I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 874 Blessing from the Thick-skinned Martial God

Before today, Harley was close to level 90. If nothing else happens, she will go to the Genesis Star in a few days, reach level 90 within a day, and then activate the ninth defense specialty.

The appearance of the meteorite monster was an accident.

Today, when Diana was grabbed and beaten by the monster, Harley's experience tank was overflowing, reaching level 90.

Finally, with 90 defense points, she got the "body of steel" she had longed for!

But the gain at level 90 is not just to increase your defense and unlock a specialty.

Her ‘Add Points and Defense Magic Skill’ also broke through again.

At the moment when Diana was kicked away by a monster on the street, when Diana's pretty face was twisted in pain, the experience jar was overflowing, with level 90 and 90 defense points, Harley's soul suddenly sublimated and entered a state of divine clarity. status.

It’s different from level 80 where I feel a little bit but can’t understand what’s going on.

At level 90, Harry clearly knew that a ray of his consciousness entered the sea of ​​laws.

It is impossible to describe specifically in words what the Law Sea is.

Harley only relied on her own feelings to determine that it was full of laws and original power.

There are thousands of laws, and she was vaguely aware of dozens of laws related to defense.

The ray of consciousness that entered it sketched out new laws on the spot.

The power of origin seems to be conscious, requiring her to dedicate her wisdom to it - the "wisdom" related to evolving treasures and absorbing experience to upgrade and add points.

The crystallization of wisdom of a certain skill is the law.

This is very terrible and disgusting to Harley.

She didn't want to make her secret public at all.

She used all her will to resist the demands of the origin of the universe in the Sea of ​​Laws.

Therefore, in reality, she did not respond to Ivy's call for a long time.

If it were someone else's spiritual wizard or spiritual warrior, none of them would be able to withstand the demands of the origin.

No god will resist.

Isn't the purpose of cultivation to let the origin of the universe accept its own laws?

Many masters have laws, but the origin of the universe is unwilling to accept their laws into the sea of ​​laws, so they cannot become gods.

Now Harley is resisting, not wanting her "laws" to be accepted by the origin.

Harley was able to resist, and the Bonded Power Defense feat played a major role.

Maybe God's Power Defense Specialty also has an effect, but it is far less targeted than the Connection Power Defense Specialty.

Just when Harley thought she was going to return from the Sea of ​​Laws without any achievements or losses, something unexpected happened to her: She was unwilling to reveal her secret of 'upgrade and defense' to condense the Laws, but the Sea of ​​Laws itself This man condensed a law out of thin air.

After the law appeared, it quickly merged with Harley's soul, and it was 100% compatible! !

She was stunned, and then felt the law carefully.

It contains two basic pieces of information: 1. The "experience" gained in the malicious attack was identified as the new power of this multiverse. The power belongs to her, and the right to name it belongs to her, but now this special power has not been discovered before. , as early as when Harley first gained experience, it had been recorded in the origin by the "universe"; 2. The function of the new power is defense.

"What the hell?" Harley had mixed feelings in her heart.


Sort of.

From the moment she entered this universe, everything she did could not be hidden from the universe itself. Doesn’t it seem reasonable?

Not willing?

A little bit too.

It was absolutely not her wish to expose the secret of 'being beaten to gain strength', and of course she was not willing to do so.

But in addition to being unwilling and frightened, she was also relieved. At least the core secrets of the series of evolutionary treasures, defensive specialties, and point upgrades had not been exposed yet.

The origin of the universe only knows things that happen outside her body through "observation". For example, when someone beats her, the "power of experience" in her body is transferred to her body.

After being shocked, unwilling, and relieved, Harley quickly confirmed three things: First, she no longer had to look around for new power, the new power was always within her.

It turns out that new power does not necessarily lie outside the Origin Wall, and the undiscovered "Land of the First Lady of Power" can also be considered a new power.

Second, the origin of the universe is a great scourge, and it is observing her that if the multiverse is turbulent, or even becomes broken and broken, it will be good for her.

She is a hero, and troubled times are suitable for her.

Third, Harley is determined that one day, sooner or later, when her appetite is strong enough (food defense expertise is high enough), she will swallow this multiverse and at least swallow the "origin" who knows her secrets.

After regaining consciousness and the newly acquired laws from the Sea of ​​Laws, Harley saw Yebi jumping up and down, projecting beams of healing light on the streets and surrounding dilapidated buildings.

Ivy waved her hands one after another, and hundreds of green vines sprouted within a kilometer radius, rescuing citizens trapped in collapsed bricks and lifting cars blocked around the battlefield to the other side.

Even the big black dog Loach turned into a search and rescue dog, barking at the ruins on the side of the street, pointing out to Ivy where there was life.

"What are you doing?"

"Harley, are you awake? Are you okay?" Ivy screamed with joy before quietly pointing to the drones and helicopters in the sky and whispering: "Monsters are causing massacres and destruction in the metropolis. Wonder Woman The hero fought bloody battles, and four or five fast-flying heroes arrived one after another.

They are either fighting or rescuing the wounded. If we stand aside in a daze, we are afraid that we will be bullied online afterwards.

I don’t know how many up hosts and anchors are broadcasting this battle live. 90% of the drones in the sky belong to them.

There are also TV station helicopters that are also broadcasting live.

Therefore, we must take action no matter what. "

The battle below was raging, with buildings collapsing and citizens dead and injured every moment, leaving Harley speechless.

"Master Harley, how did you complete your transformation so quickly?" Yebi the dog asked in surprise.

"Soon?" Harry felt that a long time had passed.

"In less than two minutes, you have condensed the law. Isn't this fast enough? How can ordinary wizards and wizards do it in less than a few decades?" Yebi shouted.

"Really? Maybe I'm gifted."

She was more exaggerated than gifted. She suppressed her desire to condense the law. Based on the information she obtained about her power, the origin of the universe helped condense a high-level law with most of the information incomplete.

Well, the origin of the universe only knows that she has gained a new power called the power of experience. The information is incomplete, and the law of cohesion is also incomplete.

It wants Harley to complete the rules.

But even if it is incomplete, the laws that represent the new power are still of the highest level.

"Master Harley, what rules did you get? What changes have been made?" Yebi asked curiously.

"Thick-skinned Martial God's Law, what a benefit."

Harry looked at Diana, who had disheveled hair and exposed scars on her naked skin, and a smile appeared on her lips.

Amazons are never afraid of fighting, nor are they afraid of death.

After failing to besiege the monster with Aquaman, Martian Manhunter, and Cyborg in the small town of Karin, Diana probably understood that she was probably no match for it on her own.

But she didn't think much about it or the consequences of failure. She just wanted to try her best to stop it and kill it.

Only death could bring an end to her belief.

Placing Flash Jay in the woods, she flew at high speed to track the monster while sending a message to the Justice Society.

Along the way, several superheroes joined her and attacked the monster with her. They could not last three rounds. After being caught by the monster, they were either dead or maimed. It was very bloody and cruel.

Finally, in the metropolis, just near the residential area of ​​​​Rippoman, she stopped it.

It can also be said that its target is the metropolis.

After arriving at its destination, it stopped on its own and began to wreak havoc and kill people crazily.

It seems to be a machine programmed only for killing and destruction. It only knows how to kill and is specifically looking for targets to kill.

In the busy streets of Metropolis, she fought the most brutal battle of her life, more brutal than the battle with the Anti-Monitor in Crisis on Infinite Earths.

The monster is stronger than her and is so fast that it can catch the Flash running at high speed - which makes her subconsciously think of Superman.

It's an enhanced version of the brutal Superman.

Diana had seven or eight bones broken, and the muscles under the skin were torn under the fierce impact. She began to tremble slightly, which made her right hand holding the sword also tremble slightly.

"Damn it, my strength is running out and I can't keep up with its speed."

After being punched again for a hundred meters and her body smashing through two buildings like a cannonball, Diana slowly slid down the cracked wall. She shook her head, which was numb with pain, and suddenly felt powerless.

"What's Superman up to? And Harley Quinn, she-uh??"

As soon as Diana thought of Harley, a strange divine power suddenly boiled in her body.

It flows into the limbs and bones in an instant, and into the injured parts

Every cell in the body seems to be soaked in a hot spring full of energy, becoming full of vitality and vitality.

"Uh..." She moaned comfortably.

Then, "Gudong, gudong."

My stomach is growling.

"Why are you so hungry all of a sudden -"

Before she could find the answer to the doubts in her heart, the monster had already landed in front of her, and a fist as big as a rice cooker came towards her. Diana subconsciously crossed her elbows to block it in front of her.

“Buzz buzz—” the air made a vibrating sound like cicada wings vibrating.

Diana's jaw dropped to the ground in shock.

Not only did she block it, she felt at least twice as relaxed as before.

This is an exaggeration.

At this time, her elbows were not even touched by the monster's fists. In front of her, a golden film appeared, like a flexible leather drum. The monster's fist hit the drum, and the drum skin shook out circles of ripples. She

Diana felt the crushing pressure from every cell.

Although the defense has been strengthened, the pain seems to be worse than before?

"How is this going?"

Distractions are the most taboo thing on the battlefield. Her will relaxed a little, and the golden film in front of her sunken to the limit and exploded like bubbles, "Boom-boom!"

Diana staggered back a few steps and looked at her arm. The muscles were sore, but there was no fracture.

He clenched his fists, the heat continued to flow through his body, and his belly became hungrier.

"This is a blessing from the gods!"

Diana reacted immediately.

She has been blessed by more than a dozen Greek gods and has had too many similar experiences.

——Some god must have seen her current situation and wanted to help her. Although I don’t know which god it is, there is definitely no problem in praising Zeus.

"Praise the gods, all glory be to Zeus!"

With full confidence and strength in her heart, Diana screamed, gave up her skills, and struck the monster with her sword in the most heroic and fearless manner.

——As long as the golden light film blocks her for a moment, she can seize the opportunity, and in an instant——


"Oops -" Wonder Woman screamed, and was kicked half a mile away. Like a cannonball, she penetrated three buildings in a row - as easily as a bullet passed through three layers of wood.

Looking down from the sky, you can clearly see the smoke-filled trails.

This time the golden film did not appear, and the heat in the heroine's body suddenly disappeared.

"Um~~~" Diana, with a large font hanging on the cracked wall, groaned in pain and murmured in confusion, "What happened? Why did the blessings of the gods suddenly disconnect?"

"You worshiped the wrong god. You want to say 'Praise Halle, Hallelujah', hahahaha!" Halle's proud laughter suddenly rang in her sea of ​​consciousness.

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