I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 861 Dark Side Club

After Harley and the seven giants of Zhenglian had a closed-door meeting, they went to the Great Trench and continued to kill millions of sea monsters alone.

Experience gains are extremely slow.

One is because the total amount of experience each sea monster can provide is limited.

Strength, reputation, ability to do things, and activity in the multiverse are the four major variables of the total amount of experience.

Apart from the "meager" strength of the beast's instinct, the sea monster's other three values ​​are almost zero, so the experience of a single sea monster is limited.

Secondly, because sea monsters have rough skin and thick flesh, sharp teeth and sharp mouths, they are difficult to kill. Harley did not waste time killing them in order to level up.

This resulted in a high proportion of repeated wild monsters. For example, if she was attacked 100 times, 80 of them came from sea monsters that had lost all her experience. The efficiency would only be 20%, and the efficiency would continue to decrease.

However, the ‘Creation Star Instructor’ mainly wanted to get beaten this time.

Draws Tears of Death from the venom damage dealt to her by the Kraken.

In order to test the life characters before, Harley threw the tears of death in the level 0 jar into the trench, and now she has to put them together again.

It's troublesome to go back and forth, and it's boring to get beaten up and upgrade, but Harley now has the motivation and momentum: if she doesn't work hard now, tomorrow Darkseid will come to the earth with the Anti-Life Equation, and she may become a puppet of emotions and desires - just like The little blue man who was drooling, eyes glowing red, and pounced on Zha Kang vigorously.

Whenever she felt tired and miserable, she would recall the scene of that day in her mind, and her body would tremble with fright, and she would become full of energy again.

In addition, her heart is full of hope and expectation: after filling the level 0 jar that unlocks the ninth specialty, she can go to the Genesis Star to upgrade like crazy!

Level 90, level 100, or even higher!

At level 80, the thick-skinned magic touched the sea of ​​laws, but no laws were born.

At level 90, will there be a law that will make her a well-deserved Martial God?

Half a month later.

Creation Star.

“Something is wrong, Heavenly Father!”

Orion stepped on his skateboard and hurried into the laboratory of the Creation Star's 'Master Craftsman' Heyat.

"Olian, what are you yelling about?" Heavenly Father scolded in displeasure.

"Heavenly Father." Orion flew to the side of Heavenly Father and only shouted once before being attracted by the bright white light on the experimental table and all his thoughts were taken away.

Hyat, the master craftsman of the Creation Star, is to Heavenly Father, just like DeSaad is to Darkseid, and Lucius Fox is to Batman. They are both the latter's technical advisors and supports.

Unlike Desard and Lucius, Hyat has the priesthood of the God of Technology and Creation.

He is a genius on the scientific side.

The Shenjiang's laboratory is circular with a radius of 20 meters, and the ceiling is five stories high.

The circular laboratory is surrounded by a five-story platform.

At this time, Heavenly Father was standing on the second floor, holding the railing with both hands, stretching his neck forward, and staring down attentively.

There is a five-meter-tall device there that looks like a microscope magnified a hundred times.

The lens barrel of the "microscope" emits a beam of white light, and at the position of the "slide", there is a group of white light that keeps flashing and changing shapes.

Everyone who saw it felt an inexplicable feeling of sweetness and happiness in their hearts. They unconsciously thought of their past and current lovers, and recalled the beauty of being in love.

"Buzz--" After a buzzing tremor, the white light twisted into a strange character. The state was stable and the white light also converged and was no longer dazzling.

"It's done?" Heavenly Father asked excitedly.

The old master craftsman, whose half-long hair was tied into a ponytail, nodded and said, "It won't be out of control now. You can control it easily."

As he spoke, he also took out a metal scepter with a thick arm and one meter long - more like a large rifle in shape.

The master craftsman controlled the "microscope" and put the characters into the hollow bright silver scepter, and the middle part of the scepter began to emit a faint white light.

"Great Heavenly Father, the character of life has been integrated into your "supreme scepter."" With a respectful look, he held the scepter in both hands and handed it to Heavenly Father.

Heavenly Father took the scepter and felt it for a while, then frowned and said: "It's just one character, which is too far away from the complete equation of life. It is almost useless except for the lowest function of controlling human emotions."

"You also said that it only has one character. According to my calculations, it takes about twenty characters to make a qualitative change.

However, with this section of characters, your efficiency when searching for other life characters or equations can be increased more than a hundred times. "Hyat said excitedly.

"Very good!" Heavenly Father's heart moved, and a space door the size of a washbasin appeared in front of him.

Through the space door, you can see another Heavenly Father and Metron sitting on the chair opposite.

The Heavenly Father's body on the Creation Star tossed it casually, and the scepter fell into the hands of the Heavenly Father's clone on the edge of the Origin Wall.

The space door trembled slightly and then closed suddenly.

Heavenly Father turned back with satisfaction and asked: "Olian, what's the matter with you coming to me in such a hurry?"

"Your 'Earth Battlefield Plan' has been exposed." Orion said excitedly.

Heavenly Father's pupils shrank, "How could it be exposed? Only a few New Gods know about this matter. I believe that none of you will betray me."

"We didn't reveal it, it was guessed."

"Who?" Heavenly Father's expression changed, "Is it the Witch Harley?"

"That's not true." Orion shook his head and said: "She has been hunting sea monsters in the deep sea during this period and has no intention of caring about this matter.

The news seemed to spread from the heavenly realm, from the heavenly realm to the magical world, and then to the heroes of earth. "

"Heaven Realm. Could it be the three goddesses of destiny? Are those old gods also aware of the crisis?" Heavenly Father guessed.

Orion said: "It doesn't matter who it is, what's important is that the news has been spread. What should we do with your plan?"

Heavenly Father shook his head. Who is watching him and predicting him is very important.

Because this crisis is not only related to Darkseid and him, but most of Limbo will also be involved.

The previous Crisis on Infinite Earths was just the prologue, what comes next.

"In the rumors, does it say how I can use the earth as a battlefield?"

"The rumors are very vague and don't specify what you will do."

Heavenly Father smiled, "Of course the supreme existence cannot be completely predicted, and the three goddesses of destiny cannot pay the price. Ignore them, I will continue to search for the equation of life, and you will continue to slowly affect the earth."

"How should I explain to the heroes of Earth?" Orion said hesitantly: "They are all upright and noble people, and I don't want to lie to them.

Or should I tell them that the equation of life can make the earth a better place? "

"No, at least not yet. Before I get the complete equation of life, don't create extraneous problems." Heavenly Father said seriously.

Orion was a little hesitant, but he agreed simply.

Midnight, Cleveland, USA.

This city is like the tooth sockets of ten-year-old betel nut lovers. The old buildings are like crooked and rotten teeth. The streets between the buildings are like teeth gaps that hide dirt and evil. The people in the city are like mouths. bacteria in it.

The spring is cold, and the cold wind is like a ghost, whistling softly through a dilapidated and dark alley, like an expired burger in the stomach, sliding uncontrollably in the intestines.

"Crash-" Seven or eight newspapers flew up from the ground, literally dancing like white ghosts, making the well-dressed man in a trench coat swallow nervously.

He was in his early forties, with neatly combed back hair, clean shaven, no dirt on his clothes, and he was very fashionable and tasteful.

"Brother, are we just walking around like this?"

"Otherwise? People like us are not afraid of the dark or being robbed, right?"

Ah Fu, who was leading the way, didn't even look back. He was smoking and walking with his head buried in his head.

"Of course, I believe in the strength of the dark side club, and I believe that no one in Cleveland would dare to mess with you and your guests.

However, in recent years, the number of superheroes has expanded faster than the number of girls.

If we walk openly on the road, won't it attract too much attention? Could he have been targeted? "

As he spoke, the man in the trench coat opened his head and looked around, mainly looking at the roof and windows.

"Haha, are you worried about superheroes?" Afutou Xiaohei laughed with unknown meaning.

"Honestly, in this environment, I'm always worried about Batman suddenly jumping off a house." The man in the trench coat said with a wry smile.

"Man, this is Cleveland and the only hero here is LeBron."

The smile on Xiao Hei's face was half sarcastic and half proud.

"LeBron?" The man in the windbreaker was startled and said in confusion: "Forgive me for being ignorant, there are too many heroes recently. I only know B-level and above B-level heroes on the Puppy Hero Forum."

"You must know him." Xiao Hei kept walking, pointing to a high wall under the dim street light, on which a four-meter-tall strong man was painted with colored paint.

Wearing NBA jersey No. 24, holding a basketball under his arm, his eyes are determined, as if he is "making a decision."

"Oh, it's him." The man in the trench coat suddenly realized, but at the same time, there was some disdain on his face.

Cleveland is indeed the worst city in the United States. Today, when heroes are starting to form groups to share the same city, not even an E-class hero is willing to come here.

Ah Futou Xiaohei stopped at the steel side door of a 20-story building, turned back and looked at the man in the trench coat strangely and said: "Do you think a mere hero can save this city?

Why should we tolerate a bastard who can't save the city and only earns fame and glory for himself? "

"Bang, bang, bang." He slapped the iron door hard.

The man in the trench coat went around his words in his mind twice before he finally understood: There were superheroes in this city, but they were killed before they could grow up.

"Mr. Rossoff from Gotham?" Another older black man appeared on the other side of the door.

"Yes, it's me, the representative of the Gotham Crocodile Gang, Kenny Rossoff."

The man in the trench coat took a step forward, letting the other person see his face.

At the same time, after approaching the iron door, he also found a gray "Ω" mark above the door.

He didn't care at all.

"Crack, click, click -" The iron door was opened. Ah Futou Xiaohei lit a cigarette and stood against the wall by the door, watching puppy videos, without following in.

Passing through a corridor covered in dark yellow lights, the man in the trench coat was led to a spacious reception room.

A burly old woman was sitting on the sofa, with two young men on her left and right, feeding her wine and passing strawberries to her plump lips.

Faintly, you can still hear the exciting music coming from the nightclub in front.

"Hello, I'm Kenny Roosef of the Gotham Gators."

Although he was surprised that the boss of the ‘Dark Side Club’ was an old and strong woman, the man in the trench coat still expressed his 100% respect.

"You can call me 'grandma'." The strong white-haired woman said.

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