I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 92 The Power of Evil (please collect it, if you have a book list, please add it, thank you)

"Marvin, please stop yelling. I'll take care of you later."

Harry shouted casually, and then said to the Broken Arm Monk: "You should understand that since I have come here, I have to gain something no matter what.

There is a tradition in the GCPD that every outstanding police detective will be forced by his partner to kill an innocent person soon after joining the job.

This is called Na Tou's name. Only when he is involved in a murder case can his colleagues in the police station trust him and can he feel confident and bold in doing illegal and illegal things to make money in front of him.

I think we can also make our mutual relationship harmonious in this way. I have already collected a lot of black materials, and now it is your turn to present the black files of the church. "

"Don't think about it. The Holy Advent Crusade is the spear of heaven. Everything we do and say is in compliance with the will of the Lord. We are destined to be glorious for the rest of our lives and will not be stained by mortal dirt!"

Even though Brother Robbie was weak and weak, his voice was still as firm as iron.

"What did you say?" Harley looked at Fernando.

This guy's previous performance seemed to be not as fearless as the short monk.

"I" Fernando did hesitate for a moment, but after glancing at his companion in his arms, he still strengthened his belief.

"I have nothing to say. The only thing you can threaten us is death. The Crusaders are not afraid of death."

Harry's eyes became sharp and he sneered: "I got a black magic book a few days ago. There are many magics in it that I am very curious about, but I have no chance to try them.

Later, I found some criminals to rob the rich and give to the poor, and unexpectedly discovered that I could use "demons" to conduct black magic experiments without any psychological burden. "

"Witch, you are the devil." Robbie said excitedly.

"I'm a nun, an exorcist nun." Harley didn't joke with them. She stood up and walked to them, stepping on the spot where Fernando's calf was shot with her boot.

Crush hard.

"Ah!" The monk howled in pain, but Harry used his foot as a pen, dipped his blood in it and drew a circle on the brown pear wood floor, and then drew a crooked five-pointed star and mysterious runes in the circle.

Because it was the first time, Harry also deliberately called up the PDF document of "The Grimoire of Truth" from the owl glasses.

Completely copy the gourd picture.

There was a lack of "ink" in the middle, so he stepped on Fernando's injury.

Blood spurted all over the floor.

"No, you can't do this."

The two monks were excited when they saw the five-pointed star representing the devil.

Especially Fernando, who was treated like an inkwell, almost collapsed.

——Using his blood means that he will be sacrificed to the devil.

"Marvin, Marvin, leave us alone, come in and kill the witch!" he yelled crazily.

Christians cannot commit suicide. Those who commit suicide will inevitably fall into the "forest of suicides" in hell, and will never be freed.

"Witch, what are you doing, stop it!"

Archbishop Marvin in the courtyard heard the sound and roared.

After a while, the church warriors began to pound on the door at his command.

Looking at the footage from the "Fly" reconnaissance plane in the yard, Harley frowned and said coldly: "Since you are looking for death, then go die!"

She ignored the two monks and strode towards the cracked wooden door.

As she walked, she twisted the laser bracelet that looked like a large nut on her wrist.

"Crack, click, click -" After being twisted for half a turn, the bracelet suddenly bounced up and seemed to expand in a circle, like a sleeve arrow loaded with nine crossbow arrows.

Over the monastery, a shadow slowly lowered its height and adjusted its angle. Two basin-sized windows opened in its lower abdomen, and two thick bundles stretched out from inside.

"Last warning. I am here this time. I don't want to do more killings. I just want to get the decisive evidence of the monastery case. Give me the evidence and I will leave."

Harley shouted out the door.

"Da da da da." What she responded to was intensive fire from more than a dozen machine guns, and the wooden door was completely torn into pieces.

"Gudong, Gudong." In the sea of ​​​​consciousness, the experience tank is overflowing again, but it has not been upgraded and is stuck at the level 20-21 level.

It is necessary to activate the second defense specialty.

"Voice of Heaven, listen to my voice, Eye of Heaven, watch me slay demons and defend the Way!"

After all, he was massacring monks in a cathedral, so Harry still had to do something to save himself.

Give God a face.

He only had time to shout, and I don't know if God heard him, but Harley's body was hit back by the impact of the bullet.

But she didn't draw her gun and shoot, but raised her arms firmly.

The laser locator on the wrist emits 18 red lasers.

It has no lethality, just like the beam of a laser pointer, swinging in all directions. Finally, with the assistance of the intelligent system of the owl glasses, the laser falls on each church soldier.

The next moment, "Boom, boom, boom!"

There seemed to be thunder in the sky, and two groups of scarlet fire trees flickered above the heads of the church warriors.

Following the position designated by the laser beam, the two six-barreled Vulcan cannons sprayed hand-length bullets wildly.

There was no scream, only the sound of "tap-tat-tat", the body breaking into two pieces and falling to the ground.

Harley, who was dressed in black armor, raised her arms and stood on the steps outside the door. Her thermal imaging glasses locked on every living person. Then she moved her arms and used laser beams to locate the target. The owl airship in the sky dropped a hail of bullets towards the target. .

"Boom boom boom boom boom."

In just fifteen seconds, more than three thousand rounds of ammunition were fired.

Broken limbs and bullet holes as thick as thumbs were left in the corridors and courtyards.

The blood spurted into a red mist, shrouding God's abode on earth.

"Plop!" Ma Wen, the only living person in the yard, collapsed on the ground, his face full of confusion and fear.

"Click - click!" The laser locator returned from its "sleeve arrow shape" to a large metal bracelet.

Without saying a word, Harry walked through the wet limb swamp, came to Archbishop Marvin, picked it up, and returned to the left side hall on the first floor.

"What did you do?" Looking at the witch at this time, the two monks were frightened.

As if covered with a thin layer of red gauze, fine red particles are deposited on the surface of the black armor.

Every step she took left a faint red shoe mark on the floor.

A touch of blood filled the air.

In fact, the thick tendon soles of the armed boots on her feet were red and wet, as if she had just walked through a red swamp.

She is still her.

But there was an actual coldness about her that made them feel chilly in their hearts.

"I need some dark stuff about the church!" Harry said flatly.

"You killed them, so many people?" Brother Robbie was the first to react. He was hysterical and cursed: "You are a devil, a devil, and the punishment from heaven will eventually come to you."

"What did you say?" Harley turned to Fernando.

“God’s servants will never give in to the devil.”

His face was whiter than the paper, his eyes were gray, and his mouth was muttering unconsciously.

"Motherfuck, you're all pushing me, pushing me, aren't you?"

Harley bent down, grabbed Fernando's hair, and threw him into the center of the five-pointed star blood circle like a dead dog.

"No, don't!" Fernando struggled in fear, Robbie begged desperately, and Marvin stared blankly.

Harley only hesitated for a moment, and it was because of God.

Then she gritted her teeth and said, "Fuck God."

"The enmity between us is too deep! I'll give you one last chance to come up with the church's black files that will allow me to make a comeback. It doesn't have to be from the Crusaders. Black materials from Gotham Cathedral and the monastery can also be used."

Brother Roby closed his eyes and chanted softly: "Father God, please remove all the bonds of sin from me, Father God; please answer me and use my praises and songs as your throne, Father God."

Fernando then shouted: "Father God, take me to your kingdom of God, let me bathe in your divine light and not be corrupted by the evil of corruption."

The two of them were so devout and firm in their beliefs that they even looked down upon death. Even Harley was a little shocked.

“Drag Him to Hell @In the name of Satan, if this person is not qualified to go to heaven, please let the ghosts of hell swallow him up.”

At the end of the day, Harley changed the spell to go to hell.

It wasn't that she suddenly had a kind heart, but that she had never forgotten her promise to Archangel Zauliel: not to believe in evil gods and not to do anything that blasphemes God and heaven.

If two monks can go to heaven, then they are God's people, and it is absolutely blasphemous to force the souls of heaven to go to hell.

Well, Harry is overthinking it. The real Holy Spirit in Heaven cannot be tainted by ordinary black magic.

The "Magic Book of Truth" does record the incantation of dedicating the Holy Spirit to Satan, and the incantation is also true, but the Holy Spirit can be divided into true and false, and heaven also has true and false (ps).

"No, Fire Tongue save me-"

As soon as the spell ended, Harley's brain felt as if a small part of it had been hollowed out.

A large amount of spiritual power flowed into the Pentagram Array, and the ghost wind spurted out from the ground, followed by withered and sharp arms.

"Drink his blood, gnaw his flesh, tear his bones, and leave your soul to Satan!" The demons laughed wildly.

"No, tongue of fire, my Lord, Christ Jesus, the unborn Son of God, save me, save me, ah - click click click."

Fernando called out all the people he had believed in throughout his life, and all he received in response was deeper and deeper darkness.

His body was torn apart, his blood was sucked dry before it could flow out, and his soul fell into an abyss of pain, heat and ice.

"Ouch!" Harley almost vomited out - if it wasn't blocked by the mask.

So evil, so disgusting!

Those ghost claws extending from the five-pointed star circle are like sharp teeth, chewing and devouring the sacrifices above the circle little by little.

Like a meat grinder.

"Why is this happening?! Lord, where are you? Tongues of Fire, we are the spears in your hands!" Brother Robbie howled in disbelief.

The magic circle that fell into hell was activated, which only meant one thing: Fernando could not go to heaven in the first place!

"Hahaha, let me tell you, God, who has the supreme power, why would he have to accept trash like you? You are useless except for staining the City of Silver and the Eye of the Sky!"

Hearing the monk's desperate wailing, Harry no longer felt nauseous, leaning up to the sky with her hands on her hips and laughing wildly.

"No, this is not true, I don't accept it, tongue of fire, tongue of fire!!!" Robbie collapsed, calling his god hysterically.

"Ah, it is the Holy Advent Crusade, or it is a general general, the blood of a saint (Fernando has the holy relics, the holy relics come from the saints), praise Satan, praise Harley!"

The owners of the Ghost Hands shouted happily: "Witch Harley, we are still hungry, give him to us, the Eternal Punishment Army thanks you."

"Call me Sister Hallie."

"It doesn't matter if I call you 'Angel Harley', just give him to us, I'm hungry!"

The five-pointed star formation flashed with blood, and a large lump bulged out from the floor of the hall like a volcano erupting, with sulfurous flames leaking from the cracked gaps.

"Uh!" Harley covered her head and groaned, as if a sharp thorn was stirring her brain.

This is the most common magical backlash in black magic.

Hell's demons are greedy and ruthless. Whenever they get a chance, they will bite the caster, break free, and enter the material world.

"The summoned demon must be bound by me and retreat!" Harley pushed out with a palm, unleashing her mental power. The raised floor instantly recovered. The struggling demon seemed to have been hit by an invisible hammer, and fell back to hell with a shrill scream.

The floor has really returned to its original state, with no traces of fire or lava residue, as if everything before was an illusion.

"Sister Harley, you have won our respect. Now you are the BOSS. Please reward us with the bones and blood of the Holy Advent Crusaders, and we will pay you an equivalent reward."

The attitude of the demons changed drastically, their voices were as silky as milk, their tone was as sweet as honey, and they were as docile as dogs.

(ps: The Silver City that Harley saw with the Stranger is a real paradise, but just like Limbo on the border of hell, there is a shadow realm (when Harley dealt with demons twice before, she was almost pulled into the shadow realm) ).

Limbo is located close to heaven, and there is also a "lower heaven".

If you are a good person, even if you don't believe in God, you still have a chance to go to the lower heaven.

But to enter the silver city where God and angels live, one must be a true believer, the soul of a saint.

Well, it can be understood as ordinary members and VIP members. )

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