I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 881 Luthor makes his debut (please subscribe)

Harley was cut in half again.

The last time she faced the little blue man Gunther, she activated the "pretending to be dead" skill for the first time.

It can indeed be called a magical skill.

Even Green Lantern and Little Blue Man can't see the flaws, it's almost indistinguishable from real death.

Facing the Doomsday today, Harley originally had a chance to escape by force, but changed her mind the moment the bone blade approached.

Because on the day of destruction, her eyes were like the craters of lava spewing thin, and she saw familiar characters, characters of life.

The form of the emotional element is determined by the subjective consciousness of the holder. For example, the emotional element representing "love" can be in the form of love, or a marriage line on Yuelao's hand, or the number '520', or even the number '520'. In the hands of those who have never experienced love, there is just a ball of light.

But after the emotional element is transformed into a character of life, it has a unique fixed image and is a unique character.

Greek characters, English letters, and arithmetic symbols in mathematics are all two-dimensional inanimate symbols.

The character of life exceeds the five dimensions. In the four-dimensional world, if you look at it from any angle, you will feel the same. Anyone who only looks at it with his eyes may touch it in the dimension of thinking (the fifth dimension), so it will be seriously affected. Influences, such as Hal Jordan and the Little Blue Man.

When Harley looked into Doomsday's eyes and used the eight major defensive specialties to see through the red light in his eyes and see the characters deep in his consciousness, she also touched them in the thinking dimension and was weakly affected by them.

One of the characters gave her a very familiar feeling - similar to the last time she was affected by the life character "love".

Therefore, she can recognize it and it is also a life character.

Apart from Heavenly Father, she only knew that Darkseid had a relatively complete anti-life equation, which was composed of many characters.

Although shocked, at that moment, Harley had doubts about the reason why Doomsday suddenly visited the earth and specifically targeted her, Superman, and Metropolis.

——Is Darkseid up to something?

Darkseid has reason to hate her, even though they worked together half a dozen times during Crisis on Infinite Earths.

Apokolips invaded the earth, and she and Superman used the "unique trick" of hanging the wall of origin, forcing him to escape in "embarrassment".

Coupled with the recent uproar of 'Father's Earth Trap Plan', Darkseid has a hundred reasons to kill her and Superman.

To understand all this, Harley decided to imitate Wang Chongyang!

If there is really a mastermind behind the scenes, even if she and the Earth's heroes defeat the Day of Destruction, she and the Earth will only suffer losses - she alone has lost more than 80% of the yellow light energy this time, and she will no longer be able to open portals casually - but to the mastermind behind the scenes... No harm done.

Most of the gangsters are still laughing triumphantly: "It's worth it for a mere day of destruction for the current results!"

Just thinking about it made Harry unbearable.

She has always been the only one who has made others suffer, so how could she suffer and let her enemies laugh?

Probably this kind of thought inspired her, and in an instant, Harley thought of a way to assassinate the black hand.

If there was really someone behind the scenes and saw her being killed by Doomsday, would he come to check?

Or maybe the Black Hand knew that she was not dead after being hit twice by Ganser, so he rushed over to finish her off?

Regarding the last hit, Harley was sure that Doomsday couldn't do it.

Because it was not a normal space gate, but a space channel explosion, all three of them entered the space turbulence and were widely dispersed.

Her body was no different from a meteorite, with no vital signs at all. The day of destruction was within tens of thousands or millions of kilometers. How could we find a "stone" half the size of a human?

It must be that Dachao's chance of finding Doomsday through energy reaction is greater than Doomsday's chance of finding a 'stone' without life and energy reaction.

Therefore, if she exhumes her body, there is a high chance that the mastermind behind it will appear.

He would come even to get the secret of her body.

Of course, even if the black hand comes to touch up the damage or pick up corpses, he may also arrange for a younger brother to come over.

So Harley made two preparations: a large amount of gastric acid began to brew in her stomach, which could be used to deal with ordinary people. The stomach acid can even digest artifacts. If a mere god confronts it head-on, it will definitely be miserable; Tears of Death, the poison that the gods fear most, Used to deal with big BOSS.

Darkseid is the new god, but the new god is also a god!

Tears of Death does not directly kill the gods, but is an "invitation" to connect the gods to the tomb of the gods.

In terms of effect, it's a bit like Hunyuan Jindou in "The Romance of the Gods".

Jin Dou does not directly kill people, but breaks the status of Jinxian by cutting off the three flowers on the top and destroying the five qi in the chest.

The reason why the gods in the DC world can exist and still hold power is mainly because their laws penetrate into the sea of ​​laws and bind their destiny to the origin of the universe.

It can be considered that at the most origin of the universe, there is a book with pages woven with laws. Because the gods have created new laws and made outstanding contributions to the universe, they can write their real names on them and get rewarded—obtaining the blessings of the origin of the universe and receiving the blessings of the gods. Authority and strength.

But just like patent protection has a time limit, the time for gods to "lay down" and enjoy benefits is not endless.

Therefore, in the supernatural world, there is a saying that "all gods will perish, but the endless family will last forever."

Tears of Destruction means forcibly erasing the name of the gods from the 'pages of law', allowing the gods to immediately transcend "afternoon and dusk" and directly enter the "night" - the tomb.

Back then, Arrian, the first king of the sea, used a tear of death to send three sea gods of the same level as Poseidon and hundreds of weaker sea gods into the Tomb of the Gods.

Now, Harley shot all the tears of death in the level 0 experience jar into the center of Darkseid's eyebrows. He would probably not die. The three giants of Poseidon were not completely dead, but he would definitely not feel comfortable.

How much of his "three flowers on top" were cut off? What's left?

Harley was looking forward to the news from Apokolips.

After breaking Darkseid's "Toad Kung Fu" with one "Yang Finger", Harley continued to lie in the dark and cold "Coffin of the Universe", waiting for the next wave of people with ulterior motives to arrive.

From the invasion of Apokolips to the Crisis on Infinite Earths, the Earth has long been the focus of attention from all the major forces in the universe. Otherwise, there wouldn’t be so many aliens sneaking into the Earth recently to settle, smuggle, and do business.

Harley firmly believes that the civilization that has been watching the earth will know immediately about the Doomsday invasion and that she was cut off with a knife.

She is even more convinced that although she is perfect, good people will like her, and ordinary people will respect her, there are still more bad people in the world, and they will not let go of the opportunity to add insult to injury.

Not to mention, not ten minutes after Darkseid left, a spaceship that looked like a black fish quietly approached her body and fished it into the deck.

Hearing their dirty words, Harley's slightly opened mouth spat out a stream of rich golden mist.

Can the spaceship be stronger and stronger than the artifact and the evil god Desaad?

In less than half a minute, "Black Fish" completely disappeared from the universe.

There was no explosion, no blazing fire, and Harley continued to hang in space.

After waiting for a while, she felt too bored and worried about the war on Doomsday, so she left a thought hidden in the Seal of the Holy Mother. With the Seal of the God of War, her soul entered Limbo through astral projection, and then passed through the silver The city is locked onto the earth.

In a few breaths, she appeared above the metropolis again.

I don’t know why Dachao failed to stop it, but Doomsday returned to the metropolis.

Moreover, the two of them were falling from the sky in the posture of flaming meteors - Doomsday pinned Superboy underneath him, using his fists like pile drivers to hit his head hard, and it would also hit his head with its own forehead.

Dachao was already covered in wounds, and most of his nano-suit and bright cloak were damaged, revealing his body that was bleeding profusely.


The landing point was like a one-ton meteorite falling. The nuclear explosion-level shock wave turned the streets of the bustling metropolis into liquid water, and half-high waves of mud and rock surged hundreds of meters.

Observed from a high altitude, a semicircle was missing in the metropolitan neighborhood near the Potomac River, and all buildings, streets, and concrete foundations within the wave range were reduced to rubble.

Harley's face was solemn. In the ten-meter-deep radial pit, the soil under Da Chao was wet with his blood. His eyes were blurred and he had fallen into a semi-conscious state.

"Voice of Heaven, treat Tearman with half holy healing and half thick sunlight." She said immediately.

——The fee will be deducted from his account.

She only thought about this in her heart.

"Insufficient merit." Tianzhi Sheng gave an answer that shocked her.

Dachao's account is opened at Tiantangshan Financial Management Bank, not at Tianzhisheng.

If Richie, who is controlling the watch dog, says "insufficient merit", it may mean that the balance of the Big Super is insufficient.

But Tianzhi said that the meritorious service was insufficient, which meant that there was no meritorious service in her own account.

"Where have my millions of contributions gone?"

"Ripped Man and the other heroes used up."

Then, the voice of heaven delivered a billing information into her mind.

In the past half hour or so, more than 50 heroes have used 30,000 holy healing spells, 20 small-scale teleportations, and several other miscellaneous items such as "resurrection spells" and "secondary resurrection spells."

In addition to clearing the balance of their own accounts, they also borrowed 5 million from wealth management banks.

But Harley herself only has more than one million left, so where can she get 5 million?

Therefore, she now owes Tian Zhisheng another 3.5 million yuan.

3.5 million has reached the upper limit of the credit limit that the King of Heaven Mountain can receive.

"Shit!" Harley was stunned and suddenly realized that in order to encourage heroes to borrow money, she did not set a loan limit for Zhenglian heroes.

Well, if the borrower repays the debt before his death, his soul after death will have to work for her, so she encourages heroes to take loans, just like capitalists encourage everyone to spend as much as possible.

The loan limit for an ordinary hero is the value of his soul, but the Justice League has signed an agreement with her. The entire Justice League will bear the debt left when the heroes of the Alliance die in battle.

"This -" Just as Harley was thinking about how to borrow another loan from the Voice of Heaven, a beam of green light illuminated the dusk sky.

"Boom!" Doomsday, who was riding on Super Chao and treating Super Chao's head with an iron fist wrapped in bone spurs, was pinned to the ground and rubbed dozens of meters away by the green ray.

"Boom!" A two-meter-five-meter dark green mecha fell from the sky.

Without asking, Harley knew Luther was coming.

Anyone who looked over knew it was him.

Because there is a 24-inch large screen on the chest of the mecha - compared to the 2.5-meter headless humanoid body, 24 inches is really large, occupying one-half of the front area.

There was no data or subtitles related to mechas on the screen, only a big shiny bald head, the image of Lex Luthor, was projected.

"Monster, I am Lex Luthor. Don't think that you can become arrogant in Metropolis by killing the Galactic Admiral and crippling the Justice League.

Harley Quinn didn't listen to my good advice, so she's going to die a horrible death.

Moreover, it has become normal for the Justice League to suffer defeats, and I expected that they would lose to you this time.

But I want to tell you, this city and this planet have always been under the protection of Lex Luthor! "

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