic power, but his magic power level was also higher than most demon kings, surpassing 99% of magicians.

With high-level magic power, his own intelligence is not bad, and he even created a master-level quantum magic in the apprenticeship stage, which is equivalent to having the master state.

Richie's natural strength has grown by leaps and bounds in the past few years, and becoming a grandmaster is a natural progression.

"I understand, I will cooperate with Richie, thank you, Harley." Dachao said solemnly.

"Louise is here too. I'll bring her in and you can talk."

Varahar was originally a kingdom of gods, equivalent to a minimalist version of the heavenly realm. If mortals could go to the heavenly realm, they could naturally enter Varahar.

"My dear, Louise, why are you like this?"

Even Harley was moved by Louise's miserable appearance, let alone Da Chao who regarded her as the light of life?

Seeing the "mummy" in the wheelchair, Dachao almost collapsed on the spot. His mouth was trembling, his hands were trembling, his body was trembling, and his soul was trembling. If he hadn't been a soul, his trembling eyes would have burst into tears.

"Clark" Louise had been immersed in pain and depression for many days. Now she finally saw someone who could accept her coquettishness and misery, and she began to tremble with excitement.

The wounds on his body began to crack again, and the bandages began to turn red.

The one eye exposed was like a faucet that was not tightened, and the gauze on his face was wet in a short time.

"Louis, why were you injured? You were clearly able to run and jump and were in good health at that time. Did you encounter a car accident or other accident after I killed Doomsday?"

Dachao held her mummy head, his eyes red with pain.

Louise was stopped by his question.

What was she going to say?

Said that the reason why she was injured was affected by his battle with Doomsday?

He was already dead, only his soul was left, did she still want to make him feel guilty?

Harley didn't have Louise's complex thoughts and complained: "You still have the nerve to say that when Wonder Woman was beaten to death and unconscious, I asked you to explode with all your strength, and you didn't explode.

When I was cut into four pieces by Doomsday, you still didn't explode.

The metropolis destroys several streets, hundreds of buildings, and kills hundreds of people, but you still don't explode.

When you yourself are about to die and I control the Doomsday, you continue not to explode.

When Louise, an ordinary person, approached the battlefield, you broke out and eliminated Doomsday with one move, and the aftermath also eliminated her. "

"Ah, it's me?!" Dachao opened his mouth wide, dumbfounded.

"What do you think? When you collided with Doomsday, hundreds of kilograms of cement blocks nearby were blown away, and there was even a sonic boom wave visible to the naked eye in the air.

Reality is not like making a movie or cartoon, where the camera is not pointed at Louise, and Louise can pretend not to be affected, and then she can hold your body and cry bitterly? (ps)” Harley spat.

Da Chao murmured: "I just wanted to prevent Doomsday from hurting Louise."

Harley said: "You succeeded. Doomsday did not even touch her hair."

Dachao was speechless and could only look at his wife even more guiltily.

Harley took back her consciousness and asked them to talk privately. She began to assemble the data soul converter and called Richie over.

"The guardian dog system is temporarily handed over to the grass-headed hero of Paradise Mountain. You help keep an eye on this Kryptonian eradicator and don't let him do anything to tear apart Man's soul."

After glancing at the crystal that shimmered with golden and milky white light, Harley added: "In addition, you can quietly study the Kryptonian's life matrix and see if you can secretly learn any useful technology."

Before parting, Dachao looked at Harley embarrassedly and said, "Can you help Louise?"

"I've helped. I used holy healing to stabilize her injury. But the essence of holy healing is to use the influence of holy light to speed up the division of cells in the injured area without any side effects.

Therefore, many injuries cannot be cured by holy healing.

Unless you have advanced holy healing skills, the problem is that all my achievements in heaven have been used up by you. "

Da Chao's eyes flashed and he said: "I heard that Ivy can create a 'devil fruit' that can strengthen the body and bring people back to life?"

"That stuff is poison to your wife."

Da Chao did not hide the suspicion in his eyes, "Baitman has taken it and it has no side effects. On the contrary, it has helped his body become extraordinary."

"The side effects are not necessarily physical, the mental harm is even more terrifying." Harley said.

"What harm?"

Harley said seriously: "Your wife has escaped. After eating the devil fruit, she feels better about herself. Next time she encounters the Doomsday, she says she has to wait for you to come over, and she will do it first."

Dachao said dissatisfied: "She is like this, and you are still making fun of her?"

Harley rolled her eyes and suggested with a smile: "You can let her try the Life Matrix and get the body of steel. It doesn't matter how much she spends."

Dachao was really moved.

Then he asked Harley to help ask Leng Lian.

After Leng Lian did Louise's genetic test, he said, "You can give it a try."

"Can she accept the power of the Man of Steel?" Harley asked in surprise.

"Well, there is a certain degree of compatibility. If you succeed, even if you don't reach the level of Kal-El, you can at least be an ordinary Kryptonian; even if you fail, your life will not be endangered."

Harry didn't know whether to complain, "Fuck," or to envy Louise's shitty luck.

That afternoon, she left the Fortress of Solitude. Louise and Da Chao entered the Life Matrix to receive transformation.

That night, Lois had a dream, dreaming that she was wearing Superman's uniform.

(ps: The comic "The Death of Superman" has been adapted to the screen twice, both as animated movies, in the 2008 version and the 2018 version.

The old version respects the original comics more. Superman used a hug to throw Doomsday from the atmosphere into the metropolis. It was like a meteorite falling from the sky, blowing up half of the city and creating a huge crater.

Doomsday was beaten to death.

The new version is like the book, killed by Superman with his neck twisted.

The reason why I chose the neck-twisting kill is because DC has recently added a new setting - killing Kryptonians, neck-twisting kills are the most effective.

I don’t know if you have noticed that in the movie "Man of Steel", when Superman killed Zod, he also used a neck twister to break his spine.

But no matter which version of the movie, when Chao died, Louise was very close to the battlefield, but she didn't do anything wrong and could still hold her husband's body and cry loudly. )

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