I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 863 Darkseid’s Ambition

"Lord, how should we deal with the conspiracy of the Genesis Star?" the kind grandmother asked respectfully.

Darkseid was like a high-roller in a sauna, with only a pair of briefs left on his body. He leaned slumped on the back of the chair, his arms lazily resting on the armrests, and his whole body seemed to have lost all strength.

"Have you encountered any problems with your business on Earth?" He asked rhetorically without answering.

"Since the last time we failed to occupy the earth, until now, there have been no problems." Kind grandma said.

"No one discovered your identity?" Darkseid asked again.

"I have stayed in Cleveland all year round, a city of turmoil and poverty that is despised by American heroes. However, all the extraordinary children in major cities in the central United States have been plundered, so I have to expand my business to coastal metropolises.

Those superheroes love vanity, enjoy luxury and popularity. Like NBA and Hollywood superstars, they all like to live in big cities.

If a large number of children with extraordinary appearance disappear, it is likely to arouse their vigilance.

In addition, in order to attract the criminal forces on earth to work hard, I provided them with a lot of alien equipment, even magic books and genetically modified fluids.

Such big movement will attract some heroes to Cleveland sooner or later.

However, I have already prepared a countermeasure.

First of all, over the past tens of thousands of years, in order to provide talents to your Dark Guard, I have secretly cultivated, controlled, bribed, and incorporated many local forces in the universe. At this time, there are hundreds of interstellar slave merchant groups in the universe providing services to us.

I'm controlling them, but they don't know who I really am.

Now I take on the mantle of one of the interstellar slavers.

If the heroes of Earth continue to investigate, they will eventually lead to an interstellar evil force that they cannot afford to offend.

Secondly, I only arranged for my clone to be on Earth, and I can fight and die for you at any time, and then change my identity and city. "

The kind grandmother is rigorous and serious, and reports the current situation and possible problems in the future to her master one by one.

"In this case, you increase your efforts and double the number of orphans acquired from Earth every month." Darkseid said calmly.

The kind grandmother was startled and explained: "Your Majesty, when there is quantity, it is difficult to guarantee the quality."

"It doesn't have to be a child with extraordinary talents. A child with a strong will, a smart mind, and excellent physical skills. If you have one of the three, you are qualified." Darkseid said.

"Lord, I wonder where those little earthlings you want are used?" the kind grandma said cautiously.

The purple-robed Desard, who had been busy at the workbench, raised his head and glanced at her expressionlessly.

Darkseid kept a straight face and remained silent.

The kind grandmother was worried, thinking that she had violated a taboo. When she was about to say something, the sound of uniform footsteps came from the laboratory.

The footsteps were light but numerous.

She subconsciously turned her head to look. Dozens of pairs of flashing red eyes first came into view, and then she saw their figures.

All of them are boys and girls in their teens.

She was an 'orphan of Earth' sent here on his orders.

"You-" Her voice was like a weight, heavy, stuck in her throat and unable to come out.

Their steps and movements are uniform, but their eyes and expressions are different.

But what was creepy was that when she looked at any of them, she felt like she was looking at Darkseid himself.

The children smiled strangely at the same time and said in unison with immature voices: "Humanity is the greatest hope for the future of the universe. It is very young and full of the power of life.

The people of the earth belong to me, I am them. All living beings in the universe belong to me, and I am all living beings in the universe. "

"Ah——" Grandma Xiang felt a great fear that she had never experienced before.

She didn't know she was scared for her life.

But it comes from an instinctive feeling that it is a terrifying existence that can threaten life itself from the source.

"Uh--" Darkseid also screamed in pain. The skin, which was like a chapped rock, really began to crack. Small holes opened along the red lines on the surface of the skin, and black blood with rich steam oozed out.

Desaad's expression changed, and he quickly tapped the console keyboard. A beam of red light as sticky as magma descended from above and fell on Darkseid.

The kind grandmother knew what the red light poured into Darkseid's body was. It was the core magma energy of Apokolips - the source of planetary life, not a simple high-temperature mineral.

"Your Majesty, this is still too much for you. Your body cannot withstand the power of the Anti-Life Equation and it is not even complete." Disad sighed.

Darkseid said nothing, and the children with glowing red eyes closed their eyes and stepped back into the room.

The kind grandmother swallowed and asked, "That was the power of the Anti-Life Equation just now? What's the point of controlling people on earth?"

"It's not manipulation, they are me." Darkseid said calmly.

"What do you mean? Isn't the Lord mentally controlling them?" Grandma Xiang was confused.

Whether it was because he was too tired or because he disliked his younger brother for being too stupid, Darkseid closed his eyes and absorbed the earth's core energy with all his strength to restore his body.

The kind grandmother was a little embarrassed and looked askance at Disad.

The scientific advisor thought for a while and said: "If everyone has their own 'life account', the anti-life equation uses hackers to hijack the account information.

Of course, the equation of life is not yet complete, and His Majesty is still very far away from truly mastering it.

A hacker is just a junior, and in the future he will transform from a hacker to an administrator.

With full authority, he is everything, and the universe is him. "

"So? What's the difference between it and stellar-level mind control? I remember that during the Crisis on Infinite Earths, the Anti-Monitor transferred his power to the Mind Pirate, allowing him to control the minds of tens of billions of people on four earths." Kind Grandma Still don't quite understand.

"You can read a person's thoughts and know the secrets in his heart. You control a person's body and mind, which is equivalent to having an extra hand or a body part.

But if you possess him from the essence of life and make him a complete part of you, then everything about him belongs to you. "

Seeing that grandma was still a little confused, Disad simply pointed to the dimly lit laboratory room and said, "Why should you choose children with extraordinary talents?

Because they have talent.

After occupying their 'life account', their talents also belong to the great Darkseid.

If the young Witch Harley appears here, her talent will be taken over by Darkseid.

This is true occupation, occupying her ‘account’ from the source of life.

Treat the multiverse as a virtual RPG game. Each player has a random talent and growth attributes. Now all talents, wisdom, attributes, strength, and spirit belong to Darkseid. "

"Hiss—" the kind grandma took a breath, looked at Darkseid with his eyes closed in thought in horror, and murmured: "It's so scary, so evil, so powerful."

Darkseid's eyelids moved slightly, and his heart was calm, without any pride or joy.

The things Disad said, such as talent, wisdom, strength, etc., he wants and will indeed have them, but they are not all of his ambitions.

He has a more "royal" use of the Anti-Life Equation.

"Why do we have to have children? Magicians and superheroes, they have more." asked the kind grandmother.

"Alas, adults have stronger wills and stronger life instincts. You have also seen that His Majesty suffered huge backlash even when he took possession of children." Disad looked at the tall and burly gray body of his master and said worriedly: "Your Majesty, I doubt that the Anti-Life Equation can be integrated into the physical body at all.

No one in the multiverse is physically stronger than you. Even you can't bear it, which only means that the method is wrong. "

"Why is the anti-monitor okay?" Kind grandma asked curiously.

Disad said: "First of all, the Anti-Monitor did not fully activate the power of the Anti-Life Equation. He only used it as a tool and did not complete the fusion of blood and soul. Secondly, even if he only borrowed its power, the Anti-Monitor would still be physically alive." To collapse, you must use high-tech armor to put your semi-liquid body inside."

"What should we do? Will the Lord's physical body collapse?" the kind grandmother asked worriedly.

"If this continues, sooner or later it will collapse, but it is not without remedies." Disad raised his chin to the child in the room and said meaningfully: "It depends on your efforts to find the 'talent' that can withstand the anti-life equation. , making it a part of Darkseid.”

"Must they have orphans on the earth? The earth only has one planet and a small total population. Even if the proportion of their extraordinary people has increased significantly in recent years, there are limits to the targets they can choose.

The universe is infinitely vast, and there are more superpowers. " said the kind grandma.

"This" Desaad looked at Darkseid. He guessed that the earth was special, but he didn't know where it was special.

The Dark Lord opened his eyes, and flame-like red light danced in his eyes, "Why would Ishaya set his sights on the earth? Why at this point in time? Did something happen to the earth?"

The kind grandmother frowned and said: "I heard from people in the wizarding world that it is related to emotional factors, but I don't know what emotional factors are. I only know that Witch Harley and John Constantine are involved.

Witch Harley is more difficult to deal with. We can capture Constantine and torture him. "

"Hmph, the emotional element." Darkseid sneered, "Metron must have told Ishaya about my obtaining the Anti-Life Equation."

"What are the emotional elements?" the kind grandmother asked in surprise.

"Both the life equation and the anti-life equation are composed of emotional elements." Darkseid closed his eyes again and said quietly: "My first anti-life equation character was found on the earth.

Just last time Apokolips invaded Earth.

The invasion failed, but I succeeded.

The earth is a special planet. People on the earth can produce emotional elements and can also bear them.

Then, it is very likely that there is one or more people on earth who are the best carriers of the life equation!

Even if it's not the best carrier, it can at least help me share the pressure.

Your mission is to help me find them,"

"Understood." The kind grandma nodded solemnly, then with a thought in her heart, she asked: "If I can't find the target, will you personally attack the earth? That would fall into the plan of the Genesis Star."

Darkseid's furnace-like eyes closed the 'furnace door', leaving only a gap, covering up the calculating light within.

"Orian is on Earth now and is still active?"

The kind grandma nodded, "He has only been on Earth for less than a month, and he has already gone on 23 missions with Zhenglian Heroes. The Hero Forum of Puppy Video officially opened his special area half a month ago.

Super S-class hero, New God of Creation Star, Starlight of Justice, the person who killed Darkseid in the prophecy. "

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