I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 870 New Soul Radar

Harry looked at Louise with a serious look and sharp eyes with interest.

The woman's voice was stern and her questions were unceremonious. She seemed to be specifically targeting Superman's vitals and placing the blame for his dereliction of duty on his head.

But in fact, she asked everyone what they could say against Superman first.

At this time, she was talking to him, and the initiative was completely in her hands.

“I reiterate that it is true that I have super hearing and that I can hear the sounds of criminal activity in cities across the planet.

But this ability puts too much burden on me.

Please think about it, there are billions of human voices in the world at the same time, so much information that even a super brain cannot handle it.

I have a super brain, but I can’t stay that way for long.

So, most of the time, I leave Super Hearing off. "

This is both a truth and a lie.

It is true that he cannot turn on his super hearing 24 hours a day.

Turn it off in both work and life.

But turning off his hearing doesn't mean he can't hear sounds.

His super hearing is all about hearing sounds with his ears.

Telepathy, or in other words, the "life induction force" that transcends telepathy, plays a greater role.

The simplest example is that when a car accident in London was transmitted to the United States through sound waves, the car accident ended long ago, but Superman could hear it instantly and rush to the scene at sub-light speed.

This kind of sound wave reception speed is obviously not the reason for listening to sounds by ears.

Superman seems to have established an eternal "spiritual connection" with the person he cares about. Even if his super hearing is turned off, he can still hear her call.

Well, she is Lois Lane.

Not even his mother, Martha, was treated like this.

"You have explained the limitations of super hearing to us countless times, and we all understand it."

After hearing Superman's explanation, Lois immediately accepted it on behalf of 'everyone'.

Then she asked: "What were you doing at the time? Although there was no live broadcast by the media, immediately after the accident, guests attending the lighting ceremony uploaded the video to the Hero Forum, and @you and the Justice League."

"Today is Friday, I was at work, and my colleagues told me that there was an accident on the Holy Sword." Superman said honestly.

"Oh, you still have a regular job? What is your identity after you take off your uniform?" Louise asked curiously.

"Wow, Superman also has to work. It's amazing."

"Is he like us, working to earn money to support his family?"

The surrounding reporters, as well as the police, hospital nurses and doctors who arrived, all looked surprised and discussed.

Harley wanted to facepalm, these two people were treating the "audience" like monkeys.

The subsequent series of questions and answers were all completed under the auspices of Lois. Everyone calmly accepted that Superman needed a job and that other heroes also had jobs and missions.

After removing all the responsibilities from her husband, Louise turned her sharp eyes on Harley, "Admiral of the Galaxy——"

"Don't call me Admiral of the Galaxy!"

Seeing her pouting her butt drum, Harry guessed what she wanted to do, and immediately raised his hand to interrupt her and said: "You should understand by looking at my homely clothes that I am an ordinary person who goes out to participate in social activities.

Everyone knows that the Galaxy Admiral will only come online during a world-ending crisis.

On weekdays, I am a philanthropist, an environmentalist, a major shareholder of a technology company, and a martial artist. So after the accident, reporter Ryan, like everyone else, did not @me or call me.

I stayed in the underground laboratory of Luther Building and never knew what happened to the Holy Sword. "

"Hey, I almost forgot, I am still the director of the Sky Eye Association. I am indeed responsible for this accident, a big responsibility."

Harley patted her smooth and plump forehead, turned her attention to Superman who had "come ashore", and kicked him into the pit again.

"My responsibility is to manage superheroes like Rip Man and heroic organizations like the Justice League, but their performance this time is really disappointing.

It's because I failed to supervise them well. I have always trusted them too much, allowed them to develop freely, and failed to formulate reasonable crisis response measures.

For example, in this accident, the watchtower responsible for the alien crisis defense outpost and the earth's crisis detection station was almost unable to play the role of timely and fixed-point support that we expected.

You didn't even notice the meteorite approaching the earth. What if there is an alien bomb or a terrorist creature hidden in the meteorite?

What a huge dereliction of duty!

After the meteorite crashed into the Holy Sword spacecraft, they received the news immediately that they were qualified.

The 'Guardian Type 2' planetary-class airship was immediately arranged to go to the scene for rescue, and it barely passed the test.

The arrival speed is slow, the spacecraft is too slow, and it takes ten minutes to arrive at the scene. If the enemy appears on Pluto, with such efficiency, you will not know how many days have passed. It is very unqualified.

The watchtower happened to have no heroes on duty who could open the portal. This scheduling system was unqualified.

When a crisis is discovered, it is a huge dereliction of duty to fail to immediately pass the news to Superman who can solve the crisis or other heroes who are capable of space rescue.

I failed to detect the loopholes in the management of the hero organization earlier, and I was negligent.

Alas, I hope we can keep this lesson in mind, make persistent efforts, never forget our mission, and improve ourselves. "

"Reporter Ryan, I'm done, what do you want to ask?" Harley asked kindly,

Louise opened her mouth slightly, holding the recording phone, and the arm she was about to extend was frozen in the air.

Her mind was spinning rapidly, and she couldn't think of a question that could raise questions.

Let alone questioning, she didn't even know what to ask now.

There was an impromptu performance at the entrance of the Metropolitan Hospital, which made the "famous talker" Louise stunned and stunned on the spot. Harley was in a very happy mood, riding Yebby and flying to Gotham humming a song.

"Master Harley, what do you plan to do with those souls?"

"What will happen to them?" Harley asked casually.

Jebi said: "Seven souls, two sinners go to hell. Five are neither good nor bad. Four of them enter Limbo and return to nature. One is a virtuous person who can go to the first level of hell because he is more pious to God and has good abilities. Hall."

"so be it."

"That's it?" Yebi asked doubtfully: "Since you have no intention of changing their established fate, why do you still let me collect them?"

"I only like Dr. Hank Shaw. The others are ordinary scientists and have no value. If Hank dies, I will ask him to be a technical consultant.

Alas, even Louise's little girl can laugh at the lack of people in Paradise Mountain (Technology R\u0026D Department).

I am the mountain king of heaven, where can I put my face? "

"Hank Shaw is not dead, but his wife is." Yerby said.

"Only when both of them die can his wife's soul be valuable and be used to bribe him. Now I can't raise her for decades and expect him not to get married or fall in love for the rest of his life, and miss his dead wife until he dies."

Yebi said: "Wouldn't it be better if you gave his wife a better treatment in exchange for him leaving Luther's company and working for you?"

"Isn't that the same as threatening him with his dead wife? If I did that, I would be as outrageous as Luther."

Yebby really wants to say that Luther may not be better than you.

It stepped on the auspicious cloud, but suddenly turned its head, pointed its nose at Harley's chest a few times, and asked doubtfully: "There is a resentful spirit in your body? But it doesn't seem to be complete."

"The Wraith" Harry lowered his head and touched his heart, and said with a complicated expression: "It's my grandfather, old Kasapa.

He was transformed into a shadow demon by the Anti-Monitor King, and he wanted to control my soul through the blood connection between him and me. "

If she hadn't activated the ninth-level anti-matter defense expertise, the Anti-Monitor King's vicious trick might have seriously threatened her.

"To this day, it is still a shadow demon. If it is released, it cannot go to heaven, it cannot go to hell, and it cannot dissipate even if it enters Limbo in between.

There is no choice but to seal it in the origin of the anti-monitor, not only to find a place for it to settle down, but also to use the origin of the anti-monitor to nourish its broken soul.

some days ago."

Harley told him about the equation of life, "I have lost my origin, and now it is sensed by you. Do you have any good ideas?"

"Let the Voice of Heaven help purify it," Yebi said.

"It's too expensive, tens of millions. Shadow demons and undead are completely two different species."

In fact, Harley has a simpler and more direct way to solve it: take a sip of stomach acid to digest it.

The reason why Old Kasapa's Shadow Demon was disabled was because after it entered her body, half of it was immediately digested. The remaining half, which lost its ability to resist, was used by her to pretend that it was under control and deceived the anti-monitoring king twice.

But Kasapa is her grandfather after all, and it doesn't matter if he lets it dissolve in Limbo. "Eating" it personally is too much. It's better to keep it. If the anti-prison king is resurrected, then he will lie to him once or twice.

"If the anti-matter shadow demon can be controlled freely, it will still be very lethal." Yebi said.

"Only the Anti-Monitor can control it. You are the Son, can you help it?"

"I don't know, but I am willing to give it a try. If I can save the shadow demon, it will be considered an immeasurable merit."

After arriving at the manor, Yebi did not go back to hell immediately. He first went to meet his mother Duoduo, Selena, Ivy, and little Helena.

When it saw Fat Tou, it was a little strange, "Fat Tou, why are you so dejected?"

"Alas, I was selected as a judge teacher of the 'Green Lantern Youth Corps'. I have been preparing for it these days, but just a few days before I was going to be on the show, the 'Earth Green Lantern Corps' suddenly announced its disbandment. Green Lantern Energy Battery and Ring, Bring them all back to Oa.”

Fat Tou made a helpless gesture with his fins, "The Green Lantern Youth League could only be stillborn. The students were wailing. Months of hard training were in vain, and I also lost a rare opportunity to debut."

"You want to make your debut?" Yebidog's face twisted.

"Being a director is also considered a debut."

"Jerby, come here." Harley stood beside the Archimedes airship and shouted.

Gouzi ran over and asked, "What's the matter?"

Harley patted the outer shell of the airship and said, "After you return to hell this time, help me find a soul radar. Adhering to the principle of voluntariness, we will select the wisest and most spiritually gifted volunteers."

Gouzi tilted his head and thought for a while, then said, "Is Archimedes okay?"


"The one who wants to use levers to move the earth. He has been in the Hall of Sages for thousands of years and feels extremely bored."

"Archimedes matches Archimedes. It's very good. You go back and tell him the benefits and consequences and let him think carefully. There is no turning back when you shoot. Once you become a radar, you can't regret it."

"Buzz buzz" Harry's cell phone suddenly received a call.

I took it out and saw that it belonged to Luther.

"Harry, you guessed it right, there is an alien hidden in the meteorite that fell today."

"What? Have I guessed?" Harley asked doubtfully.

Luther was speechless for a while.

"What you said when you were interviewed by reporters this afternoon. Hey, that's not the point. The point is that the aliens inside are weird."

"What's wrong?" Harley asked curiously.

"There is a kryptonite reaction in the meteorite fragments surrounding its body."

(PS: What is coming is the Day of Doom. The setting of the director's movie is not used here - Luther uses the body of General Zod to create the Day of Doom.

Except for Zack's movies, whether in comics or animated movies, Luthor did not create Doomsday.

It has a very long history and is a growth-type "hero". The more experience it has, the stronger it becomes.

Precisely because it has existed for hundreds of thousands of years, or even longer, and evolved countless defense capabilities, it can kill Superman.

——Doomsday has only one talent. The method used to defeat it this time will not be used next time because it is evolving.

Well, its evolutionary defense is somewhat similar to Harley's defense expertise, which will be discussed in detail later in the text.

In short, Doomsday was not created overnight, so I didn’t use the settings of the guide. )

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