I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 883 Weird Phantom Man

Harley was like a plasticine figure who had undergone schizophrenia. A mass split from her belly, and the soul of that mass twisted into a palm-sized little Harley in front of her.

Looks a lot like Harley, but completely demonic.

The blood-colored eyes, the sharp teeth dripping with mucus, the pale skin as white as paper, the sharp and elongated ears - these parts can all be found in the devil's exact prototype.

This "split soul" that split from Harley's soul looks like a demon!

Its body was hunched, its expression was ferocious and twisted, and the violent aura exuding from its body inexplicably reminded Harley of the Day of Destruction.

"Kill, kill, kill, kill, kill everything, kill everything, I want to kill, kill, kill!" it was still shouting.

"This" Harry's mind was spinning rapidly. It was impossible to guess the type of transformation at the end of his life. No one knew exactly how many types there were.

Different people have different experiences, different personalities, different opportunities, and the journey to evolve into a magical and extraordinary life is also different.

The ‘evolutionary journey’ that a mage goes through is the transformation at the end of his life.

Just like all roads lead to Rome, Rome is the destination that every mage hopes to reach, and everyone takes a different path. Even on the same road, the scenery and experiences along the way are different.

Every true magician faces the risk of dying if he makes one wrong move when delving into magic.

When they take the first step, only one-seventh of them survive, and when they take the second step, only one-seventh of them survive. There is no end to advancement like this, and there is no end to the transformation at the end of life.

Predecessors have roughly summarized the six most common terminal transformations: 1. Change of magic power, twisting the magic power in the body in the direction you want; 2. Greed for power, the magic power gained from self-inflicted harm is intoxicating, which is ten times more difficult than detoxification. times, eventually losing his life in extreme damage; 3. Changes in the soul, mortals have mortal values, and extraordinary people must also establish new three views; 4. The arrival of the spiritual world (spiritual defense); 5. Dissolution into magic power; 6. Nightmare Demonization (ps).

"Are you a phantom?" Harley asked, staring at the angry demonized little Harley in front of her.

"Coward, I am your courage," cried the phantom man.

Harley probably understood that she was now experiencing nightmare demonization.

Not much is known about Nightmare's demonization of Harley, because it is so weird, and many mages don't understand it uniformly.

The self in the mage's most terrifying nightmare appears in reality - in Xanadu's words.

For example, in a dream, I became a murderous butcher. A butcher'phantom' was separated from the soul (?) and was born in the material world.

The mage cuts off the evil thoughts in his heart. After it breaks away from the mage, it turns into a demon with the same appearance as the mage - from Constantine's "Notes on Deathbed Transformation".

This statement does not explain the nature of death-bed transformation, but it truly describes its form.

For example, now, Harley has split into a phantom with the will to "kill". Her original mind is at peace as never before, and she doesn't even want to kill the Destroyer.

Harley recalled in her mind the enemy she should most want to kill at this time - Darkseid.

Her mind was very calm and she had no intention of killing.

"It is indeed a deathbed transformation, each one is weirder than the last!"

"Ahhhhh, kill, kill, kill, kill, kill!" Demonized little Harley clenched her hands into fists and assumed a crouching posture, like a game character gathering energy, with the skirt on her body and the hair on the back of her head " He flew up and down under the impact of "Qi".

Harry did feel that the little thing's momentum was increasing.

"Hey, your body is getting bigger?" After watching for a while, she was surprised to find that the demonized little Harry had grown from the size of a can to the size of a mineral water bottle.

And it continues to expand.

"Idiot, I am the 'God of Violence', and I am absorbing the violence accumulated by this stupid guy for hundreds of thousands of years." Demonized little Harley said, and continued to squat on horseback to gather energy, "Ah ah ah, kill, kill, kill!"

Harry turned to look at the whirlpool of the sea of ​​consciousness shrouded in the mist of stomach acid, feeling as if he had some realization in his heart.

Doomsday has no sense at all, and its thinking consists entirely of violence and killing.

After the gastric acid mist digests it, the "spiritual nutrition" obtained also contains strange substances related to violent emotions (character).

After those substances entered her soul, they happened to activate Harley's own "violent fantasy person".

No, her entry into the 'Nightmare Demonization' this time is probably not entirely a coincidence. Just today, she reached level 90, received recognition from the origin of the universe and a "Thick Skin Law", and officially became a god.

From mortals to gods, an evolution of the essence of life has been completed.

The changes encountered in the process of evolution are terminal transformations.

It is very likely that before digesting and absorbing the "violence" of the Doomsday, she had already entered the deathbed transformation of "Nightmare Demonization", and the "violent nutrition" only allowed the "violent fantasy person" to mature in advance.

"Why not? I want to eat, I want to absorb, ah kill kill kill -" the demonized little Harley roared violently.

"What's gone?" Harley was stunned, and then she discovered to her surprise that the vortex in the Sea of ​​Destruction Sun's consciousness had disappeared, and her stomach acid mist could no longer digest and absorb its violent will.

The eighth-level food defense feat was suddenly ineffective against Doomsday's mental power.


Why was it effective before but now blocked by Doomsday?

"Ah, kill, kill, kill!" The demonized little Harley was hunched over, circling in circles angrily, and kept shouting.

Harry's heart moved and he ordered: "Huanren is violent, listen to my orders, turn into soul core, and control the sea of ​​consciousness!"

"Ah ah ah, kill, kill, kill!" Demonized little Harley didn't listen to her at all and continued to circle in place.

Harley stepped forward and kicked it, "Be obedient!"

"Ah ah ah, kill, kill, kill!" Demonized little Harley only had one violent emotion. After being attacked, she immediately fought back at Harley.

It was only as high as her knees, holding her left leg and biting with its teeth.

"You're looking for death!" Harley was furious. She shook her left leg to shake it off her body and followed it up with her right foot, "Hey!"

It became a puddle of red sauce.

Like a little mouse run over by a car.

Harley took a deep breath, and the meat sauce on the ground turned into dots of smoke and returned to her body again.

"Kill, kill, kill—" The next moment, she felt an unprecedented violence and wanted to kill everyone in front of her.

But this emotion is like a thirsty person thinking about river water. It comes from instinct, but it can be controlled.

Soon, Harry's thoughts came together and he suppressed the violence in his heart.

Controlling violence is equivalent to controlling fantasy people, because fantasy people are inherently violent.

Harry's heart moved, and a thread flew out from his heart. The thread shook out in mid-air and turned into a huge net.

The web of the mind.

The phantom is also her consciousness and part of her soul's characteristics. Therefore, after the spiritual net formed by the phantom covers the sea, it means that she controls the day of destruction.

The whole process is a long story, but it’s actually just a matter of thought.

From the perspective of the viewers watching the live broadcast, Doomsday raised the bone blade and was about to stab it into Da Chao's neck.

"Ah, no -" the little witch screamed.

"Tear Man, hide quickly!"

"Oh God, Admiral Galaxy has been killed, and now Rip Man is going to be beheaded as well. Is today really the day of destruction?!"

Some viewers were sweating for Da Chao, while others felt desperate.

"No -" Louise was overwhelmed by the extreme fear of losing her lover and ran towards the ruins in a panic. When she was rational, she knew not to disturb him or cause him any trouble.

Now she wasn't losing her mind, but she didn't need it anymore, she just wanted to stop it.

"Ka, ka ka -" Doomsday suddenly stopped. He twisted his body awkwardly a few times, as if he was about to stab the bone blade forward, then retracted halfway, took a step back, then froze and walked forward.

"Hey, Doomsday is dead? God appeared, or some mind control superhero took action?" The little witch was the first to react and shouted in surprise.

Then, she shouted excitedly: "Tear apart Man, get up and fight back quickly, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, hurry up!"

"Tear it apart, come on!" The audience and Louise were shouting.

Dachao squirmed a few times on the ground, his reaction was slow.

"Buzz~~~" At this moment, the twisting Doomsday's eyes suddenly lit up with scarlet light, without shooting out thermonuclear rays, and there were faint characters flickering deep in the pupils.

Darkseid noticed that Doomsday was out of control, and while contending with the Tomb of the Gods, he pulled out a ray of consciousness and once again activated the anti-life equation in Doomsday's sea of ​​consciousness.


On the Day of Destruction, the consciousness sea echoed with the idea of ​​this word, and red light filled the entire consciousness sea world.

"Ah——" Even if the eight defense specialties were activated at the same time, Harley screamed, and the endless loneliness overwhelmed her, burying all her thinking activity.


The "pronunciation" of the second word echoed in the sea of ​​​​consciousness - in fact, there is no sound, only meaning - the red light is deeper, like the blood spilled from the heart.

"Uh..." Harley's expression in the form of a soul was distorted, and she was overwhelmed by endless fear.



“The anti-life equation equals loneliness plus alienation plus fear plus alienation plus.”

Harley couldn't bear it anymore and wanted to pull back.

She succeeded.

The next moment, she could no longer feel the distortion of consciousness caused by the anti-life equation.

"Hey, what happened?" Harley looked around in fear, and then her expression became weird.

She was worried that Doomsday's violent consciousness would affect her, so she didn't use her "original" consciousness to control it. Instead, she let the phantom be violent and "fight violence with violence."

As long as she can control the violence in her heart, she can control the violence of the phantom, control the phantom, and "indirectly" control the Doomsday.

——In fact, there is no difference in body or soul between her and Huan Ren. They are one body, just like the difference between torso and arms.

In short, it is the Phantom who controls the Doomsday, and it is also the Phantom who suffers the backlash from the anti-life equation after Harley withdraws her will.

The demonized little Harley was hanging over the Sea of ​​Consciousness on the Destruction Sun like an epilepsy, her whole body was twitching, and she was almost dyed red.

Harley's expression was a little distorted, "Can the phantom be used as a scapegoat? But do I still want this phantom? It will always be a part of my soul."

She tried to recover the phantom man, but there was no obstacle and the phantom man entered her soul body.

The strange thing is that the effect of the anti-life equation on the phantom does not seem to affect her soul.

"How weird."

Just when Harley was studying the Phantom Man, Doomsday moved again. It punched Dachao away as he struggled to get up, chased after him, and punched him until his face was covered in blood.

"Crack-" Suddenly, a brick flew from outside the pit and landed on the head of the Destroying Sun.

The monster suddenly turned its head and saw Louise with tears in her eyes.

ps: The advent of the spiritual world (spiritual defense) and dissolution into magic will be discussed later. I will mainly talk about the death-bed transformation of nightmare demonization.

First of all, it is the original setting of DC comics. It is not only in the comics, but also at the beginning of the anime "Constantine's Castle of Demons". That is, when Zha Kang wakes up, dozens or hundreds of little Constantines crawl out of him. Demonic villain.

They can be simply understood as the negative emotions and evil thoughts in the minds of magic practitioners.

Or, you should have watched "Legend of Sword and Fairy 3". Where did the evil sword fairy come from?

The Evil Sword Immortal was formed by merging evil thoughts cut off by Shushan elders.

The evil-killing thought is somewhat similar to the nightmare of transformation and demonization at the end of life.

The villains turned into evil thoughts are called phantoms. They are the ugliest, cruelest and most negative side of a person.

If Harley were a male protagonist, I would be very liberal and use the demonic form of nightmares to her fullest potential. Unfortunately, she is a female pig's trotter, and her desire, depravity, greed, and cruelty must all be contained.

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