I want to have a date with Superman

Chapter 858: Chief Instructor of Millions of Forbidden Forces on Genesis Star

Among the eight divine realms of DC, Harley has already seen heaven, hell, the dream dimension, and the heaven realm, and now she has to add the creation star.

The dream dimension is really a dreamland, and everything that exists is so weird.

Heaven is like a ball of holy light, hell is a cesspit of suffering.

The sky has mountains, water, woods, and beautiful natural scenery, much like the ancient earth.

Creation Star Harley didn't see the whole picture, only her foothold and field of vision at this time. If it weren't for the bright sun above her head, the blue sky, and the white clouds, she would have felt like she had entered a giant spaceship.

Ground streets, squares, and towering buildings are all made of one-piece, all-metal construction, with a strong sense of science fiction. However, the architectural style and clothing all look like ancient Europe.

Well, it's just a third-rate Hollywood movie—a bullshit space opera.

"Great Heavenly Father, may you live in the supreme position forever." Harry first performed the most common chest-stroking bow among gods to Heavenly Father, and then curiously looked at the other person's appearance and aura.

Another white Westerner, with thick legs, a thick waist, and a thick head.

An old man with a dignified appearance, a square head, a big face, and a sturdy build.

However, Harley's first impression was that this guy had a lot of hair.

Not only does he not have the bald spot that is common among Westerners, his face looks like an unkept crop field, with hair like weeds spreading from the top of his head to his face.

Well, the hairline on his forehead is very low, and there is a very dense white beard from the temples to the chin.

"Harley Quinn, I'm glad you made the right choice."

Superman, Bateman, and Aquaman also imitated Harley's greeting etiquette. Heavenly Father laughed and said something that made Harley feel slightly unhappy.

——Giving you the equation of life is the right choice? If I don't give it, am I doing something wrong?

Harry immediately crossed out "compassion" and "humility", two words that represent the brighter side of character, from the "Heavenly Father's Personal Evaluation Scale" and added "conceit" and "arrogance".

He also added a sentence in small print: This new king of gods, like the angels in heaven and the gods in heaven, is an alien with divine power and does not have the detachment and inscrutability of a true god.

Harley said with a smile on her face: "Great Heavenly Father, when I was in Silver City, I often listened to the angels discussing you in awe, saying that you are the embodiment of light and justice and the biggest enemy of the Dark Lord of the Multiverse.

Even if I don't know how to get close to someone like you, I will still have 100% trust and respect.

Therefore, although I had made an appointment with Brother Sandman to hand over Constantine to him for treatment, I immediately changed my mind as soon as I heard that you needed my help. "

"Hahaha, good, very good!" Heavenly Father smiled even more heartily, walked forward a few steps, patted Harley on the shoulder, and said: "Harley Quinn, everyone says you are barbaric, rude, greedy and vicious. . Now I find that they were all wrong. You are a very good girl and I admire you very much."

"No, they are right." Harley shook her head with a serious expression, and said under the astonishment of her heavenly father: "I am not only barbaric and rude, greedy and vicious, but also cunning and vicious, and do all kinds of evil.

However, these characteristics of mine are only aimed at corrupt mages, vicious evil gods, terrifying demons, and all evil and darkness in the multiverse.

In the face of them, I deceived and used all possible means.

Because I firmly believe that being kind to the darkness is equivalent to being cruel to the light.

I don’t treat you any differently, Heavenly Father. This is my normal attitude toward light and justice.

You are the pole of light that balances the darkness, and you are the great ‘god of justice’ who should be trusted by all those who want to protect the light. "

Heavenly Father was stunned for a long time, and sighed with emotion: "If you weren't already the God of War in Heaven, I would have invited you to join the Creation Star."

Superman and Aquaman were stunned, while Batman looked blank.

Orion, Beka and other new gods looked incredible.

"Heavenly Father." Harry paused and asked sincerely: "When I was in heaven, I always called God 'Boss'.

I think you and God are both giants of the light camp. Based on your seniority, I should call you ‘brother’. Isn’t it too rude? "

Superman and Aquaman continued to gape, only their eyes became rounder and their mouths grew larger.

"It's so rude." Some of the new gods with irritable personalities shouted angrily.

"No." Heavenly Father waved his hands to the excited new gods and said with a troubled expression: "Harley, you can call me what you want."

He also felt that being Witch Harley's 'old brother' would give her too much advantage.

She is just a mortal on earth who has been unlucky, less than a fraction of his age, but he is the supreme being of the multiverse and the king of the new gods on the creation planet.

But think about her words again. Even God is her boss. She calls him "brother" according to his seniority. It seems that he has made a lot of money?

Now that he is of the same generation as God, what else could he not be happy with?

You must know that "just" strangers can be equal to him in the Essence Club.

Who is a stranger before God?

"Brother, you said you wanted to invite me to join the Genesis Star, are you serious?" Harley said with a smile.

"Uh, sure."

Heavenly Father suddenly felt very uncomfortable. He seemed to have lost the initiative in the conversation. Not only did the topic turn into her strange train of thought, but his momentum was also weaker. His momentum was not lost, it was just a tie.

He didn't want to admit that his momentum was surpassed by a mortal.

"Harry, Silver City allows you to join other gods? If possible, I am willing to give you a share of divine power."


Although no one spoke at this time, almost everyone was calling this word in their hearts.

Harry waved his hand and said: "After all, I am the God of War in Heaven, so I cannot set a bad example for the angels.

However, brother Ishaya has a kind intention, and it would be too disrespectful for me to reject him. Moreover, my true intention is to fight the dark forces side by side with the New God of Creation Star under the leadership of my brother.

As for me, a god of war in heaven, I can only wield a sword and a gun, so I can be an ‘external instructor’ on the Genesis Star.

You don’t need to give me any real power position, just by virtue of this identity, we can have more contacts and exchanges, improve together in competitions and competitions, and you can call me with you when there is a war. "

The Heavenly Father frowned and thought for a while, the mighty God of War, even the off-brand Arkham God of War, seems to be more than enough to be the leader of the New God Soldiers without any real power.

"Harley, welcome to the New God family! I will give you a mother box later. When you want to come over, just send a message to let you know in advance."

At this point, Heavenly Father really didn't want to talk to her anymore, so he looked directly at Constantine, who was held in the arms of Neptune, and said: "The character of life is in his body?"

"Well, this friend of mine is a master of magic and is using the master's rules to suppress it. When extracting characters, it won't hurt him, right?" Harley asked.

Heavenly Father looked at a sturdy old man in black armor among the New Gods, "Hyat, ensure his safety. After extracting the life character, help cleanse his blood and restore him to health."

The black-armored Hyat nodded to the Heavenly Father and came to pick up Constantine from the King of the Sea.

"Where should I put the life characters that I took out? Brother, will you absorb them into your body?" Harley asked.

If the character is absorbed by him, she will have to reduce the number of times she meets him in the future, lest the character resonate with her mind again and be noticed by Heavenly Father.

"No, the Life Equation is not meant to be integrated into the body."

Without any surprise, the Life Character was successfully obtained. Heavenly Father was very happy and explained with a smile: "The Life Equation is higher than life itself. No one's body can bear the burden brought by the equation."

"The Anti-Monitor seems to have the equation inside his body." Harley said.

"What does the Counter-Monitor look like you have seen?" Heavenly Father asked.

"It has a metal shell on the outside and looks weird."

Heavenly Father smiled, “Where is the Watcher?”

Harley mused, "The watcher is a white man."

"The Anti-Monitor was originally in human form, and the Anti-Life Equation changed his life pattern." Heavenly Father said.

"If the Anti-Monitor had the Anti-Life Equation, why didn't he use it on us?" Superman wondered.

"Actually, he used it." Heavenly Father said with a complex expression: "I have always wondered why the Anti-Monitor suddenly became so powerful.

Annihilating countless matter universes in an instant, and then converting matter into antimatter energy.

That kind of power exceeds my knowledge of the manager of the universe.

It's a pity that the Anti-Life Equation appeared in the multiverse for the first time. I didn't notice it. I just thought it was destiny. Of course, the fact that the Anti-Monitor got the Anti-Life Equation was not an accident in itself. "

"It's not an accident, who gave it to him?" Harley asked.

Heavenly Father lowered his eyes, shook his head and said: "The highest one can only be destiny.

None of us have discovered the Anti-Life Equation in the Anti-Monitor, with the exception of Darkseid, who is also destiny.

Now that the characters of life appear on the earth and are delivered to me by you, it is still destiny. "

Harley thinks it's nonsense for the Supreme Being to talk about destiny.

But if you think about it carefully, the Supreme already represents the most powerful independent consciousness within the scope of the multiverse. If it can clearly arrange the Supreme, 80% of it is not within the scope of the multiverse.

It is not an exaggeration to say that such an existence is destiny.

Batman frowned. He was not interested in the illusory destiny and asked: "Darkseid will also use the anti-Monitor method to annihilate the material universe?"

Heavenly Father shook his head and said: "I have never seen the complete equation of life. I only guess that it represents a power of manipulation and change, related to life.

It is possible that different people will have different effects when using it.

Or maybe, the final effect is determined by the user's will. "

The few of them chatted for a while, and then the Heavenly Father personally led the people on earth to visit his kingdom.

In order to show the power of the Genesis Star and his own majesty, Heavenly Father took them to the square where the gods were trained and focused on introducing the warriors under his command.

He pointed to the majestic military formation below with the sound of drums and horns, and said proudly: "This is just one of the three hundred training grounds on the Genesis Star. We have hundreds of new gods and millions of new gods warriors. We Able to deal with the invasion of any evil forces."

Superman, Batman, and Aquaman all have solemn expressions.

"Three hundred?" Harley exclaimed, almost drooling.

The New Protoss soldiers below formed a military formation in just half a minute because of the arrival of Heavenly Father. They could easily estimate their number, which was no less than 30,000!

The position of the New God Instructor of Apokolips is simply too promising!

Harry began to fantasize: What would he choose as his tenth defense specialty at level 100?

Oh, by the way, she has to understand the source of the power of the life equation so that she can activate her expertise in a targeted manner.

"Brother, what is the essence of the equation of life?"

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