I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 865 Soul Gene Engineering

"How far is the experiment going?" Luther asked indifferently.

Hank was stunned, calmed down a little from his fanaticism, and thought: "With the help of the most advanced high-imitation 'Brainiac Master Brain', my efficiency has increased hundreds of times. At this time, I have split the Superman soul data. Forty-eight thousand and twenty-five copies.

Among the 48,025 functional modules, I selected 2,500 'Superman Power' soul templates.

As long as volunteers are found, experiments on soul data copying, cutting, and pasting can be carried out immediately.

I think it will be easy to find volunteers. As long as you post a post on the 'Superman Support Club', any number of people can be found.

Find volunteers, digitize his soul, and then replace his own with 2,500 templates of superhuman strength. Finally, the data will be reversed into a soul, and he will become a man with a superhuman soul! "

"Alas, Luther, you shouldn't have asked me to be the captain of the Holy Sword. Although Limbo communication is also very challenging, I am currently busy with the experiment of 'Superman's Soul'. I like Superman, I like this Work.

May everyone in the world be a superman! "

At the end of the sentence, he raised his fist and shouted excitedly.

Luther's cheek muscles twitched a few times and asked: "Where did you get the data on Superman's soul? Did Superman cooperate with you in experiments?"

Hank Shaw shook his head and said: "How dare I tell Superman about this kind of taboo experiment? After telling me, he will definitely treat me as an evil scientist and delete my Twitter."

Luther wanted to vomit ten thousand times in his heart, and ten thousand alpacas wanted to run wild.

"We didn't do any experiments, so where did the experimental data come from?" he continued to ask with a dull face.

“Actually, our ‘soul digitization project’ is different from ‘Quantum Master’ Richie’s.

Richie started directly with the soul. I heard that he was a magician and could contact the soul more directly.

I am a materialistic scientist. Of course, I am no longer materialistic. "

Hank Xiao smiled strangely and continued: "The digitization of my soul starts with brain waves.

Brain waves can be detected and analyzed through scientific instruments, and people on earth have been studying it for a long time.

With the help of alien technology, my brainwave collector has been miniaturized to the size of a notebook.

I am the deputy leader of Superman's support group. I have met Superman dozens of times and become a friend whose name and identity he remembers. "

Luther thought thoughtfully, "During the process of contacting Superman, you secretly used a brainwave device to search and record his brainwaves.

Then combine the messy brain waves into a 'line' of mental fluctuations.

Collect more mental waves to synthesize soul waves! "

Hank Shaw looked at him with admiration, nodded and said, "Seriously, Luther, if you join this project, and you and I join forces, the Superman Reign will never be a dream."

Luther sat back on the boss's chair, lowered his eyes, and said calmly: "I warned you, the brainwave digitization technology is not yet mature and the risk is too great.

After I talk to Harley and learn more about Richie's core technology, I can proceed to the next stage of the experiment. "

"I can't wait. Anyway, the experiments haven't been done on living people yet, and it didn't cause any harm." Hank Xiao said.

Luther looked at him for a while, waved his hand and said, "Okay, you can go back. You are going to enter outer space tomorrow. I don't want you to cause any accidents due to fatigue."

Macy is the secretary, responsible for escorting Hank Shaw, the technology executive, out of the office.

In the corridor outside, she reminded in a low voice: "Dr. Xiao, you have been working in the company for many years. Don't you know that BOSS hates Superman?"

"I know." Hank nodded.

Macy frowned and pointed to the Superman icon on his sweater, "Then why are you wearing Superman's clothes in front of the boss?"

"But I like Superman."

"But your boss doesn't like Superman." Maisie reminded.

Hank pursed his lips, "I often work overtime too late. It's almost midnight when I get home. Three times I was stopped by robbers while walking at night. Superman came to my rescue every time he heard the cry.

The third time, I thought not to bother Superman, it was just a few hundred dollars, wasn't it?

But the robber covered my mouth, stole my property, and wanted to do something else.

It was Superman who saved me.

He said he was friends with me and was familiar with my heartbeat. He could hear my heart beating violently and judge that I was in trouble based on my position and the voices of the people around me. "

He looked at Maisie excitedly, "Tell me, how can I not admire such a Superman? No, it's not just worship, he is my belief!

You want me to give up publicly displaying my beliefs just to please my boss? "

Just a boss

Maisie was speechless.

Hank Shaw is very busy and feels that it is a waste of time to install the "Limbo Signal Transmitter" in outer space.

In fact, Luther is also busy, and he is also busy doing scientific research.

He had the same idea as Hank Shaw and planned to continue working overtime until midnight today.

As for the ignition ceremony for the Holy Sword launch tomorrow, he is not the captain or astronaut anyway.

When his secretary Mercy came back, he left the office and entered the CEO's special elevator, which went straight to the underground floor of the Luther Building on the 20th floor.

While riding in the elevator, secretary Maisie recounted her conversation with Hank.

"BOSS, Dr. Hank is a typical science and engineering man, and he has been saved by Superman several times. You still need his wisdom, so don't get too angry."

Luther glanced at her and asked, "Why did you say this to me?"

Macy adjusted the frame of the mirror and said calmly: "If it is useless, according to your past habits, it won't be long before you become a victim of an experimental accident."

"You know me well." Luther also looked calm and not angry.

If he were as "harmless" as the boss of an ordinary technology company, then he, Lex Luthor, would not be qualified to compete for the top spot in the "Secret Society of Super Criminals".

"I'm your secretary."

"Since you know me so well, you should understand that Hank Shaw violated my taboo." Luther said coldly.

"Superman saved him. He admires Superman, so he wears a sweater with the Superman logo to see you." Maisie explained.

"This kind of small mistake, based on his contribution to the Limbo signal transmitter experiment, I can forgive him." Luther said.

"He disobeyed your orders and privately carried out the 'Reign of Superman' project out of his fanatical admiration for Superman. And, as he said, the experimental process did not cause any harm and the results were pretty good."

Luther's tone was cold and firm, "I don't care how many people will die in the experimental project or what the risks are, as long as it can produce results, I won't be the one who dies or gets hurt anyway.

But I will never tolerate the damn 'Reign of Superman Project', and I will not allow Superman to become the subject of research by scientists. "

"Ding dong——" The elevator door opened, and the two entered a huge biochemical experiment warehouse.

In the hall, which is twice the size of a basketball court, dozens of cultivation tanks as thick as an arm's length stand side by side on the left and right sides.

It is filled with green culture fluid. There are humans and deformed monsters in the liquid.

Even if the lights in the warehouse are bright and the light drives away all the darkness and shadows, it still casts a gloomy and dark shadow into people's hearts.

Not visually gloomy, but mentally depressing and cold.

Of course, Luther and Maisie, who often visited this place, did not feel any discomfort.

"But you have been studying Superman, and you have even successfully cloned Superman. Your experiments are also establishing the 'Superman Dynasty'." Macy looked at the distorted test body and said in confusion.

"It seems you still don't understand me well enough."

Luther walked to the main computer and quickly operated the keyboard with his hands. The warehouse's mobile device was activated. With the sound of "click-click" mechanical activity, some culture tanks slowly sank into the ground and were replaced by experimental tables and experimental instruments.

In the end, only one incubator containing a teenage boy remained in place, and the rest disappeared into the experimental warehouse.

"Superman is mine!" Luther pointed to his chest and said to his secretary word by word: "He is my prey, my target. Only I can study him, analyze him, analyze him, study him, even hurt him.

What is Hank Shaw doing?

He dared to steal Superman's brain waves, and also wanted to integrate Superman's soul into his own body and into more people. "

His expression gradually turned ferocious, and he gritted his teeth and said: "If everyone becomes Superman, how much is Superman worth? If I hunt him, defeat him, and surpass his value, how much will be left?

Defeating a superman in a world where everyone is a superman is as boring, boring and meaningless as trying to achieve more than a waiter in today's society. "

Macy's expression was shocked, like a saint warrior who had received a holy war order from the gods. Her back and neck straightened a few centimeters, and she said solemnly:

"BOSS, I understand, I will cause an experimental accident to destroy Hank Shaw's 'Reign of Superman' experiment before he destroys your ideals and life.

I guarantee that not even a single piece of data or experimental equipment will be left in his laboratory. "

"No, not one piece of data or one piece of experimental equipment is missing. They are all the property of the company and my treasure!" Luther's eyes flashed with excitement and greed. "Hank Shaw is worthy of the 500 I offered him." An annual salary of ten thousand dollars.

What that guy is doing now is actually 'soul genetic engineering'.

I've thought about it too.

But the problem of soul digitization has not been solved before, and we have not yet tried in that direction.

Unexpectedly, he came up with a brilliant idea to collect souls using brain waves, and the key was successful. "

As he spoke, he walked to the only training tank, looked at the handsome young man inside, and said excitedly: "I was still thinking about how to cultivate this perfect test body earlier.

He possesses the best genes combining super intelligence and super physique, but he is a clone and his soul is a blank slate.

Almost like a baby.

I don't have the patience to spend more than ten years raising a child.

He needs to grow up quickly, he must not grow crooked, and he must have superhuman qualities!

Now, I can use soul gene programming technology to create the most perfect soul for him that matches his genes.

As long as he is born, Superman will become a thing of the past. Superman will be defeated and eliminated by me, hahaha."

The empty experimental warehouse echoed with Luther's hearty laughter.

After he had laughed enough, Maisie said: "Steal Hank Shaw's soul gene technology now? Or wait until he develops the technology and mature it?"

Luther said: "I will use the most senior administrator rights to hack into his laboratory host and personal computer, and copy the data first.

Don't disturb him and let him continue his research.

In addition, the approval conditions for his laboratory's budget must be relaxed, and whatever he wants, he will be prepared for.

Even if a living person is needed for human experimentation, the company's 'cleaner' should be introduced to him.

You don’t need to notify me of any of this. "

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