I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 872 Is Zhenglian going to be destroyed?

"Green Lantern is not dead. Please search for 'Uncle Sam' in the search bar above the live broadcast room. I am Uncle Sam. I am also here and live broadcast for you." A barrage appeared on the empty screen.

Like many netizens, Harley quickly cut out of the Magic Jam room and entered the live broadcast room of "Uncle Sam". Before leaving, Harley did not forget to give "Magic Jam" a row of big rockets.

Uncle Sam next door is much more professional than Slam Dunk, and is also safer and more stable.

Because he was using a drone.

"I know Uncle Sam. He is one of the top 100 puppy video uploaders this year. He specializes in shooting videos of superheroes and super criminals." As soon as he came in, he saw someone introducing the uploader.

Don't blame them for deserting during the Gao Dynasty, it's really that the scene is completely boring at this time.

The third hero who arrived was the Flash. He had been running at high speed, and the camera could not capture his figure at all. The monster could only be seen standing at the intersection, leaning forward or backward from time to time.

You can guess that it's being attacked by the Flash, but you can't see anything.

"Uncle Sam, can you replay the video just now? I didn't see it!"

"It's useless to let him go. I've been in Uncle Sam's live broadcast room just now. One second, I was still worried about Green Lantern, who was bleeding from his orifices and fainting. The next second, he disappeared into the pit."

"Ugh, Flash is too fast."

"Even if I can't see The Flash, it doesn't matter. I want to see Hal Jordan bleeding from all his orifices." Harley said.

She is a super member, and her level has been upgraded to the highest level 6. The barrage is brighter, more conspicuous, and stays longer.

Immediately, some netizens began to criticize her, "You are a pervert, you actually want the hero to bleed."

"Superheroes are fighting for us. We should cheer for them and pray for them. We should never take pleasure in their pain." Up owner Uncle Sam said with great energy.

"Uncle Sam, you are so upright!" A netizen immediately sent a rose.

"Uncle Sam has always been a positive person, you can tell by his name."

"Big brother, don't leave!" Suddenly, a faint and shrill cry came from outside the somewhat quiet "Flash Battlefield".

"Hey, there's someone over there." A netizen said.

"Someone is shouting. It's probably an affected person. He's injured and asking for help. Uncle Sam, pull the camera over and take a look."

Of course, the positive Uncle Sam would not refuse such a positive thing.

Under his control, the drone flew past the sound.

Soon, a bloody and miserable scene came into view.

It was a young man in his early 20s with earrings and colorful hair. He fell in front of the half-collapsed wall. His left leg was irregularly twisted into an "N" shape, and the corner of his mouth was still bleeding.

However, he seemed to be in good condition at this time. He shouted at the LEXnote2 mobile phone screen: "Brother List, thank you for the continuous rockets, but don't leave. I am getting up. I just broke my leg and spit." It’s just blood, and I can still live stream it.”

"Ah, he's Magic Jam."

The corners of Harley's mouth twitched.

"It's indeed Magic Jam. I know him and follow him. He is the anchor of the NBA Forum who specializes in explaining basketball games."

"Basketball anchors are different from hero anchors. Basketball anchors film by themselves with their mobile phones.

The uploader who specializes in making videos of heroes and criminals fighting each other now carries at least two drones with him to be safer. "

"That's right, drones and Paradise Mountain mobile phones are almost standard equipment for our 'Hero Video' live broadcasters and up hosts." Uncle Sam's voiceover sounded.

"Why are they all Tianshan mobile phones? I have read many digital product reviews, and its shooting function is not as good as Luther's note2." Some netizens wondered.

"There is a guard dog on the mobile phone in Paradise Mountain." Harley replied with a barrage.

"Household dogs are too expensive and not suitable for use," one netizen said.

Uncle Sam said: "It is very useful for our up owners who are engaged in the 'hero topic'. For example, right now, I am not more than 500 meters away from the battlefield. If the battle spreads, just like this slam dunk brother, when he is in urgent need of rescue , the household dog comes into play.

It is not afraid of disconnection.

As we all know, every time an alien invades, the earth's electronic equipment will be paralyzed; every large-scale battle may also produce super strong electromagnetic radiation, causing signal interruption, or simply destroying the signal tower.

Housekeeping dogs can save lives.

More importantly, there is also a small hero forum within the Guardian Dog system. Although it only has the function of posting distress messages, every hero has opened a Guardian Dog account.

Send a distress message, and if seen by nearby heroes, they can locate your location and rescue you. "

"Then you send a message to Magic Jam. He lost too much blood and is about to die." Harley reminded.

"Old fellows, come back quickly. I woke up from a coma and am broadcasting live for you again. I am fighting for you. Come and watch."

The black face of "Magic Jam" seemed to be covered with a layer of powder, and his screams were indeed weaker than before, and there was a pool of blood under his body.

"Ah, it's you - 'God's Exorcist Angel', I recognized it. This 'Exorcist Angel' wanted to see Green Lantern bleed from all seven orifices. When he left the live broadcast room of Magic Jam, he brushed There was a row of rockets, a total of 20 rockets." Some netizens recognized Harley's identity through her ID.

"Boss, it's so scary."

"Hello, Exorcist Angel, I am Uncle Sam. I have heard your kind request. I will send a message for Big Slam Dunk." Uncle Sam, a man in his forties, spoke in a louder voice at this time. My sister-in-law is cool and gentle.

"Sent successfully, I wonder if the heroes have seen it or when they will come to rescue——"

"Wha—" Uncle Sam didn't even finish his words. The slam dunk he was still struggling to live broadcast suddenly disappeared, leaving only a few dead leaves picked up by the breeze.

"Oh, it's the Flash. The Flash rescued Magic Jam!"

"Isn't it too efficient?"

"Just now, Dunk was wailing for a long time, and no hero paid attention to him. Now Uncle Sam has just sent a message, and the Flash is here."

Netizens quickly posted their shock on public screens.

"This is also my first time sending a message. The Watch Dog is well-deserved!" Uncle Sam exclaimed repeatedly, "I suspect that the Watch Dog system is connected to the Justice League's database."

“Whoosh whoosh whoosh – bang bang bang!”

Seeing that the up owner was so obedient, advertised for household dogs, and insisted on using the Paradise Mountain mobile phone, Harley bought him 40 big rockets worth 1,000 US dollars each, and immediately became the top brother on the list!

"Hiss, forty big rockets, boss!"

"Exorcist Angel, domineering!"

"Thank you, Brother No. 1, I will bring you back the video of 'Green Lantern Hal Jordan was punched in seven holes and bleed' to help you make up for it."

The positive Uncle Sam's voice trembled with excitement.

The video soon returned to the 'negative energy' footage of Hal Jordan being beaten by a monster a few minutes ago.

"As for it?"

Selena, who was also sitting on the sofa watching videos, raised her head and gave her a strange look.

"Oh my God, the Flash has been defeated!" Before Hal Jordan's bleeding from his orifices had finished, Uncle Sam suddenly shouted, and then the video on the public screen quickly pulled back to live broadcast.

"Fake, why did the Flash fall?"

"What just happened?"

"Mother Fake, Uncle Sam, stop being an anchor and go into the factory to pick up screws?"

On the screen, the Flash was already like a piece of mud, clinging to the wall covered with spiderweb cracks, then slowly sliding down, paralyzed on the ground, dying, not knowing whether to live or die.

There was a lot of curses on the barrage.

"Sorry, everyone, I have recorded the previous scene and will play it back for you guys right away. In fact, there is nothing to watch. The monster suddenly reached out and grabbed the Flash out of the Speed ​​Force." Uncle Sam said repeatedly Apologize.

"What a fart, the replay is going on now."

"Look, the monster is walking towards the Flash, ah, help -"

"Ah, help!" This barrage began to flood the screen.

"Bang bang!" Suddenly, there were several explosions on the back of the monster's head, causing it to stagger. The helmet of the protective suit also had a hole, revealing its rough gray-brown skin.

"My dear, it's Bateman!"

The camera zooms up, and the audience sees Batman hiding on the rooftop of a four-story building across the street.

The explosion just now was the high-explosive dart he threw.

"Oh, why did he go up there alone?" Selina called worriedly.

Ivy frowned and said: "What is the Justice League doing? If you want to join us, let's join together. Is this kind of fueling tactic giving the monster a head?"

"Oh my God, am I dazzled? Batman actually fought the monster 50-50, and even blew up its space armor." The barrage was flashing on the screen, and Uncle Sam was screaming.

Batman's performance exceeded everyone's expectations. His running position was very fast, his dodge was more flexible, as if he had predicted it, and he launched a counterattack just right.

Every move is extremely wonderful and dangerous.

He 100% evades the monster's attack, and can still use the paralysis arc triggered by the batarang to slow its movement, and then shoot a powerful button bomb.

If there wasn't a huge difference in strength between the two sides, Batman would probably be able to handle it alone.

But its power is too strong and its speed is too amazing. It can't hit Batman with one punch, but it can smash the building behind him. Every physical attack it makes by throwing a big truck can send out a wide range of shock waves.

Fortunately, Batman's teammates soon arrived, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Cyborg, and Martian Manhunter.

All giants.

"Huh..." Uncle Sam took a long breath and said excitedly: "Is there anyone like me who has been holding his breath since Batman started fighting until now?"

"+1, too nervous."

"+1, I forgot I could breathe."

"+1, my heart is about to jump out of my throat."

"+1, Bateman is so awesome. I have to apologize to him for countless times criticizing him for not having super powers, and countless times scolding him for forcing the 'Big Seven'. Now, I want to announce that from this moment on, I will Make bat guano (powder)!”

"+1, Batman has really reached the limits of ordinary people, and he is our true role model."

"+1, no, Admiral Galaxy is our role model. She broke the limits of ordinary people."

"Ah, Cyborg (Cyborg) was caught by a monster, mother Fak——"

Looking at the dismantled Cyborg, Harley's teeth ached.

"Tragic, Cyborg's mechanical body was torn into pieces, and sparks flew everywhere!"

Aquaman and Martian Manhunter aren't much better than Cyborg.

Martian Manhunter can also blur and transform, and his body is very strong - the average attribute is about 90.

It's no match for the monster in a head-on fight, but it can still be done by containing its actions.

But the flaw of Martians is too obvious, they are afraid of fire.

Just because a monster doesn't speak doesn't mean it doesn't have fighting intelligence.

Finding that physical attacks were ineffective against the virtual Martian Manhunter, it surrounded them for reinforcements - pretending to attack the injured Cyborg and Batman. When the Martian Manhunter ended his virtual form and showed his true body to block him, he turned back and attacked again.

After a burst of punches and kicks, it was found that Martian Manhunter still couldn't be killed. The monster was keenly aware of his avoidance of the flames, and casually struck him into the gas station.

Martian Manhunter received the lunch box.

Aquaman is even worse. He inherited the inheritance from the first generation of Aquaman, and his physical fitness only changed from 70+ to 80+. However, he only knows hand-to-hand combat - he can use the trident to perform water skills, but he needs to be in a water environment.

After being knocked down by three punches and two kicks, Aquaman also made a move that made all netizens in the live broadcast room collectively confused.

He lay on the ground, supporting the ground with his left hand, stretching his right hand forward, pointing his palm at the monster, and shouted: "Listen to my order, get out of here!"

The monster stepped forward and slapped it away.

"What is Neptune doing?" The public screen was filled with question marks.

Harley put down her phone and said solemnly: "It seems that Admiral Galaxy must be online."

Doomsday's general strength: He can't fly, but he can hover in mid-air, his jumping speed is no slower than Superman, and he can travel between planets.

The average attribute is 100 points, and it has no defensive shortcomings. As long as you give it time to evolve, it will not be restrained by any attack.

Kryptonite has no effect on it, and it has no magic or supernatural resistance - let's put it this way, it can even evolve immunity to Darkseid's Omega rays.

Except for entropy (time flowing down the river), no one can kill the Doomsday, and it can climb out even if it is thrown into a black hole. This is the comic setting, and it is used here.

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